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Steph felt a sudden ray of light on her face, causing her to squint her eyes but she didn't open it. Rather she turned to the other her face to the other side of the bed, pulling her duvet to cover her already exposed self.

She suddenly felt her duvet removed from her body. She wondered what was going on and stood to sit up, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"It's time," The voice said. Steph managed to open her eyes to see who it was that was talking to her.

"Time for what?" She said, in a sleepy tone.

She finally opened her eyes and saw a lady standing in front of her bed. She wondered who it was.

"Who are you?" She asked, curiously.

"I am lols, I was sent here to get you ready for the interview," She explained.

"What interview?" Steph asked curiously. She thought about if Alex had mentioned it to her but she couldn't recall.

"It starts in 30 minutes, you should get in the bath now. We will get your clothes ready."

Steph figured there wasn't so much time to keep asking questions and that she rather just followed the instructions.

She went into the bath and took a quick shower. When she stepped out of the bath, there were two other people other than lola standing in her room. She didn't feel comfortable.

"Why are you all here?" Steph asked, wrapping her hands around her bath robe.

"This is Gina, she will be in charge of your hair and that's Betty, she will be in charge of your make-up," Lola explained.

"Do I really need all of this?" Steph asked curiously.

"Yes, you do. Now, please have a sit so we can get to work."

Steph obliged, she knew there was nothing she could say that would make them go away and Lola didn't seem as friendly too."

She sat and in a few minutes Gina was done with her hair. Betty started her make-up almost immediately.

"I want something subtle please," Steph said to Betty. She hated to have heavy make-up on. She felt it almost made her look like a clown and she didn't like it.

"That's fine," Betty said.

Betty applied a little foundation, powder, blush and finished with a nude lipstick. Steph was pleased with the look and it complimented the high bun that Gina had kept her hair in.

"Here is what you will be wearing," Lola said, handing over a purple colored gown to Steph. She also gave Steph a black cut heels to compliment it.

Steph got in the dress and heels and in a few minutes she was done.

"It's starting in 5, you should come out now," Lola informed.

Steph stepped out of her room and walked down the stairs to go to the living room. She noticed the whole place was set up and there were cameras, lights everywhere.

"We have been waiting for you," Alex said, meeting Steph at the end of the stairs. He was dressed in a black tuxedo.

"What interview is this?" Steph asked.

"I thought I mentioned it to you already," Alex said, thinking about if he had probably forgotten to pass the message to Steph.

"It's not something difficult. We just need to tell the people that we got married. Like an official announcement. We are going to act like a couple, hold hands and all, smile. Just the normal stuffs."

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