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Steph packed up her stuffs from the office after she was done. She was leaving quiet early today because she had to meet up with Mia at the bar. She had made just a little progress in her designs and felt maybe a little night out would help.

The states from her co-workers had reduced. Only a few side talks and murmuring. She didn't seem to care anymore and was starting to get used to it.

She however never went on social media again to check what people were saying, she realized it was causing more harm than good.

The driver packed just outside the bar. Steph had initially thought to convince him to go home but he was going to insist to stay so she didn't bother.

She walked into the bar and immediately sighted Mia where they always sat. She waved at her and smiled eagerly going to meet her.

Mia pulled her in for a hug after she got to where she was.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in forever," Mia said and Steph laughed.

"You saw me just last week."

"I have missed you."

Steph sat on the seat next to Mia.

"Hey steph, what should I get you?" Mark asked.

"Anything without alcohol would be fine."

"I am going to have to start getting used to this new Steph," Mark said and they all laughed.

"Now, tell me everything. Every single detail," Mia said.

"Is he going to be waiting all night?" Mia asked turning in the direction of Steph's driver.

"Yes, I guess."

"Have you heard anything from Oliver by the way?" Steph asked.

"No, I haven't really. Saw him earlier in the week here though."

"I haven't spoken to him since the other day."

"He is probably just busy, you know how his work can be."

"Yes, I guess but I thought he was going to call after finding out about the interview."

"He probably will."

"I sent him a text. He hasn't replied yet," Steph said, still concerned about why she hadn't heard from Oliver.

"It's probably just work," Mia assured.

"So, how is life over there?" Mia asked, still so excited to hear the gist.

"It's alright."

"I don't want alright, I want the full details."

Steph smiled knowing how persistent Mia could be when she wanted something.

"How is Alex and how are you two coping with living together?" She asked.

"I rearly ever see him. He is out before I wake up and sometimes he is in before I get back. He also doesn't eat down in the dinning. So, we don't get to do so much together."

"The house is really big though. You should come over sometime. His mum is a little strict, my encounter with the woman had me shivering," Steph said and Mia laughed.

"You will be fine," She said.

"Apart from that, everything is fine."

After a while, Mia spoke about what had always been on her mind that she had avoided saying.

"What if you two end up falling in love?"

Steph laughed "how is that going to happen. It's not possible."

"It's just hypothetical. Never say never."

"It can't happen. We are two different people. He isn't really my type and I am probably not his type."

Mia rolled her eyes "but you ended up in his bed the other night."

Steph smiled. "It was just one night. A silly mistake."

"You both probably saw something in each other that night," Mia said.

Steph laughed. "Stop enforcing this narrative Mia, nothing is going to happen between us. After 10months, we are officially on our own."

"If you say so."

"What's up with you and Mark by the way," Steph asked then Mark came by to drop Steph's drinks

"Thank you," Steph said with a smile.

"I don't know," Mia said, watching Mark with so much admiration has he walked away.

"What don't you know?"

"He likes you a lot and you do too. What is the issue?"

"His divorce, what if he still likes her, he has a kid with her. What if they want to get back together because of the kid? Will I be the one preventing a child from having a complete family?"

"Mia, where are you getting all these from. The divorce has been more than a year now. He told us how they grew apart and are on good terms. Why are you overthinking all of it."

"I don't know, it's just how I feel."

"You have to open up your heart to love Mia. You can't always be scared of what's going to happen next or what might happen. You deserve to be loved to in the most amazing way because you are an amazing person yourself," Steph said.

Mia smiled "thanks Steph."

"Now, stop holding back and get the man of your dreams."

"I see the way he looks at you with such admiration," Steph said smiling. "He really wants you."

"Love can be scary, if you have had your heart broken so many times," Mia explained.

Steph held her hands in hers.

"Yes, I know it can be but one thing about love is if we stop trying, we will never know when the right one comes along."

"I don't want to get heart broken again Steph."

"I have been with you through all those breakups and you have also been with me through mine. I have seen all those guys and I feel this is different. I just know it."

"I will stop holding back," Mia said and Steph smiled.

"How is the baby?" Mia asked.

"Giving me some morning sickness on some days. Some days I am fine while on some, I am overly emotional crying because my favorite animation character is sad," Steph explained and Mia laughed.

"I am trying to soak in all the experience and just enjoy it. Both the good and the bad days."

"You will be fine and all won't matter when you hold your baby in your hands in a few months."

"Still a lot of month ahead though," Steph said and they both laughed.

"Maybe a couple months then," Mia said.

Steph left the bar after having several random conversations with Mia and Mark.

When she was about to step into the car, she noticed a car packed just a few from them and figured it was Alex's.

She decided to go close and say "hello" to him. When Steph was closer to the car, she saw from behind that he was with a girl and they had been making out. She didn't want to disturb them so she turned back and went to her car.

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