Chapter 5

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sorry it took me so long to update been so busy trying to get assignment cleared up for Christmas 


Chapter 5

I make my way up the stairs to the third floor of the hotel and I see her, my best friend with her diamond engagement ring glistening in the light. The goon Hunter called Stan is caressing a knife against her throat and I have to clench my fists afraid that I will get her killed.

“I came so let her go” I lock my eyes with Hunter and he smiles at me but it disappears when Will comes within his view.

“I see you brought company”

“Yea I don’t trust you. Now give me Anna-Jane” I watch as Stan starts kissing her neck and putting the knife tighter against her throat you can see a tiny trickle of blood about to form at any minute

“No you come to me first” I should have known that there would be a catch that he wasn’t just going to let me out of his reach, what the hell is so special about me?

“What?” Will grabs my arms so that I can’t move he is so strong it’s like wrestling a crocodile under water no chance unless they get distracted and by the look on Will’s face that’s is not going to happen.

“Rachel, why do you think I took AJ to get you, now come here and I’ll let her go”

Anna-Jane starts squirming and Stan drops the knife and puts his hands around her throat instead but she manages to shout

“Rachel no go now, I’m fine!” Stan squeezes her neck and she lets out a high pitched squeal this is enough to distract Will and I get myself free from his arms and wink at him and he should know what I want him to do.

“Ok I’m coming” I walk towards Hunter and when I reach him he pulls me into his chest and Stan releases Anna. I manage to get one hand free and signal for the two of them to leave and I watch them run down the stairs away from me.

Hunter lightens his grip on me and starts to laugh “So Rachel What’s the plan this time? How will you escape me this time huh?”

“There is no plan” I look down at his black shoes, one thing I have noticed is that he is always dressed in shirts and suits and he really dresses to impress. He takes my arm again and rolls up the sleeve of my pink hoodie and injects me in the arm. There is a sharp pain then total darkness.

When I wake up I’m laying on yet another operating table in my underwear and bra only, they must have stripped me the thought nearly makes me sick at his hands being all over my body. I try to move but my whole body is weak and numb must have been from that injection. I see a dark shadow sitting in the corner. It emerges from the dark and I see that the shadow belongs to a very happy Hunter who is smiling at me and his eyes are crawling up and down my body.

“You’re so sexy right now” he starts moving his fingers up and down my body and I bite my tongue hard to stop myself from crying. I will not give him the satisfaction of knowing that I’m absolutely terrified.

“So what’s your plan are you going to rape me? Don’t you think you have enough blood on your hands? My boyfriends blood to be precise”

“Babe I” then he starts to laugh and I nearly loose it and cry until he says “Mark why don’t you explain”

Coming through the door is a man and then he steps into the light and my heart goes silent. “Mark” No this can’t be him he was dead I watched him die but it’s true the man standing in front of me is Mark.

“Hey you actually fell for it. What did you think I would steal me bosses girl?” he laughs in my face. I can’t believe I ever thought I was in love with this jerk. I was blinded by his hot factor my dad was right he really is bad news.

“See we have been looking for you for years now” Hunter starts but I cut him off “You liar you son of a” I don’t get out the last word as Hunter puts his finger to my lips and my whole body freezes with his one cold touch.

“Sh Rachel this is good for you finally losing your virginity” I feel sick Hunter’s hand goes up and down my thigh. If I could I would cut that hand right off, how dare he touch me. I am not his girl and he doesn’t own me .

“I knew your dad id FBI but I didn’t know that you knew all that shit” Mark laughs

“Shut up! “ Hunter waits until Mark has stopped talking “Now you be a good girl and co-operate with me”

Suddenly there is a roar of what sound like cars and a black jeep crashes through the wall and I manage to see Will and Anna through the smoke of the rubble. They release me and find my clothes; Anna has to help me put them on as I can hardly feel or move my body. Will gets me to stand up and I’m about to fall when my friend Kyle catches me. I watch as they find Hunter and handcuff him and put him into a police car and Will puts me in the jeep along with Anna who starts asking me a lot of questions.

Hunter’s POV

The police car heads off back towards the station where they think they will lock me away for good not a chance. The car stops as planned outside city court and I watch as one of the police officers jump out and shoot all the police, my he has everything worked out down to the tea. Then I’m free and so are my men and we walk up the steps and into the court. My boss sits in one of the rows and I join him.


“I thought I made it clear that you were to have her by today”

“Sorry sir but it’s complicated”

“Complicated, I’ll tell you what’s complicated if you don’t have my daughter by Tuesday I will lose everything including her. The Redds will make sure of that”

“You can count on me sir” I then stand up and walk to the podium where one of my undercover men hand me a formal document. I open it and smile good luck getting away from me this time Rachel you are as good as mine.



I know this chapter is very short but I will try to make chapter 6 longer. what do you think of the twist MARK ALIVE 




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