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Lydia's' POV:

"Okay yes.... Yeah... uh huh... thank you.... Yes, I'll see you then.. bye" I hang up the phone and look across the table. Lando's sitting there with 2 coffee's in his hand as he stares at me confused. Then something flicks in his eyes, a hint of realisation "wait, was that McLaren? That's quick! What did they say??" He rants and i cringe

How do I tell a McLaren driver that I also applied for the same job in Ferrari...

"Well no.. not exactly" I say softly "it was Ferrari.." "oh" he says tilting his head to the side. "I applied for both.. I couldn't choose myself which team i wanted to apply for so i thought i'd let them choose.. they heard i was here and wanted to meet me.. as in, a job interview" I say

He smiles "hey I'm not mad or anything, really... even if you'd end up choosing them.. When do they want you to come?" "Today.. if possible" I say "oh! Well then i'll drive you" he says happily "oh no you really don't have to.. i'll just get a taxi" "i insist. Now, finish your coffee and then we'll leave" he says and I smile. "Okay, thanks"

Did i expect to hear from both teams?... no I did not... am I happy about it?.. i guess. The only problem is that if they both pick me... i'll have to choose.

But that would definitely not happen


"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I ask again as we both got into his car. We finished our coffee as we talked about ourselves.. he's really great and understanding.. if i got into McLaren, at least i'd have a friend.

"Yeah it's totally fine. I wanted to check in on Charles and Carlos anyway." He says casually... right.. more formula one drivers.. what did i expect? Footballers?

"Okay.." i say as i give him a slight smile.

Here we go again.

We arrive at Ferrari and Lando and I both get out. "I texted Charles and he said he'd be at the entrance." He says as he walks in front of me, leading the way.. okay.. i'm meeting Charles Leclerc today.. no biggie...

"Hey mate, how are you" Lando says as he gives Charles a manly hug. "I'm good, mate" Charles responds and I awkwardly stand on the side. Charles catches my gaze and slightly smiles

"who's this beautiful girl you brought with you Lando?" He asks as he gestures to me. I feel my cheeks heat up as Lando chuckles a bit "this is miss Lydia Adams" he says formally "she's applying as media manager here in Ferrari." Charles walks up to me and holds out his hand. I place my hand in his and he smile "it's nice to meet you, Lydia, I'm Charles" he kisses my knuckles and my knees almost give up.

"Nice to mee you too, Charles" I smile and look into his eyes for a few seconds more as he does the same. Lando coughs a few times, making us turn around. "I pretty sure they'll be waiting for you inside Lydia.. I wait here to get you to your hotel." Lando says and I nod "mate, there's no need to wait, i'll take her" Charles says

"you sure?" Lando asks "yeah, you sure?" I ask as well "how else will i get to know our future media manager" Charles says, winking at me. I feel my cheeks heating up, so I quickly look at Lando. He looks at Charles in away he can't describe. I also can't tell if he's happy or not. "Okay then" he says "i'll see you around, Lydia.. goodluck" he says smiling "thanks" i smile as he walks back to the car.

"Come on.. I'll walk you inside" Charles says, placing his hand on the small of my back as he guides me inside. We walk in a comfortable silence until we arrive at, what looks like, an office. Charles knocks on the door and looks down at me, grinning.

"Come in" someone says from the other side of the door and Charles leads us both in. "Hi Tom" Charles says "Charles, what brings you here?" The man, Tom, says

Tom... this must be the guy who called me.

"This is Lydia Adams.. i believe you are expecting her." Charles say "ah, miss Adams, come, come sit" he says gesturing to the chair in front of him. "Hi" I say softly.

"I guess i'll be going then" Charles says "oh no theres no reason for you to leave. This includes you, and since you're already here anyway, you should stay" Tom says "unless that bothers you of course Lydia?" He says quickly "oh no, absolutely not" I say "good, sit down Charles" Charles quickly sits down and looks between me and Tom.

"Well... tell us something about yourself Lydia." Tom says smiling. I slightly look over at Charles and he quickly winks at me, reassuring me to talk. "Okay uhm where do I start.. i'm 23 years old and I live in New York. I love to read, cook and write. I love animals and cars... which is why I applied for a job in formula one." I say smiling. I notice Charles grinning at me, while Tom nods understandably.

"I read that you got fired at your last job... what was the reason for that?" Tom asks "my former boss, Ted, couldn't afford me anymore.. he will need to be lucky if he wants to keep the store.." i say frowning "i see.."

"Where did you work?" Charles asks " A coffee shop, it's called Teddy's" i say smiling. Charles laughs a bit "creative"
He says, making me and Tom laugh as well.

"Well everything looks great on here, you do seem fitted for the job... especially since you love writing" Tom says "now... i heard that you also applied at McLaren" Tom says and i see Charles' head whip my way out of the corner of my eye.

"If you'd choose them over us, we would obviously respect your choice, just know that we'll probably have more to offer you" Tom says and I feel an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. I put on a smile and say "i'll keep that in mind, thank you."


Charles an I are quietly sitting in his car as he drives me to my hotel. I'm rethinking both McLaren's talk and Ferrari's talk.. it's just weird because they were both lovely, but my gut tells me to go for McLaren..

"So you also applied at McLaren." Charles breaks the silence, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah... I couldn't decide so i thought I'd let them decide... but now they both reached out for me.... Doesn't mean McLaren will want me in their team.. and Ferrari never confirmed either." I say

"oh i saw the way Tom looked and talked... he wants you in his team for sure" he says "and i do too.." he then softly says as he looks at me "eyes on the road, mister" i say making him laugh.

We arrive at the hotel and I unbuckle my seat belt. "Well thanks again... for driving me" i say "anytime" he winks "can I walk you to your room?" He asks and i smile "sure" he smiles too as we both get out of the car

We walk in a comfortable silence until we arrive at my door "so... i'll see you around.." i say unsure of what to do "yeah, see you around" he say as he walks away.

I'm about to knock on my door for Mia
To open it as i hear Charles speak again "hey.. could i get your number? You know, i case you'll need a ride again" he says smiling. I grin "yeah sure.." he hands me his phone and I quickly add my number. "There you go" i say and he smiles "okay.. bye" "bye" i say smiling and he watch him walk away this time.

I knock on the door and Mia's head pops out "Jesus finally!" She says "I thought you'd never come back" she pulls me inside and I laugh

"Now.... Tell me, everything"


Trust the process.. I guess?

Do you guys watch the test days? Cause I spent my entire day watching cars go around in weird shapes... it made me realise I don't have a purpose in life✌🏼

Also.. if this season will have the same outcome as last season... I will become depressed

Keep smiling

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