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Steph stared at the contract in front of her on the table. Alex and his mum had insisted they did it in a court so the contract will be valid. Steph had requested if she could come along with Mia.

She needed someone to be there with her when she was making the decision. She was nervous and scared and even though she wasn't showing it, she still couldn't help it.

"Sign here," Alex's mum said, pointing towards the part of the paper that Steph was required to sign in.

Steph picked up the pen and after a few minutes she signed where she was supposed to.

The documents were passed to Alex who also signed in his part.

"We are done with it now, I think we can conclude that you are married" the official said.

Steph had never thought her wedding would be like this. Rushed and laying for 10months. Steph dreamt of a big hall with plenty flowers, walking down to the alter to her favorite love song, a first dance with her husband to her favorite Ed-sheeran's song.

Dancing with her friends and singing along to all her favorite songs like it's a karaoke. She wanted to throw her bouquet to her friends, giggling when she finds out who got it. She wants to ride away with her husband in a limousine with the title "just married" in front while waving to her family.

She wanted all of that and more. She was getting none of it and even though it hurt her a bit, she didn't want to think too much of it.

Steph stood from where she was sitting and went to meet Mia. Alex and his mum were talking and she wasn't sure what it was about.

"I did it," Steph said, standing in front of Mia.

"Yes, you did it."

"I hope I did the right thing," Steph said. The doubts were starting to creep in and Mia could see it on her face.

"You did what you felt was right and I trust you. It's going to be fine," Mia said, pulling her in for a hug. She knew how important it was to her and she didn't want her to feel like she was alone.

Alex walked towards were Steph and Mia were and had cut in their conversation.

"We should go now," Alex said.

Steph hugged Mia once again before letting go.

"Call me," Mia said, as Steph left to go.

Alex and Mia sat next to each other in the car while the driver drove the car.

"I know you probably don't want this just like I don't too. We are only going to put up a face for the media and act like couples, apart from that you can do anything you want and I can do anything I want to," Alex explained.

"It's fine by me," Steph said. She wasn't looking for anything so she was fine by the rules and they doing anything they wanted to do.

They got to the house they were going to be living in. It was a mansion, the type Steph had only seen in movies. She was in awe but then she remembered he was a millionaire anyways.

"You live here alone?"Steph asked.

"No, I don't. This is actually just one of our houses. I live in the penthouse but mother suggested we both move here because of more space."

"More space!" Steph exclaimed mentally.

She remembered how awefully big the penthouse had also been even though she had got in at night and left very early in the morning.


The driver came to a halt and parked directly in front of the building by the entrance.

The entrance was big. Steph only saw houses like this being used as empires in movies even. She wondered about how many other houses they might have had too.

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now