chapter 2

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2 weeks later

The journey to Paris was amazing Mark and I spent the whole time cuddling and exchanging small sweet kisses. When the plane landed we were the first ones off and went to find our luggage. I found my purple suitcase straight away, although it took Mark quite some time to find his black duffle bag. Who would have thought that black was the most popular colour of bag in Paris. We eventually find his bag and then we walk outside into the warm air. Mark speaks excellent French so I let him order the taxi and in no time were on our way to the academy.

When we arrive we just stand there staring at the red bricked school that looks like a mansion. It has beautiful white stained glass and red roses growing in the hedges near the entrance. This is it I have made it all my life I have dreamed of going somewhere like this place and to go with my boyfriend it’s a dream come true.

Mark takes my hand and we walk into the massive school together with the taxi man following with our bags. We enter the building it’s really creative and loud there are people running around with instruments and music sheets. We part ways Mark wave’s goodbye and takes his black bag while I go up the stairs heading towards the girl’s dorms. I take my heavy suitcase from the taxi man and make my way up the dozens of stone stairs. I am out of breath when I reach the top so I knock on the door. A black haired girl opens the door and the first thing I notice about her is her vivid green eyes. I drop my suitcase and bags to the floor in exhaustion.

“Hi I am Lynn” she says. I shake her hand trying to make a good first impression I then collapse on the bed.

“I’m Rachel” I reply trying to sound friendly. I just want to lye here and fall asleep nothing else sounds better after climbing a dozen steps. Just as I am about to drift off to sleep there is a knock at the door. Lynn answers it and Mark and a ginger haired boy who I think is Jeremy come in. Jeremy walks straight over to Lynn and kisses her and I thought me and Mark are bad he can’t even let himself through the door until they start making love scenes in the movie. Mark walks over to me and pulls me off the bed.

“Rachel this is my mate Jeremy” he says pointing at the loved up couple. I walk over to Jeremy and shake his hand. I don’t have to introduce myself to him thank God I am not so confident when it comes to talking to people. Mark says it’s my curse that I have the look but I can’t talk to one person. Once a stranger asked me for directions and I completely froze Mark had to answer for me. It’s weird I can stand and sing to an audience but if I had to talk to them well the cleaner would defiantly have more work. 

Mark wraps his arms around me and places a quick kiss on my neck.

“Babe lets go exploring” he says planting more kisses on my neck it’s almost as if he is begging me to go out with him. Without thinking I say “Let’s go” and before I know it Mark is running me down the stairs. I don’t even let on that I am completely out of breath.

We walk into the streets full of life with people dancing and shouting at each other, there is so much to look at and I don’t want to miss anything. We walk until we come to a club called Lire. Mark practically pulls me in and when we enter the club is full of people young and old dancing and having a good time. Mark pulls me over to a clear glass table that aluminates yellow when we sit down. Mark orders the food I have no idea what he has ordered but I trust his choice. The waitress finally brings us our food and I can now see that he ordered steak, chips and drink. We had the whole thing scoffed in minutes and I think that Mark is a little drunk. Why would he order me a drink? He knows that I don’t drink under any circumstances.

Mark finishes his drink then grabs me off my chair and right into the middle of the dance floor. He starts to goof around and I see a side to him that I don’t like. Things calm down when the slow dance begins he starts twirling and spinning me in perfect movements. We were meant to be I don’t care what my dad says. 

There is a man sitting across the bar he meets my eyes and I concentrate on Mark because the guy looks really scary and I bet he is way taller than Mark. He pulls out a phone.

“Boss we have made contact, but we have a problem she is not alone” he says.

“What’s the problem?” the other man who is talking on the other side of the phone asks sarcastically.

“She’s not alone Hunter” he says

“You idiot, take him out of the equation and you have a helpless young girl” Hunter shouts

“Okay Hunt” he replies and shuts his phone over. He then signals to three men sitting at the other side of the bar.

They start to walk over towards the dance floor and that’s when I notice them making a circle around us like a trap. I go to warn Mark but it’s too late. I hear the gunshot in the air and Mark drops to floor with blood staining his shirt. The crowd gathers around me now that they realise what happened. I drop to my knees and press my hand against the blood to try and stop it but it flows even faster. Mark takes my hand and kisses it.

“Rachel run” he says with hardly a breath left in him. He kisses my hand one last time and his heart goes silent no life; no breath upon my neck and no heartbeat Mark’s dead! 


N/A well did you see that comming I know sorry but you will have to keep on reading because this story has so many twists and turns. what do you think is going to happen next and who do you think Hunter is?

please coment and Vote 

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