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Steph looked down through her balcony has she watched Alex work out. She wondered why he didn't use the gym in the house instead but then she was glad she had the view.

She watched has he exercised his biceps and muscles, he was shirtless, making his parks even more visible. He has a nice body" she had thought to herself.

It was the weekend and she had sat holding the book she had just purchased at the mall the other day. It was titled "101 guide to motherhood" and even though she had read almost half of the book, she wasn't getting the point. There was so much talk and she knew it wouldn't be that easy.

She decided to finish the book regardless. She had bought 3 other of such books hoping they would at least prepare her for what is to come.

Steph was scared but she wasn't going to admit it to anyone. She had never been so scared of anything. She was always ever eager to take on challenges and fight them through but this was seeming difficult than it would naturally and that scared her even more.

She wasn't having a lot of morning sickness. Only that she got overly emotional most times.

She heard a knock on her door, wondering who it was.

"Who is it?" She asked, turning to look at the door.

"It's Lucy."

"Come in"

Lucy walked in right after.

"Breakfast is ready," she announced.

"Thank you," Steph said.

"Is it any good?" Lucy asked, looking down at the book on Steph's hands.

"I don't know," Steph smiled. "Maybe a little," She added.

"It will all come together soon enough."

"I am scared," Steph said.

"We all were with our first."

"You have kids of your own?" Steph asked.

"Yes I do, 3."

"That's nice, sit please," Steph said, offering her a seat next to her.

She had started getting closer to Lucy a lot over the last week and Lucy had a very nice personality so it was easy.

They talked about a lot of random things but Steph never asked about Lucy's family or anything related. She didn't want to prey and had hoped one day Lucy would say it when she felt comfortable with her.

"I just don't know if I am ready," Steph said. Closing the book she was reading and placing it next to her.

"I also wasn't sure if I was ready. We are never really ready for big changes like this in our lives."

"So, do we just go with the flow," Steph asked. "I don't like to go with the flow. I like things planned out."

Lucy smiled

"When I realized I was pregnant with my first child. I and my husband had just gotten married and we had nothing. Not even a good place to stay. I was scared, extremely and didn't know if I wanted to go through with it. My husband assured me that it was going to be fine and even though I knew he was just as scared as I was, he wouldn't show it and would always calm me. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and our baby boy was here."

"My husband did everything he could to make sure we were okay. He worked two jobs and took extra shifts because he promised me he was never going to let me suffer. We raised a beautiful baby boy and on some days, being a mother is hard and it's like you have no idea what you are doing and on other days, it's the most rewarding job you could ever think of."

"Your husband sounds like an amazing man," Steph said with a smile but then immediately noticed the tinge of sadness on Lucy's bright face.

"Yes, he really was amazing," She said.


"Yes, he passed away a couple years ago."

"I am really sorry about that and you don't have to talk about any of it if you don't want to."

"Thank you, it's fine."

"How are your kids now? Do you still see them?" Steph asked and immediately she wished she didn't.

She had started feeling like she was prying in her life and didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"I wish I did."

"What do you mean by that?" Steph asked.

"I started working with the smith's a long time ago and while my husband was still alive, I went home almost every weekend or even during the week. It is about 5 hours by train from here but I didn't mind. I always loved going home."

Steph could already sense the sadness in Lucy's tone. She seemed like such a nice mother, what could have happened" she thought.

"What happened then?"

"After my husband passed. My kids moved in with my mum and I reduced my visits from going every other week to once a month and sometimes I went months without seeing them."

"Why? What happened?"

"I hated going home. It reminded me so much of my husband that I found solace away from home. I called my mum every now and then to check up on them but I never really went home again. I knew they were fine with her. I hoped and wished I would heal and I knew with time it was going to happen but when it happened, so much time had passed. They were all so grown and had lives that didn't include me in it."

Steph felt sorry and sad for Lucy. She couldn't have thought that such a nice and wonderful woman would have such issues. She wore a smile everytime and never seemed like she had even a tiny problem.

"Did you ever reach out?" Steph asked.

"I was scared to, so I only always asked my mum how they were doing. I am not sure if they would ever want to see me again."

"You can't say that unless you try."

"Tony, my first child is getting married later this year. I wish I could go but I am scared that he wouldn't want me there."

"You have to attend and go home. You have been scared for way too long and if you keep holding back, you wouldn't know what's on the other side of it," Steph said. She always wished she could give herself the advise she gave people.

She was always so good with giving advise but when it came to her, she always didn't know what to do.

"What if he tells me to leave?"

"What if he doesn't, what if he has been waiting all his life for you to come back to them. You never can tell."

"My parents feel I am the worst thing that happened to them. All my life I have felt like I didn't belong in my own house. They always compared me to whoever and always made it know that I was an embarrassment but if my parents call today and apologize to me, I would probably be the happiest on earth."

"I am sorry about what you had to go through."

"It's always been my life. Had to get used to it."

"All I am trying to say is you never can tell and what might happen might just be the opposite of all you have been thinking."

"Thanks a lot for this Steph. I have never been able to talk about this with anyone."

"You're welcome and thank you too for making me feel a little bit more confident about motherhood," Steph said with a smile.

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