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"They are here" Frank said after he walked into Alex's office.

The toyota company had come today to finalize the contract. Alex was both excited and nervous, they could change their mind if they didn't find the terms comfortable and also, if they finalized it, it was going to be a big responsibility on them.

It was the second big company that was coming to him in just less than 6 months. He was proud of himself and knew that even if it didn't work out, he was glad they saw him worthy of being considered.

Alex stood from where he was sitting and walked with Frank to the conference room. Alex met the rest of the dawn's company members as he walked in.

He sat opposite them, waiting for them to speak up first.

"We have made a decision."

"We will finalize the contract today and we are looking forward to a great partnership with you."

Alex excitedly stretched his hands out as he shook the other C.E.O.

He was too excited and his long term dream was finally sealed.

They both signed the papers and shook again before the left.

After the people from the company had left. Alex called on Frank.

"Tell the guys, we are partying tonight," he said excitedly as he and Frank hugged.

Steph sat outside near the pool, with her legs inside the pool. The pool had suddenly become her comfort place and she found the most peace there was she was at home.

Her sketch pad was with her as she went through the designs her boss had rejected. She also knew they weren't her best designs and she had done much better. But she had no idea in her head and it was really getting to her.

She brought out her pen, wanting to start sketching anything that comes to her head.

"Stephanie," Lucy called and Steph turned to look in her direction as she walked through the door which led to the pool.

"You're excited," Steph said. Seeing the overly excited Lucy walk towards her.

"Alex called."

"What happened."

"They finalized the contract," She said and Steph couldn't help but smile too.

She was excited for him, even though it was sure they were going to sign it. She knew how worried he was about it. This was his second big win in the year and she knew how excited he was.

Steph stood out from the pool where she was.

"I am really happy for him."

"I want to do something for him. I just feel like he deserves it," Steph said.

She wasn't sure yet what it was that she wanted to do but she felt the urge to do something nice for him.

She knew he probably had all the money in the world to buy anything he wanted so she didn't want to buy him anything.

She wanted to do something he would appreciate, something nice. She knew anything she did would be a surprise because he wouldn't expect it.

She looked forward to how he would react and that made her smile.

"What will you do?" Lucy asked.

"I want to think about it."

"I am sure he would appreciate it," Lucy said.

Steph passed by the kitchen as she was going back upstairs and suddenly what she could do came to mind. She decided to cook dinner for everyone and make it like a feast. A day off for the chef and make delicious homemade food, cookies and everything you could think of.

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now