Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

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Lydia's POV:

"Time for shots!!" Lily shout and Isa cheers loudly making all of us laugh. We all down our shots and I grim race immediately when the burning liquid falls down my throat.

"Does anyone want to dance? I want to dance! Come on Lydia dance with me!" Isa says and before I can answer she has pulled my off the couch and drags me to the dance floor. "Wait for me!" Kika shouts behind us. And before i know it i'm dancing with Kika and Isa to Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! From Abba.

It didn't take long for the boyfriends plus Lando to join us. I felt the alcohol taking over more and more as my body moved to the rhythm. The song ended and another song came on, a slower one this time.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and when a turned around Lando offered me his hand with a grin "mind if I take this dance with you, Lydia?" I smile and nod as I take his hand.

He somehow smoothly pirouette's me and and wraps my arms around his shoulders as he places his hands on my hips. I feel the heat rushing to my face in realisation of how close he is.

He moves his mouth to my ear "You look beautiful Lyds" he softly says as he sways me to the rhythm of the song "you don't look too bad yourself, Norris" i reply.

I look over his shoulder and notice Lily, Alex and Isa making faces and movements as they point toward me and Lando. I give them the finger and concentrate back on Lando.

What I don't notice is Charles, who's staring me and Lando down from the bar with a bottle of water in his hand...

The song ends and Lando excuses himself to the bathroom.. something along the lines of "my bladder is drunk as well." He unwraps his arms from around me "I'll be right back, okay?" He whispers in my ear "okay" i smile as he walks away.

as soon as he's out of sight, Carmen does everything in her power to make her way towards me. and by that i mean... she tackles everyone in her way to the the floor. "LYDIA!" She screams. "Hello to you to Carmen.." she lays a hand to my shoulder as she's out of breath

"i.." breath "saw" breath "that" heavy breathing. I laugh "saw what?" I ask and she frowns "don't play dumb.. you like him" i frown "who? Lando? Yeah as a friend!!" "Oh don't even start.. it's okay if you d~" she doesn't finish her sentence and i raise my eyebrows "you were saying?" I ask and she smiles

"i'm just.. just gonna go check on George" she says and as soon as she's gone i feel two hands placed on my hips from behind me. "If you don't stop looking this beautiful, i wont be able to control myself, Chèrie" my breathing stops and I freeze as he softly squeezes my hips. "Charles" he lets out some sort of groan and i feel his chest against my back "dance with me, Lia" he whispers and I hum in agreement.

He moves me softly to the rhythm from behind me as i wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He places a soft kiss on my neck and I don't know whats happening as the alcohol takes over.

I move my hips to the song as he pulls me tighter, making me grind my hips against his. I hear him groan softly as i tug on his hair.

"I like this colour on you.. but red would suit you even better." He says and I scoff as I slow down the swaying of my hips "still bitter about me choosing McLaren over Ferrari huh?" I say and he scoffs

"I bet Lando had to sleep with you to get you on his team.." he says and I stop moving "what?" "Who else did you sleep with?" he asks harshly. I move away from him and turn around "you're crazy!"

I start to walk away but he aggressively grabs my wrist and pulls me back against him. "You know what you are?" My heartbeat quickens "what?" I say "you're a slut!" He spats "get off." I say and i pull away from him as i hold back the tears that are threatening to spill from my eyes.

I walk away from him but when i look up i'm face to face with an hurt looking Lando. "Lando.." i whisper and he holds up his hand. "Don't" he says and quickly walks out of the club.

I run after him but I'm stopped by Isa. "Just give him a minute.. he'll need to cool off" "no! I need to talk to him" i say a i walk again but this time Kelly stops me too. "Lyds, I really don't think thats a good idea." "Move!" I say as I run after Lando.

"Lando! Wait!" I shout as I run out of the club. He doesn't slow down, so I run even faster. "Lando stop it!" I scream and he freezes. I freeze as well and watch his movements. He turns around and walks toward me, then he does something I would've never expected him to do.... He smashes his lips against mine.

I freeze and let my arms fall down my sides. He places his hands on my cheeks and pulls my face closer to his. I don't kiss him back and wait till he's finished.

When he finally pulls away, I place a hand on his chest and push him away slightly. He looks a my hand and back at me with a hurt expression.

"I though you liked me.." he says and i frown "of course i like you.. Lando you one of my best fr~"

"no I thought you like.. liked me.." he says and I look down at my feet "Lando..." "no don't lie.. don't tell me you haven't felt anything this past month..".

I don't answer and instead of talking again, he pushes his lips to mine again. This time i pull away "Lando stop it" i say and move away from him "it's just a kiss Lydia, don't act like you don't want me" he pulls me in by my wrist and then I realise.. he's drunk

"Lando you're drunk.. you don't know what you're doing" I say "what I do know is that I want you" he says and i walk back.. thats when my back hits the wall and i'm trapped.. he places his hands on either side of my head and kisses me again.. "Lando stop" i say in between his kisses and try to get out of his grip "stop!!" I shout.

Then suddenly he's pulled off of me and i see Charles dragging him to the floor "she said stop" Charles says and i feel every inch of my body tremble. "Charles.. it's okay"

"stop talking, Chèrie" he says without flinching as he walks towards Lando. "Charles" i whisper "what? I can't have someone touching whats mine." He says and just as he's about to punch him, Lewis enters the scene.

"I think that's enough, mate." He says and Charles stares him down before walking back inside without looking back at me

What the hell

Lando gets back up and wipes the mud off his pants "you too Lando." Lewis snaps harshly. Something seems to snap in Lando as he looks at me apologetically "Lyds.. I'm so sorry.." he says and I look at me feet as he walks back inside..

Lewis places a hand on my shoulder and tugs a strand of wet hair that stuck to my face behind my ear "how about you stay at my hotel room tonight.. its a lot bigger and that way you wont have to explain anything to anyone yet." He says "thank you, Lewis." I say and he smiles "of course.. come on, it pouring." He says "my car is over there"

I smile at him.. but I can't help but think about Lando.. a drunken mans words are a sober mans thoughts right?? And Charles?? "I cant have anyone touching whats mine." What the hell is that supposed to mean.. one time he hates me and then i'm his?? Is he fucking bipolar!??


I don't know how I feel about this chapter... I love it... but i hate it.. I don't know.

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