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Steph stood in front of her mirror staring at the jeans she was putting on which was so tight, she couldn't zip it.

Steph cupped her belly with her hand. It was beginning to grow and it was already really showing that she was pregnant.

Steph pulled off the trousers and went towards her closet to look for something more suitable and comfortable. She didn't want to be looking like she was wearing something that wasn't her size.

Steph looked through her closet but found nothing. She always mostly wore pants and sometimes gowns. She had no maternity gown and she had been hoping to go shopping for it today with her sister.

Steph sighted a gown by the side of her closet. She pulled it out. The gown had flower patterns all around and she had even forgotten that she ever had it. She remembered she and Mia had bought it impulsively one day they went to the beach.

She put the gown on and went to the mirror to see how she was looking. The gown was fit and made her tummy quiet invisible too.

Steph picked up her bag and headed out towards the car. She was meeting up with her sister in the mall and was hoping to get there on time because she also had to go for one of Georgia's classes that same day.

Steph hadn't seen Alex around that day. She had been looking out to see him but she hadn't and she was also wondering why she was so interested in seeing him.

Steph got to the mall after several minutes. The driver had took her and she had called her sister, Anna to meet her up at the food court.

Steph got to the food court and while she waited for her sister. She decided to get a doughnut. She knew Anna was going to be late, her sister wasn't one to keep to time and she knew that.

Steph hated that about her sister but she had gotten so used to it now that she barely ever complains.

"I am so sorry I am late," Anna mumbled, as she walked rapidly towards where Steph was staying at.

"You're always late," Steph said, taking a bite of the doughnut in her hands.

"I am sorry sissy," Anna said, side hugging her sister.

"I have missed you so much," Anna said, as they both walked into the mall.

"I have missed you a lot too."

"So, what store are we going to first," Anna asked.

"Is it Givenchy, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, or which one of the luxury brands."

Steph turned to her sister and rolled her eyes at her.

"I mean, you can afford to buy anything you literarily want. Your husband is a billionaire."

"It doesn't mean. I don't want him thinking I am a gold digger or something and it's only for a while."

"Exactly Steph, it's only for a while. You really should enjoy what you can, while you can."

"Anna, when will you change!" Steph said and they both burst into laughter.

They walked into a store which sold all things expecting mothers could need.

Steph scanned around the shop with her eye. She smiled noticing there were so many things she could choose from and a variety of different items.

"This place is amazing,"

"Yes, it is." Anna agreed.

"You should start trying them on," Anna said and Steph walked over to where the clothes were hung and picked a few pieces.

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