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"Are you going to tell them," Anna asked, picking the dessert from the oven.

Stephanie did the dressing on the salad. They were getting dinner ready. Steph had explained to Anna all that had happened and she was having trouble deciding whether to tell her parents or not.

"I don't know," Steph said. Picking up the food to take to the dinning area.

Anna always looked up to her sister and even though she never said it always, she loved Steph a lot and would literally do anything for her.

Anna brought the rest of the dishes out and they all sat to eat. Their parents were already sitting and ready to eat.

Each person started to dish the food and the dining was quiet at first until Anna decided to speak.

"I will be going back to school this weekend," Anna said.

"That's great. Remember to get in touch with the professor's I mentioned," Her dad said.

"Yes, I will."

Before anyone could say anything else, Steph summoned the courage to speak. She wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing but she knew she couldn't keep it away from them forever.

"I am pregnant," Steph said.

Her parents suddenly stopped eating and stared at her.

Anna figured that Steph was anxious and nervous. So she held her hands underneath the table, calming her.

"What do you mean you're pregnant?" Her mum said.

"I am mum, I don't know what else to say."

"We did everything right with you, made sure you went to the best schools and you are getting pregnant while not being married!!" Her dad said.

Anna squeezed Steph's hands in hers.

"Who is the father? Do you even know who it is? Because the only thing you do these days is party your days away," her mum said.

Steph couldn't explain how she was feeling. They were doing exactly what she had envisioned and she wasn't surprised.

"I know him."

"Are you two planning on getting married or something."

"No, I just met him," Steph said and at that moment she wished she had not made such statement.

"What do you want our friends to say, our pregnant daughter staying in our house and not married."

"Why do you always have to embarrass us."

Steph couldn't take it anymore. She stood from where she was sitting.

"You know what, I am tired of you two constantly picking on everything that I do. You're always talking about how I am an embarrassment to you and not for once thought about how all these comments were making me feel," Steph said. It was the first time she was standing up to her parents.

"I have always tried my best, through high school and colleges. I always just wanted to make you proud but it was never good enough for either of you. This time when the thing I need the most is to be surrounded by people who claim to love me and this is what I get."

Anna felt sorry for her sister but she was proud of her. For standing up for herself.

"You know what, I am going to leave now and maybe that way I won't be such an embarrassment," Steph said, walking out and into the bedroom.

Her parents just watched her leave and did nothing.

"Mum!! Dad!! Don't let her do this" Anna exclaimed. But she saw that they were not going to do anything so she ran after Steph.

She walked into Steph's room and saw her packing her clothes in a box.

"Don't go, don't leave me here," Anna said, moving closer to Steph.

"I have to, it's probably time now. I have been dragging going before and now the opportunity is here."

"Where are you going to go now?" Anna asked.

"I told you I have been checking out houses. Made a call about one recently but I will just have to stay with Mia before I move in," Steph explained.

Steph closed the box of clothes after she was done packing. Brought the box down from the bed and Anna pulled her in for a long hug.

"I will miss you around here," Anna said.

"Anytime you get back from college, you can always come visit."

"I will."

Steph rolled her boxes out and till she left, her parents didn't say anything.

She called an Uber and got to Mia's place. But she was always skeptical to stay there because of her roommate whom she thought was kind of psycho.

"What happened," Mia asked after she had opened the door for Steph.

"I left, I couldn't take it anymore," Steph said, picking her box in.

Mia took the box to her room and then Steph sat on the bed with Mia sitting next to her.

A tear slipped down Steph's cheeks and as Mia saw it she pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey, no tears now," she said as she consoled her and patted her back like a baby.

"I think it's the baby, it's not me," Steph said as the tears became even more.

"Steph, you know you crying is going to make me cry too."

After a while, Steph wiped her tears and let go from the hug.

"I can't do this alone, I can't," Steph said and Mia wondered what she was talking about.

"What are you talking about, I am always here if you need me."

"I know you are and I am grateful for that."

"Don't tell me it's what I am thinking Steph."

"It's not such a bad idea, I am going to be fine."


"Nothing bad is going to happen."

"They said they will take your baby after."

"I will have to negotiate that but you have to trust me on this. I want to do this."

Even though Mia wasn't 100% sure that she was doing te right thing, she didn't want Steph to feel like she didn't trust her enough to make a decision.

"I trust you but I don't trust them. We don't even know them, you know how rich people can be."

"Just let me handle this," Steph said

Mia figured Steph had made up her mind and there was nothing that could change it. She decided to just support her regardless.

Steph brought out the card that Alex had given her. She copied the number from the card to her phone and dialed it.

"I accept the contract but on one condition," She said.

"What condition," he asked

"I will decide what happens to my baby after," she said.

"Alright, that's fine."

Steph ended the call, hoping what she had done was a good idea.

"Are you sure about this?" Mia asked. Steph didn't want her to know that she wasn't sure. She needed to put on a brave front unless Mia would disagree with her.

"I am," she responded.

Mia pulled her in a hug. "You know I will always be here for you regardless."

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now