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A/N: the first few chapters might be a bit boring cause nothing really happens yet, but it gets better.. I promise :)

Lydia's POV:

"I'm so sorry.." my boss says as he places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "But I don't understand... i'm always on time, i do whatever you tell me to do and i sell over a 100 coffees every day" I say and i look at him desperately "please... i really need this job" my boss looks at me in pity "which is why i'm sorry Lydia, but I don't have any other choice"

he hands me my last check and then walks towards the door. He opens it and waits for me to go.... I keep my eyes on the floor as i walk out "guess this is goodbye then..." i let out a definitely sigh as Look back one last time. "bye Ted" Ted smiles "good luck Lydia" he says as he closes the door.

Well what the fuck do i do now?"

I walk over to a little bench on the side of the road and take out my phone. A few second later its ringing and i wait for an answer.

"Hey wassup?" I sigh in relief "Hey Mia...." "Uh oh... what happened" she says "i just got fired" i reply softly "WHAT? Why?!" She shouts and i have to pull the phone further from my ear. "Great, now i have tinitus. And Ted couldn't afford me anymore... he didn't have another choice" "i'm so sorry Lydia..." she says "it's okay... but i have no idea what to do now.... I really needed that job" i say softly "how about i come over... we'll go job hunting together" she now excitingly says "yeah that would be great, thanks... meet me at my place in 30 minutes" "be there in 20" she says and then hangs up.

I smile to myself as I quickly start walking towards my apartment. It's only ten minutes away from my work so i always walk

Oh well.. i guess i wont have to do that anymore

I arrive and throw myself on the sofa... thank God Mia will be here in 10 minutes.

Theres a knock on my door and i frown. I stand up and walk towards the door to open it. My eyes meet a grinning Mia and i raise my eyebrows as i cross my arms over my chest

"so i know you said 20 minutes-" "30" "right 20, but i couldn't wait so i thought I'd just be 10 minutes early" she says as she walks past me, inviting herself in. She throws herself on the sofa and exhales. "So.... Teddy's broke" i chuckle "yes... ted is broke" i correct her "poor Teddy" she says as she pouts her lips and i laugh.

I grab my laptop and open it as i sit down next to her. Mia immediately snatches it out of my hold "okay lets do this thing" she says as she starts typing aggressively. "Okay sooo... i got cinema, grocery store, chique restaurant that's secretly not so chique, hospital something, something with horses... don't do that you'll probably just have to clean up horse shit, job at matras store... what?" Mia reads and i shake my head "no... what if i'd just do something crazy.... Like... oooh trapeze artist!" i say smiling "okay Lyds... i love you but you would die." I gasp dramatically "i stand by what i said.. i get that you want something different but what are you good at that you good do as job..." "I don't know..." my phone dimes as i get a news notification

- Lewis Hamilton to make shock switch from Mercedes to Ferarri for 2025 season-

"WHAT!?" I shout and Mia jumps "what?!!" "Lewis Hamilton is going to be driving for Ferarri in 2025" i say pressing a hand to my forehead

"holy shit" Mia says "i know right.. i mean... what?... and what about Carlos.. i me~" "yeah yeah thats crazy but Lydia.. holy shit" she says again" i look at her confused "what..." "formula one" she says "yes?" "you love formula one don't you?" She asks "i mean... yeah obviously" i respond. "You could apply for a job in formula one!!" She says excitingly and i laugh "HA. Yeah right" "im serious" she says as she starts typing on the laptop again.

i look at her and raise my eyebrows "as what? I couldn't engineer if my life depended on it." Mia turn the laptop my way "Media manager" she says smiling.

There's a job opening for media manager at either McLaren or Ferrari . "Oh my god.. but... am i even qualified for that?" "You are actually.. it doesn't say much about skills. Just have to be able to handle media and be up to date with the news...and you're really fucking good at that." Mia stands up and i sit down "I don't know.." i say hesitant

"I'm just saying, the money would be good.... Like really good" Mia walks around my coffee table in circles as she keeps on ranting about it. I stare at the screen of my laptop. The big button that says "apply now" stares back at me.

"I know, trust me. And I wouldn't want anything more but I'd be away all the time... and what if they don't take me?" I say when she's finally stopped talking.

She smiles. "Don't worry about being away. You can still face time people" she says "and about them not taking you... i've known you for what... 8 years? And everything that I've learned about you in those times is you're perfect. Okay? So the only way to find out if they'll take you, which they will, is to just press the fucking button!!"

I take a breath and close my eyes... without thinking i push my index finger down on the touchpad of my lapton.

I did it.... I applied for a job in formula one.


First chapter.. I don't know what i'm doing. Also, how are ya'll feeling about Lewis' situation... cause I don't know what to think.

If any of you have any tips or ideas.. feel free to comment it because i really need feedback

Okay thank you byeeeee🫶🏼

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