chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I get up from Mark’s dead lifeless body and run towards the fir exit. I notice two men following me so I run even faster not even taking time for my breath to catch up. I pound the pavement as fast as I can but then I hit a dead end I try to climb over the wall but it’s no use its way too high. The two men start approaching me one pulls out a blue cloth and that’s when I realise I’m about to be drugged, the other grabs my wrist I try to fight but he is way to strong he puts the cloth over my mouth and everything goes black.

When I wake up I am in a dirty yellowish room with two very frightened girls that are a lot older than me.

“Where are we? Who are you?” I ask frantically searching for answers

“Sh you will get us into trouble” one of the girls replies with pain in her eyes, she is small with red hair and brown eyes and the other girl has white hair that’s filthy with dirt it almost looks black.

“Look out the window” she says nearly a whisper. I get to my feet and go to the dirty yellow curtains. I pull them back and see a room full of men sitting around an old wooden table drinking and laughing. I pull the curtain further back to get a better look then one of the men looks directly at me and smiles. Immediately I close the blinds my heart pounding threatening to jump out of my chest but I run back to the corner trying to calm myself.

The door flies open and two men enter

“Come on it’s time to see the boss” he says with a smock expression on his face. The two men grab me from the corner and throw me to my feet this is it I could fight them and get away but I look down at the two girls and give in they will get hurt if I do fight. I start screaming for the two girls to help me as the men gain control of my wild body. I get no say I am petrified who are these guys? What do they want with me?

The two men strap me into what looks like an operating table that they must have stole from a hospital. Are they going to cut me up? Is that why they want me for parts? I shiver at the thought. A tall dark haired guy enters the room at first I can’t see him then he steps out of the shadows.

“Hello my name is Hunter” he says smiling I wish he wouldn’t smile at me I feel like his prey and at any minute now he is going to eat me for dinner

“I know who you are, you killed all them innocent men” I lie trying hard not to look at him because he is totally hot

“They worked for me sweetheart they knew what they were risking” he still smiles at me

“Yeah their life” I shot back at him

“You’re a feisty one aren’t you? Well here’s how this is going to work you’re going to be my girl” he smiles even bigger now. Who does he think he is? I am not his girl I was Mark’s but now he is dead because of this guy standing right in front of me. Come on Rachel think how would your dad tell you to get out of this situation?

“I need the bathroom” I say trying hard not to smile because my plan is being put into action. This is it girl all those years your dad spent training you, time to put them to good use. Hunter looks at me directly and then points to one of his men.

“Take her to the toilet and keep an eye on her” he pulls the restraints of my arms and I want to him right now but I’m not strong and he is way taller than me. I am on my feet when he pulls me close just like Mark did only he is not Mark. He goes to kiss me but I turn my head and he pecks me on the cheek instead.

I am walked to the bathroom my Hunter’s two goons as I will call them from now on. I reach the bathroom and run in quickly, there is no lock on the door so I run to the air vent and climb in as quickly as possible

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