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Lydia's POV:

The sunlight beams through the curtains as I slowly feel myself wake up. I open my eyes and meet with 2 blue ones.

"Good morning" he croaks out deeply with a slight smirk.

I smile "were you watching me sleep?" I ask squinting my eyes a little as he obliviously raises his eyebrows "maybe" he says and i chuckle.

"Would you want to fly back to Monaco with me tomorrow morning?" Charles then asks, making me look up at him with raised eyebrows.

"You could stay with me in my house there, i have an extra room if that would make you feel more comfortable" he proposes with a soft smile

I smile back at him as i run a hand through his hair, not saying anything yet

Charles then turns away from me "I'd obviously understand if you wouldn't want to.. i mean, you live in New York an you pro-." "I would love to" i say stopping him with a smile

"You would?" He ask smiling brightly as his eyes light up.

"Charles its Monaco! Of course i want to come with you" i say and his smile falls a bit "right, Monaco" he says

I chuckle at his behaviour "and i really want to spend more time with you Charles" i say grinning while his eyes light back up again.

"I do have to get back to my room though, Lily and Kika have probably already set something on fire by now" i say as i wiggle out if his grip

He thinks fast and immediately pulls me back "just a few more minutes" he says, nuzzling his face into the back of my neck.

"Charles.." i whine

"Lydia..." he smirks

I chuckle "no, i have to get back, especially if we're e leaving tomorrow. I have to pack" i say, finally getting out of his grip

"Fine, but you're keeping my clothes on" he demands when i stand next to the bed , still in his sweatpants and shirt.

I frown "why?" I ask raising my eyebrows

"They look good on you" he smirks as he rolls onto his back, placing his arms underneath his neck as he watches me.

"Okay sure, whatever" i chuckle and reach for my bag as i shove the purple dress i wore yesterday inside of it. "Bye Charlie" i grin as i make my way out

"Don't ever call me that again, Lydia!" He calls out behind me, but I've already closed the door as i walk away with a proud smirk.

I knock on the door that belongs to my room as i wait for my favourite girls to open the door.

The door opens almost immediately as the two of them pull me inside, slamming the door behind them.

"No fires, I'm impressed" i joke as i sit down on the bed.

"Share!" Lily shouts
"What happened?" Kika asks
"Are those his clothes?" Lily dimes in
"Why didn't you text?" Kika wonders
"Was he good in bed?" Lily smirks

"Wow! Slow down, jeez" i chuckle as they both freeze and look at me with wide eyes and a grin "okay 1, yes. 2, yes these are his clothes. 3, i got distracted and forgot. 4, I wouldn't know." I tell them with a satisfied smile

Lily scrunches her eyebrows confused "wait.. you didn't have sex? Then why'd you need to come over so urgently?" She asks

"Well he wanted to... talk" i tell them innocently.

I don't know whether i should tell them everything or not.. i mean.. I don't even know what me an Charles are. Its not like we labeled it.

And of course i though about having sex with him... a lot actually, but I don't want him to dump me right after.. just be one of his flings. I need to know if he's for real first.

I guess i'm gonna have to talk to him about that eventually..

"He wanted to talk." Lily repeats after me as she looks at Kika with her eyebrows raised "about what?" Kika then asks confused as well

I think for a second to find the right words "Well.. he's been kind off a dick to me these past few months, he wanted to apologise and asks if we could start again." I tell them.

"And so you spend the night in his bed?" Lily asks, squinting her eyes. "He stayed on the couch" i lie

"That doesn't explain why you're wearing his clothes" kika adds and i sigh "well i wouldn't have had to if you two didn't make me wear that uncomfortable stupid dress, remember?"

I'll asks Charles later if i can be honest with them or not.. i'm just not sure what to tell them right now, but if Kika tells Pierre something, and Pierre then brings it back to Charles, I don't know how Charles would react to that.

"Oh i'm flying to Monaco tomorrow." I tell them and they both look at me dumbfounded

"Let me guess, with Charles." Kika says and they both watch me nod as I can't hide the small grin forming on my face.

My phone dings and i reach into my bag to grab it

Charles: can i tell Pierre?

Me: only if i can tell Lily and Kika

I can't help but grin at my phone.. he wants to tell his best friend about me, that feels kinda good.

"Is that him?" Lily asks and i nod

Charles: deal
Charles: I don't really like that you left.. my bed went cold

I chuckle while shaking my head for a slight second

Me: put a shirt on then ;)

Charles: I can't, you took my favourite😞

Me: i guess you'll just have to stay cold then.

With that i lay my phone on the bed and turn back to Kika and Lily. "Okay i lied..."

"He did want to talk... he talked about the fact that he only hated me because he couldn't have me so he wanted me to hate him, which worked, but then he couldn't seem to stay away from me and he eventually told me that he wanted to give us a try" i rattle and both their jaws drop at the same time

Lily then holds her hand up to kika for a high five saying "called it"

"Oh and he didn't sleep on the couch..." i add with a sly innocent grin


Okay, not much happened this chapter, i agree, but I don't really know yet where i want this to go and what i want for Charles and Lydia, but the next chapters will be more fun, i promise

Also i'm so excited for lewis for winning Silverstone today, he couldn't stop crying, it was adorable.

I also have massive baby fever for no reason, someone send help.

Lots of love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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