Say Papaya

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Lydia's POV:

As soon as I open my eyes I feel a throbbing pain in my head and my ears start ringing. I let my eyes adjust too the light and the ringing stops but the pain doesn't. I rub my head and look around the room that isn't mine.

Right, Lewis took me with him. Oh right, because things escalated... why? Images from last night start flashing before my eyes. Me and the Wags, drinking and dancing. Lando joining in to dance with me, him excusing himself to the bathroom.. oh my god


His hands on my hips, his face in my neck. My fingers in his hair and my hips against his.. and then.. oh god, Lando

Lando kissing me in the rain, not wanting to get off of me, cause he was drunk? And then Charles again.. and then Lewis...

"Knock knock" Lewis says form the other side of the door before it slowly opens.. "i got you aspirin and a big glas of water" he says with a smile "you're the best" I say with a smile.. "I know" he says "it's nice to hear someone else say it though" he grins. I chuckle "shut up, before i take it back" he holds his hands op in defeat.

"How are you feeling?" "Like shit" i say. I swallow the aspirin and chug the water down before looking at Lewis again. "Have you heard.. from Lando?" I ask softly and he shakes his head "no.. but george told me his girlfriend saw him leave him leave, so I guess he went back to his hotel..." he says and I nod. "And where is that?" I ask and before he can answer, someone knocks on the hotelroom door. Lewis sighs "right here" he says softly before walking out of my room to get the door..

I feel my heart pounding as a male voice starts talking to lewis "is she here" "I don't think that's a good idea, mate" " i need to talk to her... please" I feel my breath hitch in my throat as footsteps get closer.

The door opens and Lando stands there in the door opening. His hair is messy and his eyes are red. I sit up straighter and look at him for a few more seconds. He doesn't say anything..

"well, you look like shit." I say breaking the silence with a soft smile. He grins closes his eyes for a second in disbelief and lets out a chuckle. "Lydia... I'm so.. so sorry. I don't know what came over me." He says as he sits on the edge of the bed. Lewis appears in the door opening. He gives me a look that says do I need to throw him out? I shake my head and he nods as he walks back.

"Did you mean what you said?" I ask Lando and he looks at his feet "would you hate me if I did?" I place a hand on his shoulder "of course I wouldn't hate you.. you're basically my only friend on the grid" i smile

"hey!" I hear Lewis shout from the kitchen "stop listening in!" I shout back "anyways" i say as i turn my attention back to Lando "so... you don't feel the same then? Cool" Lando says as he runs a hand through his hair "I really like you... just not as more then a friend." I say and he nods "im sorry.. again, can we just forget about all of this?" He ask "all forgotten" i respond and he smiles

"Okay well.. i gotta go.. you know, train for Saturday... first race. Plus, i'm pretty sure Lewis doesn't like me very much" Lando says "I don't!" "STOP LISTENING!" I shout "anyways.. i'll see you tomorrow then" i say "yeah.. see you tomorrow..." he says and walks out.

As soon as he's out Lewis walks in. "So.... Sushi?" He asks and I smile. "I'll go pick a movie!!"


"Are you sure you want me to go do this? I thought this job meant just sitting at a desk and post photos?" I say.. apparently I actually have to go with Lando and Oscar to random interviews and help them with PR

"yeah you mostly do. But since our PR manager is sick, you're next up" "but." "No buts.. you're doing this." Tori says "yes ma'am" i respond and we make our way through the grid.

The first race of the season is in 2 days, the Bahrain Gran Prix, which means today is are the first 2 free practices... which means lots of media and lots of interviews.. and lots and LOTS of people.. did I mention i'm not much of a people person.

I spotted Lando and Oscar, who were giving out autographs to fans. I quickly made my way to them and kept close to them. "Just.. make sure they don't do anything stupid.. thats all really." Tori says and i nod "oh and, snap a few pictures to post" she adds and then quickly runs back the way we came

"Hey Lyds" Oscar says "hey.. pretend i'm not here." I say "ha, you're kind of hard to miss with those shoes" Lando say and I look at my neon orange glitter shoes.

Whats wrong with my shoes?

"So why are you here then? Pictures?" Oscar asks "that, and to make sure you don't do anything stupid since Charlotte's sick "and here I though I wouldn't be lectured today" Lando says and I laugh.

They continue to sign a few more things before FP1 finally starts and i get to have my break..

I notice a few girls with big cart board cutouts of Lando and Oscar's faces and my evil smile appears "perfect!!" "What?" They both say in sync "come here" i say and drag them towards the fans.. they immediately start screaming louder and I hear Lando chuckle as i roll my eyes

"Hi, you girls want to be in a picture?" They als squeal and nod. "Okay great.." i turn back to Lando and Oscar "you stand here. And you... right here" "really?" Lando lets out a huff and Oscar chuckles.

i walk back look at my creation "perfect" i take out my phone "Say Papaya!!" And everyone except Lando shouts papaya very loudly. I snap the picture, say thanks to the fans and drag Lando and Oscar with me back to the McLaren Paddock.

"Well we're going to be seeing those cutouts everywhere now." Lando says "you're welcome" I say and walk toward my break spot.



I forgot about this book again... im sorry.

But come on P3 and P4 for McLaren?? P1 and P2 for Ferrari?"
Waking up at 4:30 am was so worth watching Carlos win

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