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A/N: i'm really having trouble writing lately, i don't know why.. i just can't get the words on paper as easily as before, but I'm trying my best.

Charles' POV:

Fucking Lando. She's hugging him.... that should be me. I'm the one who made her feel good two months ago, not him. He could never.

And then he dares to throw me a nasty look, as if he's not touching my girl. He's a Dick.

Oh great, he's coming this way..

I quickly change my mood and stick a smile on my face as i pull him in for a hug. "Enjoy while it lasts, mate" i say as he pulls away and he smiles proudly "thanks"

Max joins in and we all make our way to the cooldown room. Lando walks up front while me and Max walk behind.

"Hey you alright mate?" Max says and i turn towards him "yeah, why wouldn't i be?" I say

"Well you kind off look like you're about to strangle someone" he laughs. I just laugh it off with him and continue walking to the cooldown room.

Someone walks in a few minutes later and tells us all to make our way to our podiums

I wait for my sign to walk out and take a deep breath, before stepping out towards my podium.

The team cheers my name, just like every other Ferrari fan out there and I take it all in.

I scan the crowd.. for her. I meet here eyes but she quickly looks away, avoiding my gaze.. she's done that ever since that night.

I feel my smile drop for a second but i quickly set myself straight.

Max walks out and takes his place as well with a big smile as he nods at me with i return.

And than Lando's name gets called out as he runs out with his arms up in the air while the crowd goes wild.

I glance at Lydia who's cheering louder then ever as i notice her teary eyes.

Oh come on! Really?

After the national anthems are over and the trophies are handed to us, it's time for champagne.

I only aim towards Max, I can't stand Norris right now.

I give Lydia one last glance, she returns it this time. I feel myself start to grin and throw her a wink as i walk back out with Max and Lando.


"Hey mate! Great racing out there" Pierre says walking my way "I didn't win, so no it was not." I say

"Wow, you're in a mood" he chuckles "fuck off" "wanna tell me why?" He asks "no" i say as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and walks with me

"Let me guess, is it about a media manager, specifically, the girl from McLaren?" He asks and i snap my head towards his

"How do you know her? Why do you know about her?" I ask "Lydia's a friend of Kika." He says and i hum in response

"And come on, i'm not blind. i've seen you stalk her insta before and heard you moan her name while you were jerking off when you thought i was out." He says casually

I turn to him and grab him by both shoulders "if you tell anyone about that, I will kill you."

"Relax mate! That would be more uncomfortable for me than it would be for you" he chuckles

"I highly doubt that." I say

"We should do a double date or something! Me and Kika, and you and Lydia" he proposes and i laugh loudly

"Definitely not, she hates me, i hate her. I'd like to keep it that way" i say

"You hate her? She hates you? Dude are you stupid? Have you seen the way she looks at you, not to mention the way you look at her!"

"What can i say, she's hot. That doesn't mean i have to like her" i state

Pierre stops walking for a second "you know you can fool yourself all you want, but you're not fooling me, mate" he says

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"

"Okay come on, lets get dinner" Pierre says, and with that we both walk toward our favourite restaurant.


I close the door to my hotel room and drop down on the bed, lying on my stomach .

I groan into the pillows before turning around on my back. My phone dings and i grab it to find a message from Pierre

Pierre: check out McLarens last post, 7th picture
Pierre: have fun jerking off 😉🍆

Me: Fuck off 🖕🏼

I open instagram and find the immediately find the picture Pierre was talking about.

Lydia's in it.

It's a picture off her with Bianca Bustemante and Lily Zneimer

She's standing side ways, with her arm around Lily's shoulder making her shirt rise up, revealing her back and stomach.

She's wearing really short shorts ,and because of the way she's standing, the bottom of her perfect ass is revealed.

I can feel my dick hardening just from that

Another message from Pierre comes in at the top off my screen

Pierre: well i'm right, am i not?

Instead off replying to him, I find Lydia's contact in my phone.

Me: come over

I wait a few minutes for her to respond

Lydia: no, why?

Me: just come here, Chérie

Lydia: not if you don't tell me why

Me: now!

Lydia: omw.


(Didn't proofread)

Late again, i keep apologising.. I'm sorry

Also sorry for this short chapter but at least we got another Charles' POV soooo...

Anyways.. maybe, to make up for updating late everytime, i'll post again this week.. but underline that maybe, because i know i have a really busy weekend coming up... but maybe

Yours faithfully,

Destiny | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now