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Steph woke up quiet early in the morning the next day. She had trouble sleeping and had woken up several times at night.

She had also thrown up a bit at night but was feeling much better in the morning. She had thought she wasn't going to go to work the next day but she felt better.

She went into the bathroom and had a quick shower. She put on her black pants and nude shirt. Packing her hair behind and holding it with a hair packer.

She applied a little powder, used a little lip gloss and was ready to go.

She came out of her room and saw a girl coming out of Alex's room. She figured it was probably the same girl she met the night before.

The girl was wearing the same clothes she had seen on her the night before. A short brown dress. Her hair looked messy and it was evident that she didn't do any combing in the morning.

"Hey," She said to Steph before going down the stairs.

"Good morning," Steph replied.

Steph went down behind her and watched her open the main door to leave. Steph wondered if the girls knew she and Alex were married or if they did but didn't just care.

They wouldn't mind being Alex's mistress regardless but Steph wondered what Alex must have said to them.

She went towards the dinning area and had her sit. The chef brought out breakfast and she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

She figured it was Alex and he was probably going to work.

"Hey," Steph said after Alex got down to where she was.

"Morning," Alex said, dropping his bag on the table.

"Seems like you had a good night," Steph said, in a sarcastic manner. She wanted to hear him talk about it.

"Yes, I did. Was a good one," Alex said with a smile.

Alex took the cup of coffee his chef had made him and gulped it down his throat. He had an early morning and was running late.

"Later," Alex said, picking up his bag and walking out through the day.

"What was that about?" Lucy asked walking into the dinning room.

"Nothing," Steph said, continuing with what she had been eating.

"Seemed like something," Lucy asked, sitting next to the chair where Steph was sitting.

Steph looked in her direction with a smile.

"Was just asking about the girl that spent the night here. Saw her leaving this morning," Steph explained.

"There was someone else here? I had no idea."

"Yes, I guess it's from his date or something."

"Did you talk to him about it?" Lucy asked, wondering why Steph was being so calm about the whole thing.

"What about? It's his house, he is free to do anything he wants in it."

"It's your home too now and he shouldn't disrespect you that way."

Steph smiled.

"This marriage is just a contract and we all know that. It's going to end in about 6 months time."

"But you leave here now."

"I don't think I have the right to tell him what and what he shouldn't do. We both agreed we could live our separate lives regardless."

Lucy still wasn't convinced with all what Steph was saying. She felt she could have said something, done something maybe but Steph was calm, unbothered too.

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now