At the movies

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Lydia's POV:

It's been 5 days since I got emails from both McLaren and Ferarri. And I haven't heard anything from them... they'd at least let me know something right... even if they didn't pick me..

"Stop stressing so much" Mia say "it's girls night... lets just have fun okay?" I look at her "how'd you know I was thinking about that" I ask her and she laughs "girl you are not good with emotions" "fair" I say laughing

"Hey are you girls coming or what!?" Chloé shouts. We're almost at the cinema, horror.... God please save me.

"Yeah wait up!" Mia shouts as she pulls me with her. "I want popcorn. Do you want popcorn? Come on, lets get popcorn. Look popcorn!!" Mia rants without letting me speak... "I think you want popcorn."

Chloé, Lana, Mia and me are finally in out seats as its about to start "I don't remember there being so many stairs in a cinema" Lana says out of breath and Chloé mumbles something back but I don't know what as she's out of breath. I'm pretty sure it was something about her lungs falling out off her ass.

The doors reopen and two people walk in. "Get your ass to move faster it's starting!" A feminine voice says "you know i can't run!" A more lower voice responses and I can't help but look their way. They look kinda familiar... a woman with long dark hair, looking beautiful might i add and a man with dark hair as well..

"No we can't see from here" "but everywhere else is full" "oh! We'll sit next to them, they look nice. Come on!!" "Lily wait up!"


Their footsteps are getting closer as they move to our row... with is pretty much empty except for us four. "Hi, you don't mind if we sit here do you??"

Holy fucknuggets!

So that's why they looked familiar, it's Lily and Alex... as in Alex Albon and Lily....

Dang is the universe trying to tell me something???

"Eh no of course not" i say smiling as my heart is pounding....

You better stop fangirling over Lily!

"Oh good thank you!" She says warmly "Alex get your ass over here!! These girls are nice!!" She shouts and Alex starts running this way. He's out off breath when he arrives "hi" he says almost wheezing "I'm Alex" he puts his hand out for me to shake "Lydia, hi" Lily shoves Alex as I'm on the outside "i wanna sit next to her, move" she says and I laugh

I look to my left, Mia was already looking my way. She mouths the words "oh my god!" And i mouth back "i know right!!" Her mouth is open wide and i take this as my chance to shove a full hand of popcorn into her mouth. She almost chokes and we all laugh. Including Lily omg!!

Stop it

"Ooh it's starting!" Lana says as the lights dim and the movie starts...

Oh dear God, here we go

The movie is half way done and i'm still alive... why does it have to be so brutal? There's a 15 minute break which starts as the lights turn back on

"I think I peed my pants a little" Alex says looking pale "been there" Chloé says as she shoves popcorn into her mouth.

"Okay that makes me want to pee" i say as i stand up "anyone else coming?"

"Yeah mee too" Lily says as she follows me. "I've been holding it from the start." "Same"

I'm glad there's a bathroom on the second floor, so this way we don't have to walk all those stairs again.

I finish peeing and when i come out, Lily is in front of the mirror, fixing her mascara. She then turns to me and smiles.

"So, Lydia right?" She asks "yeah... and you're Lily. I kinda already knew you guys" i say "really?? Oh well you got a good poker face then." She smiles

"Oh by the way, do you have a hair tie? I've been dying to put it up real quick but i forgot to take one with me" Lily asks "yeah of course" I say, taking the purple band off of my wrist and handing it to her "thanks"

Then my phone rings and I freeze... it could be Alyssa? No she's working... and all of my friends are here with me... holy shit, what if it's McLaren or Ferarri??

"Do you need to take that?" Lily asks as I've probably been frozen for too long "right" i say and take out my phone. I quickly pick up and hold it close against my ear

"Hello, this is Lydia" i say "hello Lydia, you're speaking with Tori from McLaren. My breath hitches in my throat "hi" i say "hi, i'd wanted to let you know that we received your resume. We'd like to invite you for a job interview.  I know you live in New York so i reassure you that we'll cover the travel bills and hotel room if you're willing to come." She says and i get excited "yes that would he great! Thank you... um... we're do I travel to exactly?"

This made Lily look at me really confused and i just smile at her excitingly "Wonderful! We're already in Sakhir for preparations, so you'll need to go there. We'll be expecting you February 11th. Your plane ticket will be send to you by mail, well discuss the rest when you're here." "Yes, thank you so much" i say "of course, we'll see you soon miss Adams" "thank you, bye!!" I say as she hangs up.

I look back at Lily and she as her eyebrows furrowed "what was that?" She asks and i bite my lip. "That was McLaren" i say and her mouth opens the slightest bit "McLaren as in the f1 racing team?... why are they calling you?" She ask and i smile brighter

"they invited me over for a job interview" "oh my God!!! That's amazing!" She says "I'm terrified though.." i say honestly

"Babe, if they don't pick you, I'll personally kick their asses... I've done it before i'll do it again" she says "it's going to be so much fun seeing you around. I love ya already" she says and i grin "well thank God." I say "movies' starting... we gotta get back." "Oh right" she says

And we walk back to our seats as I've got a big smile on my face...

I'm going to Bahrain..


So... i feel like this chapter was a bit more exciting but I honestly don't know... but i'll promise it'll get more exciting.

Lemme know what you thought :)

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