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Lydia's POV:

Mia is staring at me with her mouth open wide as i finish telling her everything that happened today. "Well.... Say something" i say

"okay let me get this straight... first, Lando became your personal driver for the day... then, he basically took you on a mini coffee date... then during that date.. Ferrari calls. Lando drives you there as well which is where you met Charles who kept winking at you... THEN, he drives you back and asks for your number!?" She shouts the last part and I blink a few times.

"Well... yeah basically." I say grinning "girl.." she starts but then sighs.. "i'm going to bed" she stands up and walks out the room without saying another word.. "that's fair" I mumble to myself.

I was about to head to bed myself, but the vibration of my phone stops me. Someone's calling me.. maybe it's McLaren.

I quickly answer it

"Hello?" I say softly... in case its some creep. "Guess who." A male voice with a thick Monégasque accent responds and i immediately smile to myself "hmmm, no idea, you sound like a stranger. Goodbye"

I hang up and grin..... I probably pissed him off a bit. I call him this time and he picks up right away

"kidding obviously... hi Charles" i say laughing "that was mean" he pouts but then laughs too "anyways, i just wanted to call you and tell you that i really enjoyed meeting you today... and I'm looking forward to working with you." He says and my grin disappears "thank you Charles, but, you know i'll still have to choose between both teams right?" I carefully ask.

He's quiet for a few second before he responds. "Yeah I know, but I was hoping you'd choose Ferrari.. i mean, what the hell is McLaren able to offer you." He says harshly.

What? He doesn't even know about all the things they offer me.. and how welcoming they are.. I really did feel like i belonged there at McLaren.. Ferrari was great to... but the put the pressure on choosing really high

"okay first of all, you have no idea what they're offering me, you weren't there. Second of all, who says you're team has more to offer then them. The choice is mine and I'm not letting you tell me what to choose." I say and he falls quiet again "okay?" I say "yeah.... i'm eh.. i'm gonna go sleep" he says "okay.." "goodnight Lydia.." "goodnight Charles" i say and he hangs up.

Well that was something

I walk to my side of the hotel room. had I mentioned its big... like.. this room would work for about 5 people, well I'm not complaining. I take off my makeup and changed into my pyjama's as i crawl into bed.

Then my phone rings

Why does everyone keep calling me

I pick up "hello?" "Hi Lydia, it's Tori, I hope i'm not bothering you this late?" I smile and slightly save her number to my phone "no you're not bothering me. Is everything okay?" I ask "yes, I just wanted to tell you... that we've decided on choosing you as our media manager. You're perfect for the job and Lando was talking positively about you and from what i have seen, you're a great person, so I have a really good feeling about you being part of our papaya family." She says smiling and i almost fall out of bed with a big grin on my face "really!! Thank you so much!" I say "now, since Ferrari might have chosen you as well... the decision will be up to you. But don't rush it, take you time.. we don't want to pressure you into our team, we want the decision you be yours.. al though we will need a media manager by march so please tell us before February 25th" " yes, i understand.. thank you again, Tori" "of course.. if you have any questions, don't be afraid to give me a call.. this is my personal number so you'll be able to reach out to me anytime" i smile "thank you, i will" "okay then, i'll hope to see you around soon, goodnight Lydia" "goodnight" i say happily as i press the hang up button.

"I have a good feeling about you being a part of our papaya family"

Family... that sound nice.


"If it feels right you should go for it" Mia says as the shoves another pancake into her mouth... how does that even fit? "I know... it's just.." "Charles" she mumbles with her mouth full and I sigh "yeah" "you know you met him yesterday right? You don't even know him that well" Mia says. I move my pancake around my plate in circles. I did met him yesterday.. and I don't know him that well.. but i feel like I'd hurt him if i went for McLaren..

"Besides... you don't even know if Ferarri wants you in their team."

As if on que, my phone rings. I look at Mia.. Mia looks at me. No one moves.. "well don't look at me, pick up!!

I reach for my phone and answer. "Hello, this is Lydia" "Hi Lydia, you're speaking with Tom"

Well damn

"Hi Tom!" I say happily "i have good news for you.." he says and I smile "well don't leave me hanging that" i say and he chuckles "we want you to be our media manager... congratulations" he says and i smile.. "really? Thank you!!" "You're welcome.. we can't wait to start working with you, have you made you're decision yet?" He asks and i cringe "not yet.." i say carefully "i'll need an answer in the next few days" he says rather harshly "okay.." "i'll see you soon.. bye Lydia" "bye!!"

Tom ends the call.. I just got accepted into Ferrari, so why do I not feel happy?

"Ferrari?" Mia asks and I nod "so i guess that means they chose you as well..?" I nod again and she hums

"The choice is up to you.. don't let anyone have an influence. Not even me" she says and I shove a pancake in my mouth.

What the fuck do i do?


Chapter 6.... What would you have chosen if you were in Lydia's shoes?

Love Ya'll!!🩷

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