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Steph scrolled through the cart she had started creating for her baby. They were so many fun and cute baby stuff online and she was enjoying scrolling through. It made her happy and even though her baby bump was bearly noticeable, she was starting to get used to the fact that she was pregnant.

"Here are the files for the new fall collection," Ella said. Bringing Steph back to reality. She dropped her phone on the counter next to her. Picking the folder up.

"Is everything okay? You seem absentminded these days," Ella asked, concerned.

"I am fine," Emma said, with a smile.

"Also, before I forget, they are asking for new designs for the collection," Emma added.

"I will see what I can do," Steph answered.

She checked her phone as Ella walked out of the office. She realized she was almost late for her lunch date with Oliver and Mia. Oliver was off work today and they all decided to meet up.

Steph picked up her phone and her purse and walked out of the office. The restaurant they had agreed to meet up at was just a block away from her office, so she had decided to walk.

When she was only a few meters away from the office, she realized a car was following her. She stopped to make sure she was right and then, the car pulled up next to her.

It was a luxurious car and she was wondering who might have been inside as the window rolled down.

She looked to the side and realized it was Alex.

"Get in," he said but Steph kept on walking.

"Are you following me?" She asked.

"Why would I follow you?" Alex huffed.

"Who knows? Maybe you can tell me," Steph said and Alex smiled, remembering he had said same thing to her at his office the other day.

"I want to talk to you," Alex said.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"It's important," Alex said, Steph was about to Lee walking then she decided to hear him out.

"What's it?"

"Get in first"

Steph got in the car and sat behind where Alex was sitting.

"How do you know where I work?" Steph asked.

"I have my ways," Alex responded.

"What is it you want to talk about?"

"I have a proposal."

Steph thought for a while about what it could be that he wanted to say.

"I want us to sign a contract," he said

"What kind of contract?"

"We are going to get married but it's only going to be for 10months till the baby is born."

"I don't want to get married, that's not why I came to you."

"I know and I don't want it either. My company is having a big break right now and I don't want the media getting anything to divert people's attention from what really matters."

"So, this is about you?"

Alex stayed quiet for a while, he knew she was saying the truth. It was about him anyways.

"There is a clause to the contract though," he said.

"The child will have to live with me after," he added.

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now