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Lydia's POV:

The sun is bright, the sky is blue and the soft chirping of birds wakes me up..

That's what i wish my morning looked like.. now, more realistic

The sun is no where to be found, the sky dark grey and i think all the birds are dead. I turn off my alarm and slowly sit up as i run a hand through my messy hair... that's when i realise

It's my first day

Well technically i'm only shadowing someone today.. but yeah.. it's my first freaking day as a media manager.

I hear a knock on the door and suddenly the smell of bacon fills my nostrils. When i walk out of my room to see what's happening, Mia is smiling next to a plate full of food. "I ordered room service... I though you should eat well since it's your first day" I smile Brightly "Thanks M"

You know what the best thing is about working in formula one without a drivers license?... formula one has personal taxi drivers, so guess who's not walking today.

After I finish eating, I quickly get ready. I decided on a simple outfit.. black flare jeans and a green hoodie.. I'll probably be wearing a team shirt today. I quickly throw my hair into a high pony tail and grab my bag.

"Bye M!" I shout "OH!" I hear from the other side of the room as footsteps approach and with in a few seconds Mia is wrapped around my neck "good luck, you got this" she says and i smile "thanks... i'll text you" i say as i unwrap myself from her hold "you better" she says and i walk out

There's a car waiting for me outside with someone familiar leaning against it. "Hey" he says grinning and I smile "hey"

Lando opens the door for me and i get in. He gets behind the wheel and starts driving. "Are you nervous?.... Excited?" He asks smiling "a little bit of both" I say and he chuckles "I'm glad you chose McLaren... Tori really likes you" he looks over at me "and I do too" he says and i feel my cheeks heating up.

I don't respond but i give him a smile.. i think that says enough. "I don't think Charles is very happy about it though" I say and he frowns "Charles? Why not" "well he was rather pushy about me having to choose Ferrari.. I don't know" I say "hey.. don't worry about it. This is your choice, Charles doesn't get a say on that.. so what if he's pissed, let him be" "yeah you're right"

Tori is waiting for us outside of the paddock with a big smile on her face. I smile as I look at Lando... who's suddenly not behind the wheel


The door on my side opens and a grinning Lando holds out his hand. "Dude.. i didn't notice you getting out.. I was like... whaaat?" I say and Lando bursts out laughing as i get out of the car.

A smiling Tori walks our way and i grin "i'm so happy you chose us!! It's going to be great working together" she says as she gives me a hug "I can't wait" i say

We walk through the paddock and Tori gives me a little tour as we do so "right there is Mercedes.. oh and that's Mr. Horner from red-bull standing next to their car.. and that's.. one of the many reporters, I think his name is Harold.. nice guy"

"Thats a tyre.. oh and that is a person with a yellow hat.. oohh and this is what we call a rock" Lando says sarcastically as he points at a weird shaped rock "really?" Tori says and I laugh "is that Zak calling you? Ooh i'd hurry if I were you" "what!! I'll be right back" Tori says as she runs towards McLaren paddock

Lando laughs "never gets old" i shake my head disapprovingly "what??" He says innocently and we both laugh. Lando suddenly looks over my shoulder and his smile falls "what?" I ask "remember how you said Charles might not be happy?" He says "yeah?" "Well i think you might have been right" he points behind me and i turn around. My gaze meets his as he has his arms crossed over his chest.

I don't even look at Lando before my feet start moving towards him. I give him a smile but he doesn't return it "hey" I say as I approach him "what do you want" he snaps and my smile falls "what?" I ask confused "look I don't have time for people like you so unless you're here to tell me something useful, I suggest you leave" he says harshly and I feel the blood rushing through my veins "people like me? What the hell do you mean?" I say and he looks behind me "I think you know what i mean" he snaps and walks away

I stand there for a few second before i feel a hand on my shoulder "you good?" Lando asks and i nod "yep" i say and walk the direction Tori walked in.


"Any questions?" Tori is talking me through everything i need to know about creativity, development, social media, design and everything else.. apparently I'll also be in charge of every social media platform.. they gave me a freaking phone for that... great

"No I think I got it" "great.. you'll post on platforms about 10 times a day.. depending on what's happening. On insta you can post extra on stories.. just come up with random things and it'll be fine. People love looking at Lando and Oscar" she laughs and I nod "why don't you give it a spin.. it's been about 3 hours since the last post was made" she says "erm.. sure" I look around and try to find something to film..

That's when I see Oscar and Lando approach the building together.. perfect

I run their way and Lando smiles at me while Oscar looks confused "just.. pretend I'm not here" I say smiling. I press record and they walk inside.. I film them and Lando throws a little wink at the camera while Oscar chuckles. I stop filming and add a little caption "walking in style" and post it on instagram.

I smile proudly and look at tori who opens her phone and within a few seconds she's smiling "that's perfect!" She shouts so i can hear her and I give her a thumbs up.

I notice Oscar walking my way with Lando slouching behind him like a puppy "we haven't met yet.. i'm Oscar." He smiles "Lydia, nice to meet you" i respond smiling too "so you're going to be our new media manager huh?" "Yep, that's me" i say happily and he smiles. I notice Lando looking behind me as he raises his shoulders at someone. I turn around to look only to be met with Charles' glare. "What's up with him?" Oscar asks confused "Don't know.." Lando says

"I'll be right back" I say as i walk towards Charles "what is your problem!" I say and he looks me up and down for a second before he steps closer with an angry expression on his face. I'd be lying if i told you he didn't look hot right now. I stand my ground as he looks down at me. "You're wearing the wrong colour ma chérie.. that's my problem" he spats and walks away


I didn't know how to end this chapter so... i'm sorry. Anyways.. I'm exited about quali :) what are you're predictions?

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