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Steph sat in the living room watching her favourite tv show. She had been under the whether this morning and had called in sock to work.

She munched on her popcorn, enjoying rewatching Friends for the 100th time. She stopped counting after the 10th time. Steph loved the show and everytime she had Mia would Argue about which sitcom is the best.

While Mia always chose Big bang theory, Steph always told her Friends was the greatest Tv show of all time.

Steph was feeling much better. She had been on the coach all day and even though Lucy had kept her company for a while. She had gone up to take a nap.

Alex walked in and went towards the living room. It was almost 7pm and Steph had no idea how much time had passed.

Steph heard footsteps get closer to where she was in the living room. She had initially though it was Lucy or the chef because Alex was never home that early.

He was either at work, at a bar partying with his friends or with some girl.

Steph looked to the side and saw Alex.

"You're home early?" She said.

"Left the bar early."

"Why?" Steph asked.

"It's this girl I met there, she spoilt my mood."

"What did she do?" Steph asked wondering what might have happened.

"She didn't want to come home with me. I mean, who wouldn't want to come home with me," Alex said.

Steph could see how much his ego had been tampered with. Steph always wondered why he was that way.

Steph smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Alex asked.

"Because it seems like it's the first time you're getting a rejection. You know, not every girl wants to sleep with you."

"Why wouldn't she want to?"

"Maybe you're not her kind of man."

"What do you mean by that. I have everything any girl could wish for. I have the money, the style, the face. Everything."

Steph watched has he praised himself. She wasn't new to it and had started getting used to it.

"Maybe she wants more."

"Like what?" Alex asked, suddenly interested in the conversation they were both having.

Steph paused her show and turned to him again.

"Maybe she wants a man who isn't proud, who is kind and nice. Who doesn't think money can buy everyone. Maybe she wants someone who actually loves her for her and not because he just wants to massage his ego by sleeping with her."

"Maybe she wants someone who would treat her like a queen. A man who isn't afraid to love her like she deserves," Steph added.

Steph realized that all she was saying was starting to sound personal and so she stops.

"I don't want to believe there isn't a woman that doesn't like money being spent on them. That doesn't like the luxury lifestyle," Alex said.

"Yes, we do love when our man spoils us but we want all the things I mentioned more. They are more important."

"Is that also what you want in a man?" Alex asked and Steph was caught unawares by the question. She didn't know whether to answer or not.

She kept quiet for a while before speaking.

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