Private planes

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Lydia's POV:

I forgot how much I hate packing until now. I dump the last bits into my suitcase and zip it up. Its quite ironic how i never used to travel and now that i have a new job, i have to travel somewhere new almost every single week.

My phone buzzes, so i reach into my back pocket to grab it.

Lils: hey, are you getting on a plane today?

Me: yeah, just finished packing

Lils: wanna go with us? Pleaseee, I can't take alex's ranting about his missing favourite toothbrush any longer!

Typical Alex..

Me: yeah sure, can you guys come pick me up though? I don't feel like calling a cab

Lils: on our way

I throw on my favourite oversized jumper and put my hair up in a messy bun as i wait for Lily and Alex to get here.

Lils: here

Wow, that was fast..

I grab my suitcase and walk outside, where both of them are waiting for me

"Hey" i say as i get in "hey!!" Lily responds and then looks at Alex with a frown "fuck it, i'm getting in the back" she says before wiggling herself from the passenger seat to the back seat next to me. 

Alex looks back at me "you stole my girlfriend" he says and i laugh "sorry not sorry"

We drive to the airport as we all dance and sing along to Taylor Swift. weirdly Alex knows the lyrics better then me, he's putting his heart and soul into those words.

I secretly record a quick video and post it on my insta story. I immediately get a dm from Lando.

Lando: why am i not invited🥲

Me: stop whining, i'll see you in Saudi Arabia


After tons of walking we finally get to our plane. "Oh, by the way.." Alex starts as he turns to me and Lily "we're flying with a few other drivers." He says and i nod "thats fine" i say "the more the merrier" lily states with a grin.

We get inside and Lily and Alex said they'd go see who's here already as i let myself sink into the comfortable seats, that's definitely one of the perks of being friends with some of the drivers.. private planes.

The door to the plane opened again as more people entered, but i had already closed my eyes because i honestly couldn't care less about anyone else right now... im way too tired.

I hear shuffling behind me from, which i guess, is someone seating themself behind me.

"What are you doing here ma Chèrie?"


I slowly turn around as his smirking face looks back at me. I groan and turn back around. "Same as you i guess." I say and he's silent... good. I don't need to here that knee weakening voice today.

Lily and Alex both walk back to their seats, lily sits next to me and Alex makes his way behind me... which means he's sitting next to Charles

"Hey, Charles" "Hello mate" they say and i look at Lily who's oblivious about what's going on between me and Charles. This is going to be quite the ride.

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