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Steph got ready for her first day to visit the hospital. She hadn't had time in a while and had been postponing going for the scan. Although that's what she tells herself, she was just really anxious. Anything that concerned the baby, she always didn't know how to act.

Steph sat at the dining table and the chef served her toasts.
"Has he gone to work?" Steph said, turning to face Lucy who was sitting opposite her.

She had made it a tradition to eat with Lucy and even Lucy was starting to get used to it.

"I think he leaves in a few," Lucy replied.

Steph never knew how his schedule was like. They never really talked about what either of them did and they were living their separate lives in the same house.

"Alright, thank you."

Steph never really asked if Alex was going to eat with them anymore. She had initially tried but he had refused twice saying he was more comfortable eating in his room.

Alex came down few minutes after and as then he walked out towards them.

"Good morning," Steph said when Alex approached them.

"Good morning," he replied.

"Will you join us to eat breakfast today?" Steph asked. Knowing what his response would be, she had asked regardless.

"I don't think I will be able to do that," he responded. Picking up his bag and about to head out.

"I am going to the doctor today. It's the first scan," Steph finally said. She had initially contemplated telling him at first because she wasn't sure what his response might be to it.

Steph hated asking for help and when she did ask for it, she hated when she got No has an answer. So for what she was asking Alex she hoped it wasn't going to be a No. it was his child too after all.

"I have work. I can't go with you," Alex said, picking his bag and ready to leave.

"It's probably only going to be a few minutes. You should go with her," Lucy said.

"Maybe next time. I can't today," Alex said, picking up his phone to leave.

Steph wasn't surprised but she had expected more from him.

"I will go myself, I will be fine," Steph said to Lucy after Alex had stepped out.

"I can go with you if you would want," Lucy offered.

"I will be fine," Steph said, with a smile. "I should probably go to get ready now"

Steph didn't finish the food she had been eating. She had suddenly lost appetite for it.

Steph decided to go to the hospital where Oliver worked. Except from the fact that it was one of the best in the city, she felt it was going to be a chance for her to see Oliver.

Steph and the driver arrived at the hospital several minutes later. Mia had also called and offered to go with her but she had also declined. She felt Mia was doing too much already and didn't want her doing even more.

Steph got to the hospital and walked over to the reception. A nurse was there to answer her questions.

"Hello, I am here to register for my antenatal," Steph explained.

"Here, fill this," the nurse said, handing over a piece of paper to Steph.

"Thank you."

"You can sit with the others there."

Steph looked in the direction of where she was to sit and there were other women like her there. Pregnant.

Some looked like they were almost term and some others had a belly just like her. Steph felt a little bit of comfort knowing they were all going through something similar.

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