"You're not Lily"

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So... *content warning* 🙂

Lydia's POV:

The annoying sound of a buzzing alarm woke me up. I moved to turn it off, only to be stopped by a heavy weight around my lower waist.

"make it stop" I heard Lando groaning from behind me. Is he serious? "I you took your fucking arm off of me i could." I said

"But you're like a teddy bear." "Lando!" "Okay okay" he says pulling his arm back. I turn off the alarm and get out of his bed.

"This stays between us" I state "I can't have my job on the line." Lando nods in agreement "they're not gonna fire me, but I still want the good strategies." He says

"Okay so here's the plan, you get out first, then you make sure the coast is clear, no witnesses, and then i come out." I say and he chuckles "you're making it sound like we murdered someone" "just do it" i say trying to stay serious, but I can't help i'm smiling.

He threw on a shirt, saluted at me with a grin and walked out the door. I get dressed too and wait about a minute until Lando texts me. "Coast is clear🫡"

I chuckle softly before walking out the door. I look left. I look right. Lando nods at me from the elevator and just when i closed the door i hear another door behind me open.

Please be Lily. Please be Lily. Please be Lily.

I turn around. Charles. He gives me a stern look as he looks me up and down. "That's Lando's room" he simply states.

I clear my throat and smile "yup" i creak out before walking to the elevator, which Lando has disappeared from, thank God.

"So you are sleeping with him." Charles says from behind me and i scoff as i keep walking "i'm not" i state. "You came out of his room at 6Am" "i needed to discuss McLaren strategies with him" i lie

He chuckles "Lia, you're a media manager, you're not aloud to know team strategies, which means you're lying"

Damn it

"Why do you care?" I snap "I don't" i responds rather quickly "then stop acting like you do. Just mind your own fucking businesses"

And with that i take the stairs. I'm definitely not taking the elevator with that dick.


It's race day, the most important day of the formula 1 weekend. I you lose, you're not winning.

Oh who am i kidding, i'm not explaining this to anyone.

I'm watching from the McLaren garage as the guys do their warm up round. Lily Z sitting next to me as another girl sits on the other side. Apparently she races for McLaren in f1 academy, she quite nice actually, Bianca.

Lils: think ur man might win?

Me: no, tell Kelly to tell her man to back the fuck off.

Lils: on it.
Lils: she says no🙄

Me: then she ain't borrowing my lipgloss no more.☝🏼

Lils: that's fair

After Lily found out what happened because of her and Alex, she couldn't stop apologising, i told her it was fine, but next time it happened, i'd kick her out of the room.

As predicted, Max won. I'm so close to slashing his tyres... no.. I wouldn't do that. Maybe.

I walk up to Oscar, who got p4.. he was so close to a podium.

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