Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

“What’s the plan?” Hunter asks

“Still the same we split up, Hunter you’re coming with me and Alicia”

“Angel” Andy protests I know he wants to go with me but he can’t Hunter has a plan and I need to figure out what that is.

“Andy we have to end this”

“Where do we head?”

“In opposite directions until we all meet up”

Andy’s POV

I decide to have a man to man talk with Hunter. I can’t believe Starlet bought the lie of the game it’s the cheesiest one I have heard so far but they will go to any length to get Starlet where they want her.

“If you try anything I will kill you”

“Relax I’ll only do what she wants”

“Of course you will. You would jump off a bridge for her if she asked”

“Because I love Starlet and I respect that she’s your wife but this trip could mean that you will be apart from each other for a long time and her feelings may change”

“No they won’t she love me and I love her”

“You’re so blind she was fast to save me and bring me to her side, she may be in love with you and that’s totally acceptable after all you’re her husband but I think she has a secret crush on me”

Starlet’s POV

I can’t take it anymore Andy and Hunter have been fighting over me for the past ten minutes, not that there is any fight Andy wins hands down.

“What are you two talking about?”

“Nothing, are you ready to go?” Hunter smiles

“Yeah, here take Alicia I want to say goodbye”

Hunter leaves and Andy embraces me in a hug.

“Starlet I love you, I love you so much”

“Andy this is not goodbye I promise we will see each other again but not until I end this”

I nearly cry right there because every word of this is untrue I’m leaving Andy for good so that he can be safe, fall in love all over again , raise our daughter and live a normal life. This is my very last goodbye.

“Be safe”

“Always, I love you” I walk to the door and blow him a kiss he catches it and blows me one back and I catch it also and he smiles. This is the last time I will ever see Andrew Buntly and Ella-Rose ever again, even when I find out the truth I’m not going back. I’m going to fake my own death so that they can be safe as soon as I learn the truth.


We walk for miles until we reach a forest, the temperature has dropped so Hunter has lit a fire to keep us warm and Alicia is fast asleep in my arms.

“So who is the real Hunter?”

“The real Hunter is a guy who inspires to be a doctor some day but unfortunately I was forced into the government”

“You would be a great doctor”


“Goodnight Hunter”

I lay in the grass next to Alicia shivering but I don’t care as long as she is warm.

“Hey sleep beside me”

“I’m fine”

“NO you’re not, you’re freezing come here”

I shake my head there is no way I’m sleeping next to him.

“Starlet get your freezing butt over here now”

I roll my eyes he’s not going to let this go and he has been waiting for this chance to get to touch me. I lift Alicia up and place her beside me and hunter wraps his arms around me.

“Keep your hands to yourself Hunter I am married”

He moves his hands and chuckles

“That’s my girl”

“I’m not your girl”

Andy’s POV

It’s been two days and I finally arrive at my parent’s house I know that Starlet has left me for real but I’m not giving up.

“Andrew” I hear my mum’s annoying voice as she takes Ella from me

“Hey mum”

“Where’s Starlet?”

“I don’t know”

“You mean she is out there alone with that lunatic!”


“Andrew Buntly I thought you would have more sense the BM isn’t going to like this!”

“Yeah well I have never once seen him try and help her, he let Hunter rape her so don’t start talking to me about how he won’t like it!”

“I’m sorry”

“She’s not coming back until this is over”

“I t will be over soon they are running out of options, oh and there’s twenty or so letters for you”

She hands me a pile of letters and I open it.

Dear Agent

We know that you filed for termination of contract but because you’re a valuable asset to the agency and we have to keep you around. Your next mission is in closed within this envelope. You will be expected on the plane on Tuesday, if you don’t show you will be charged with treason and given a prison sentence of five years.

                             Your country thanks you

P.S please burn this after reading

“I have to get on a plane they won’t terminate my contract”

“But you said you got out”

“Apparently I’m too valuable and if I don’t go I could go to prison for five years or more”

“This is ridiculous”

“I know mum but what can I do I can’t go to prison”

Lucas POV

The day I arrived in town was the day I found posters of a baby girl who was stolen from the hospital a few months ago. Now I am sitting here in a motel waiting for the woman named Mia answer.


“Hi is Mia there?”

“This is she, who is this?”

“My name is Lucas I think I have your baby..... eh meet at century motel room 67 in an hour”


“Bring medical records for baby and you”


A little while later Mia arrives and I have everything ready and waiting.

“Hi” I study the woman dark hair and beautiful green eyes like Leah

“Can I see the records?” she nods her head and gives me them

I go to the next room and scan through the records and check information and I look at the pictures of her when she was born and it is Leah we have found her real mother.

I walk back into the room to find Mia nursing Leah.

“She has my eyes”

“Leah is your daughter”

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