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Charles' POV:

I groan as i wake up on the floor... where the fuck am I. I open my eyes and the light almost blinds me. After taking a quick scan of the room, I realise it's Pierre's room. Fuck.. i was not supposed to be drinking.. i have a fucking race in 2 days.

I slowly sit up and run a hand through my hair.. Pierre must be out or something, I couldn't care less.

I find my phone and it's flooded with tons of messages from the team, mostly Carlos, asking where im at. I text him and tell him i'll be there in a bit.
There's another notification that catches my attention. It's a news notification about McLaren.. why do i care? I don't know.. but the girl that's caught my attention looks fucking incredible in that picture


Its a picture of Lando and Oscar answer questions.. Lydia's standing at their side with a soft smile. She's wearing the team shirt with a black skirt.

Wrong fucking colour

I would do anything to rip that outfit off of her and bend her over my kitchen table..

I just don't know why i can't get her out of my fucking head. It makes me hate her.. but the way her fingers felt as she ran them through my hair, makes me wonder how good they would feel when they're wrapped around my-

"Ah, so you are alive... i was almost getting worried" Pierre says as he walks in, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"why'd you let me drink?" I stand up and get myself a glas of water "oh i tried.. but you threw your shoe at me when i tried to take the bottle.... Remember." Pierre says with a grin "sorry.. but you really couldn't make sure i slept on the couch instead of next to it?" "Now we're even" "Trou du cul" i growl and Pierre chuckles.

"Aren't you supposed to be on the grid.. you know.. media stuff?" Pierre asks "yup" I simply say as i chug a glas of water "heading there now" i say and start to make my way out "Con.. a bientôt" i hear him say before I've made it outside.

I arrive at Ferrari paddock and Juan, both my media and PR manager, is already waiting for me at the entrance with an angry expression.

"Where were you?" He asks "not here" i respond as i walk past him. "no shit!" He follows me in.

"You missed way too many interviews? Were you drunk? What were you thinking"

"don't care, no, and fuck you"

"don't have that tone with me! You left Carlos hanging" he says and i stop walking as i turn to look at him

"well. Give Carlos my sincerest apologies" i say and walk into my drivers room.

I cant deal with anyone right now. FP1 is in half an hour and i need to get ready.. i don't care about anything then beating Max this season.. no distractions.


8th... why did they make me hold back.. i now i'm better then this. I take of my helmet and run a hand through my helmet hair... lets get this over with.

I make my way to the first interview i hear calling my name and put on the fakest smile i can possibly create.

"Charles!! Are you confident about the upcoming season or will your results be similar to todays FP1 results?" The interviewer asks and i laugh a bit

"i uh.. i think I'm allowed to be very confident. We've been holding back a lot today, to save all of our energy for qualifying and the race on Sunday. Max's car might be the strongest.. but that doesn't mean he's the best. There's still a good chance for Ferrari to end up very high in the championship." I say confidently and the man nods.

The interviewer shoots another question at me but i'm too busy looking at a specific media manager as she's silently standing at Lando and Oscar's side. "I'm sorry, but i need to go prepare for FP2" i tell the interviewer as i make my way to Lydia.

She notices me approach from the corner of her eye and i notice her cheeks flush... she's so fucking adorable

"What're you doing here?" I whisper in her ear. She scoffs "i work here, remember? I chose McLaren over Ferrari." She says and i growl "dumbest decision you've ever made"

she huffs and turns her head slightly towards mine "how would you know if that's the dumbest decision I've ever been made?"

I chuckle "well you're obviously not treated right if you have to put up with those two" I nod my head towards Lando and Oscar.

"So you're saying Ferrari gives the right treatment? How's that working out for you" she asks with an evil grin.

I was about to fire back when Lando interrupted us "hey mate, nicely done today." He pats me on the shoulder and i give him a slight smile.

I got the 8th best time... he got second best "yeah.. you too."

I look at Lydia once more and move my ear to hers again "insult me again, and i'll have to punish you." I whisper in her ear and her cheeks flush once again.

I move away and smirk at her.. she avoids eye contact by looking at her feet. I look at Lando and he looks confused between me and Lydia.

"see ya mate" "see ya.." he says and as i walk away i hear him aks Lydia "what the fuck was that about?" "Nothing" Lydia responds and i smirk to myself.

This girl is going to be the death of me


Im sorry that i keep taking so long too update. I'm currently sick again, like last week, but i'll still try my best

Lots of love,


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