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"I know the place might be a little too much with everyone talking about cars and if you ever get bored just let me know," Alex said, holding hands with Steph as they walked into the party.

It was a cocktail and As they both stepped into the hall, Steph was glad that she had decided to put on the purple gown she had on. It was on theme and very beautiful too.

"I will be fine," Steph said, with a smile.

Alex didn't let go of Steph's hands, as they both walked towards some people at the party.

"Let me introduce you to some of my colleagues here," Alex said as they both walked on.

"Alex!!" A Middle Ages woman said, pulling him in for a hug. Steph figured they seemed very familiar and wondered who she was.

"This is Mary, one of the highest share holders in the company and the brain behind some of our best designs," Alex said and Mary smiled.

"He is the brain, always being too polite!"

Alex smiled. "This is Steph."

"Ohh, you're the Steph," Mary said and Steph smiled and was about to stretch out her hands when Mary pulled her in for a hug. Steph smiled.

Steph wondered how she knew her. Did Alex talk to her about her," Steph thought. Did he tell her everything about the contract or did he just say she was his wife? Steph had so many questions in her head.

Mary released her from her hug.

"I love your dress," Steph complimented. She had always know that to be a way to get to know people more. By commenting on the little details about them.

"Thank you darling."

"You're really pretty," She added and Steph smiled. She was so nice and friendly. Steph would have expected something else from someone of the status.

She looked down at her baby bump.

"How is the baby doing also?" She asked and Steph's eyes also went down.

"Very well," she said, with a smile.

"This is Fred and tony," Alex said, introducing Steph to the other two people, staying by the table.

Steph gave a smile.

"So Steph we were arguing about something before you came in, which would you prefer, a Lamborghini or Ferrari? and why?" Mary asked.

"I don't think Steph...." Alex was about to talk when Steph interrupted.

"I would choose a Lamborghini if it's just for the fun of it. One would really enjoy it. I am not saying the Ferrari is a bad one, it is one of the most phenomenal cars. And if I would chose based on looks, I would choose the ferrari," Steph explained and Alex looked at her amazed. He never would have guessed that she would know much about cars. They never really talked about it and maybe because they never talked about a lot of things.

"It feels poised and powerful whilst instilling a sense of confidence in the driver that you're completely in control.
The Lamborghini on the other hand has a raw visceral power that can't be matched. Just following another car at 40mph the Lamborghini engine emits a wonderful primal soundtrack of grunts, growls and barks. It's like the car is alive."

"That's a really amazing analogy. Never heard someone speak this way about cars. I am impressed," Mary said with a smile.

Steph smiled back. She knew the person that was more surprised was Alex and she could see it in the way he looked at her.

"We should get drinks," Alex said and held Steph's hand to go.

"It was really nice meeting you Steph. We should sit and talk sometime."

"Same here," Steph said before walking away with Alex.

"I didn't know you knew about cars," Alex said as they both walked on.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me," Steph said, with a smile.

"That's interesting."

Alex picked a glass of wine for himself and went to get a glass of juice for Steph.

He got back

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now