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Alex brought out some clothes from his closet. He had been wondering what to wear to the date he had. He brought out two of his polos on his bed.

He picked the two polos and walked downstairs to go and meet Lucy. He always went to her anytime he needed something like that. He had set up a date with a girl and even though he was skeptical about it, he loved to go out and wouldn't miss a chance to.

"Hey Lucy," Alex said, seeing Lucy sitting outside in the varanda.

"Alex," Lucy said facing him. She dropped the knitted sweater she was doing. That was what she loved to do. Most days there was really nothing to do at home and she just spent her time knitting.

"This or this?" Alex asked, putting up the two shirts.

"I can't seem to decide."

Lucy would have actually answered the question like she always does but that day, she had another idea.

"Why not ask Steph. She knows quiet a lot about fashion," Lucy said with a smile.

"I don't know about that," Alex said. He and Steph didn't really talk on most days except from the occasional Hello and hey's.

He was skeptical about asking her about it and didn't know what answer he was going to get.

"She is the designer not me. I am sure she will be glad to help with it."

Alex decided to go and meet her. He went back upstairs and turned in the direction of her room.

He knocked on the door and on the second time she responded, opening the door to let him in.

Alex was the last person Steph was hoping to see in front of her room. He never came there, even though their rooms were on opposite sides, he never did.

"Hey," Steph said, after opening the door to see him.

"Can I come in?" Alex asked and Steph excused herself from the entrance ushering him into the room.

"Lucy said I could get fashion advise from you?"

Steph smiled.

"The great Alex smith needs fashion advise from me?" Steph said sarcastically. Sitting by the edge of the bed.

"She said you work in design."

"Yes, I do."

"So, can you help me?"

"Yes, I can. What do you need?"

Alex showed her the blue shirt and cream colored shirt.

"I can't decide between this two.

"What's it for?"

"A date," Alex responded.

"I think you should go with the blue shirt. It brings out your eye."

"Thank you."

Alex was about to leave when Steph said what had been on her mind.

"So, you go on dates?"

"I would not call them dates really. I just go out with girls and have fun."

"Why are you this way?" Steph asked with a smile.

She couldn't understand why someone lived his life so carefree like that.

"Like what?" Alex asked with a smirk on his face.

"Like a playboy," she said.

"I wouldn't call it that. It's not my fault the girls love me."

Steph smiled thinking about how ridiculous his answer sounded like.

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