Day one

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A/N: i have no inspiration....

Lydia's POV:

It's been a long day.. and it's so fucking hot here. Why couldn't we just be in Europe or something? I know for a fact it's colder there.

Tori gave me a list of things i need to know about formula one history. It includes McLaren, but mostly the big things and let me tell you... it's a long list.

"Lydia, you can go take a 15 minute break if you want.. you've been researching information for 3 damn hours..." Celia says. She's one of my many coworkers. She's about my age, which makes it easy for me and her to get along. "Thanks, my brain hurts." "Yeah no shit" she laughs

I decide it's been to long since I've called Alyssa, last night being the last time. I bet she's dying to know how everything is going.

I find a spot where I'm alone and within a few seconds her face fills the screen.

"Hey sis! Wassup?" I smile at her enthusiasm "work.. it's so hot here. I've been researching every little important bit on formula one and it's draining me" i tell her "damn.. good luck.

But other that the weather and draining part.. how's everything?" She asks and i throw my head back for a second before returning to the camera "it's amazing! Everyone is so nice.. they talk about the team as a family and i feel so appreciated.. oh and Lando and Oscar are amazing to, really patient." I explain excitingly and Alyssa's smile brightens "oh, check out the last few post on the McLaren platforms.. i made those" i say proudly

"i'm so proud of you" she says and i smile "dad would be too"  Alyssa states and feel a raging sting in my chest. "Thanks Lys" she smiles at me, but there's something in her eyes.... Pity. "Well anyways.. i gotta head back. I think my 15 minutes are over" i say as i smile at her "okay.. text me when you're back at the hotel?" "I will. Bye, I love you" i give her a little wave "love you too"

The line disconnects and i let out a breath I didn't know i was holding. I wish he was here...
A tear rolls down my cheek.

Someone rounds the corner, not knowing i'm here. When I get a better look I realise its Lewis Hamilton. I quickly wipe the tear off of my face before he can see. He's mumbling some words. He finally notices me and his expression immediately changes.

"Oh im sorry, I didn't see you... there's usually no one here." He apologises "no worries, I was just about to leave." I reply. He looks at me a little closer and furrows his brows "are you alright?" He asks. No. "Yes"

He looks at me for a second before he speaks again "Lydia.. right? Lando told me all about you" he says smiling and i smile in response "i'm Lewis" he says extending his hand "nice to meet you Lewis" i say "i'm sorry if i'm in your spot.. it seemed peaceful" i say

"i know right.. I've been spending my free time here every year" he smiles "I don't mind company" he says and nod at him with a smile "well i gotta go.. my break is up" i say "okay.. oh wait." He says as he reaches into his pocket "here's my number.. incase you need anything or a break buddy" he says "thanks.. see ya around" i smile as i start making my way back "see ya" he says.


"Knock knock" Lando says as he enters my workspace "hey" i say as i put my laptop into my bag "i'm almost ready to go" "take your time" he
Says "in the mean time... tell me about your first day. How was it?" He asks me curiously "

i place my bag in front of me and take a deep breath before i turn to Lando with the biggest grin

"it was amazing.. i mean sure, the history parts not so much, but everyone here is so nice!! Celia had been really helpful today and Tori is amazing too.. oh and I met Lewis today, he was really great as well and did you see the social media posts i made today? In another life i'd be a awesome photographer. I did however accidentally post a not so charming picture of Oscar and he threatened to cut my hair into a bowl cut when I'd leats expect it and that he'd draw a dick on my face with permanent marker if I didn't dele-.."

"okay okay!!" Lando cuts me off with a laugh and i realise i was rattling "why don't you tell me all about it in the car.." i laugh "sorry" I grab my bag and we both make our way back to Lando's car.

I notice another car across of the parking lot, and realise it's Charles' as he's standing next to it. As if he feels my gaze, he turns around. He leans against his car and just stares me down, sending chills all over my body.

"He's still pissed off, I see?" Lando ask "apparently so." I state as i get inside of the car. Lando gets in after me and starts the car, driving out of the parking lot. Me, not missing Charles glare on the way out.

"Don't mind him... he'll come back to his senses soon.." Lando says "i hope so.." i say. "And if he doesn't... call me. Not that i'll fight him or anything.. but i do love ice cream" he says and I laugh "I'll keep that in mind" "Now... tell me about that not so charming picture you made off Oscar." He grins "oh it was terrific" i grin back


This chapter is a bit shorter but my writing skills decided to take a break.

I like Max.. he's a great guy and sure.. i'm happy for him.. BUT CANT HE JUST CHILL OUT FOR ONE FUCKING SEAON!?

Have a nice day😇

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