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Steph followed him as he walked on. She didn't understand his reaction. She was irritated by it and wanted to find out why he would treat her that way.

"Hey, you can't just walk out on me," Steph said, panting trying to catch up with Alex, who was walking extremely fast. It was evident that he worked out and she didn't.

He didn't stop or slow down and just kept on walking until he reached his office and got in. Steph was about to enter when Alex's assistant stopped her.

"You can't go in," he said, using his body as a barricade on the door.

"I need to go in," Steph insisted.

"Let her in," Alex said. Knowing that Steph was going to back down anytime soon. He hated that she was starting to create a scene.

Steph walked into the office space. Alex was sitting on his executive chair and she stood in front of him like a client.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"What do you mean by that? Didn't you hear what I said to you downstairs? I am pregnant!"

"Many girls have walked through this same door, claiming what you are claiming right now and they all end up being lies," Alex said.

He moved forward on his chair, placing his hands on the table infront of him.

"Why should I believe you are different from them?"

Steph hated the situation that she had gotten herself into. She wouldn't have in a million years think someone would talk to her the way Alex was talking to her. She hated that he was rude, at that moment she wished her baby belonged to anyone else but him.

"So, you think I am lieing?" Steph asked, furiously.

"You all do, you're the same," he said.

"And why would I come all the way here just to lie to you."

"I wouldn't have an answer for that. You tell me?"

Steph was already getting so irritated but his lack of concern. She thought to just leave and face the consequences herself. She had Mia and her sister, she knew she was going to be fine. She didn't want to stay an extra second being insulted by Alex.

"Is it money you want?" Alex said, bringing out his cheque book and about to scribble a price on it.

Steph moved closer to the table, placed her hands on the table and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Let me tell you something, since you think everybody that walks in here wants a taste of your wealth. I am Stephanie Scott, graduated best of my class in fashion school,work in one of the biggest fashion firms in the town, recently got promoted and I have my own money, incase you're wondering. I don't go about begging people for money and faking pregnancies. I grew up better than that," Stephanie said.

She wasn't sure if what she said made any sense. She knew she wasn't even quarter as rich as Alex but she just wanted to make a point, telling him that she wasn't just some low life going about asking people for money.

Alex stared at her, he knew she had guts and loved that she spoke up. He still doesn't believe her but he was starting to think of a possibility. His memory was hazy from the night before and he was trying his best to think it through.

"Incase you were wondering how we met, it was at a bar a couple weeks ago, we went to your place together and I had slept over. You talked to me about you celebrating something the other night," Stephanie said, trying to remember as much as she could from the night.

"I didn't mean to come here and cause a scene and I know you're probably surprised, I was too. I wouldn't have come here but my friend said you had to know," Stephanie added.

She was tired of arguing with him. She didn't care what decision he made but she just wanted to tell him and be done with it.

"I just want to let you know that I decided to keep the baby and that's it," Stephanie said, picked up her purse and walked out of the office.

Alex watched as she walked out. He was starting to believe that she was actually telling the truth. It scared him and several thoughts clouded his head. He wasn't ready to be a father or anything like that.

"Who was that?" Alex looked up from the table to see his mother.

"A girl I met a couple weeks ago," Alex said. He wasn't sure what part of the story to tell his mum. He knew she was going to freak out but she was the only one he had.

"What was she here for?" She asked.

Alex stayed quiet for a while.

"She said she is pregnant," Alex said and just like Alex's initial response. His mum didn't also say anything about it. They had experienced several girls claiming similar things.

"I believe her," Alex said.

"What!!, how did you make such mistake," his mum said.

"I was tipsy, I was excited about the new contract and just went to have fun," Alex said, memories of the night were becoming more vivid to him.

"This is a crucial time, we have not even officially signed the contract and the media will do anything to bring us down now."

"I know mum, I know all this!"

"We can't let anything spoil all we have been working towards forever."

"What if she goes to the media, grants just one upcoming journalist an interview and we are done!!"

"I am confused too, I don't know what to do and she said she is keeping the baby,"

"I think I have an idea," his mum said after a while.

"You have to get married to her," she added.

"What!!" Alex exclaimed. Not in a million years would he have thought that he would be getting married soon. Marriage had never crossed his mind, he never even thought of it and had never been in his plans.

"I can't do that," Alex added.

"That's the only choice we have now. We don't know what the girl is up to."

"That's a lot, marriage isn't something I even think about."

"It's more like a contract," his mum said.

"What do you mean," Alex asked.

"You will only be getting married to her for 10months till she delivers the baby and then she also has to agree to keep the baby with you after 10months is over."

"I don't think she will agree to that, she isn't getting anything out of it. She won't."

"You never know until you ask. We give her everything she wants and the best care during the pregnancy and we will provide the best for the child too."

"Why do we need to take the child from her after?" Alex asked, concerned.

"This baby could be the heir to the dawn's empire."

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now