Soft snores

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I know it's not even that much, but this book already hit 1,6K.. and here i was thinking no one would read this shit.

Lydia's POV:

The rest of the plane ride was quite nice. Charles was no where to be found. My guess, he spent his time at the plane's bar.

In the mean time, i told Lily everything from the beginning... i told her about when we met and that he was really nice to me.

I also told her that he turned into a whining dick as soon as i told him i chose McLaren.

I wonder what it would've been like right now if I had chose for Ferrari.. well I wouldn't want to change anything anyway.. i love my team.

The plane lands and i laugh as alex holds on to the chair as if his life depends on it.

Lydia: we landed

I send a quick text into the group chat Alyssa forced me to make. This way i'll keep both Mia and Alyssa posted at the same time. Though they could literally just keep up with our Mclaren socials.

"You okay over there, Alex?" I ask "i'm perfectly fine. Thank you" he says with a shaky voice. "He's not a fan of flying" lily whispers with a grin.


Saudi Arabia... it's beautiful. Fucking hot, but beautiful. God i love this job

"Okay so, i called around and arranged for us two to share a room together.. that's great right??" Lily says excitingly

"Obviously" i reply with a grin "what about Alex tho?" I ask

"Oh he'll stay in the room next to ours." She says and i nod "with Charles" Lily adds and walks toward Alex


Well at least our room is big. We walk in and is looks like a full on living room..but with a kingsized bed in the corner. I could get used to this.. this room is definitely better then the one i had with Mia in Bahrain.

"Its great right?" Lily breaks the silence and i nod "God i love this place." She states

I quickly send Lando a text asking if he arrived yet. He answers immediately by telling me his room number, which ironically is right across ours. What's up with the universe today.

"I'll be right back" i tell Lily as i walk to Lando's door. I knock 3 times and it takes a while before it opens.

Lando looks at me confused "that was fast, how did you do that?" He asks and i gesture behind me where Lily waves back at him from our open room.

"Oh great, now i get to bother you whenever i want" he says "do that and I'll release some interesting information about you" i reply as i walk back to my room and close the door, giving Lando one last grin.


"Are you heading to the paddock as well or are you coming later?" I ask as I tighten my belt around my waist. "later" Lily groans from her bed "okay, see ya" i chuckle before heading out.

The paddock is at walking distance so now i wont have to ask Lando for a ride.

Its Free practice day so there's a lot of work to do. Especially now thatTori wants me out in the field more.

"John, i need you to take care of instagram today. Joanna, you're on twitter and Jacob, just.. try and make yourself useful for once, thank you." I say as i walk through the media room towards my office.

"You're in a bossy mood today" Lando says as i walk my office in "what the hell, shouldn't you be practicing?" I say "i'll practice during practice." He says as he makes himself comfortable on my couch

"Okay well i need to work, so shoo" i say "i'll be quiet, like a ninja" he says "thats not even the right comparison" "make yourself useful Lydia" Lando mocks me and i give him the finger before opening my laptop.

A few minutes later i hear soft snores coming from my right as Lando lays stretched out on the couch. You're kidding. I chuckle to myself before recording a quick video to send to John.

*video attached*
Me: post this.

Lando's gonna be pissed.

I look at my watch, he's got 15 minutes until FP1. Why do I have to take care of everything thing.

I sneak up to him and get close to his face before screaming "wake up!"

Lando falls off the couch onto the floor and looks at me with wide eyes. "Why? Why? Why on earth would you do that?"

"Cause it's funny" i laugh "also, practice starts in 15" i grin as he jumps up and runs out off the office.


It's late, as in, it's 12:30 Am. I stayed at work a little longer that i needed to, but it's fine.

Except when i walk into Lily and my room, Alex and Lily are curled up in the bed. What the hell. You've got to be kidding me. Well i'm not waking them, you don't wanna wake up Lily, she turns into a monster.

The room is a mess, there's no floor left and all blankets are taken..

Then there's only one option, well actually there's two, but no way i'm knocking on Charles' door.

I walk out of my room and softly knock on the the door across from ours, I don't hear snores, so that's good.

The door slowly opens as a shirtless, half asleep Lando stands in the door opening. "Lydia? What are you doing here?"

"Alex claimed my bed. He fucking claimed my bed and i just got back from work. I'm so fucking tired." I rant and he obliviously stares at me. "Can i stay with you tonight?" I now ask and he finally comes to realisation.

"Oh, uh yeah of course." He says as he opens the door further to let me in. "There's extra sweatpants and a shirt in that drawer" he says as he point to a small closet. "Thanks"

I grab the clothes and change in the bathroom, when a get back, Lando is already spread out on the bed. When he hears me he looks up. "Oh i could eh sleep on the floor if you want me too" he says

"No, it's your room, i'll sleep on the floor" i say "definitely not, get in here" he moves to the side so there's enough room for me to lay down next to me.

I slowly crawl into the bed, under the blankets as i hold it tight to my face. "Well.. GoodNight" i whisper softly. He hums "goodnight"


I know. what the hell was this chapter and why Lando, well i have plans so trust me. I also know it's been like 2 weeks, and im really trying to update at least once a week but I've been very busy with school lately so i'm sorry.

Also, this book is currently 2d under #mercedes!!!!

I know this wasn't my best chapter, i also haven't proof read it so i'm sorry if there's spelling errors. Enjoy

Love, Stella

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