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Lydia's POV:

"MIA, I'M BORROWING YOUR PURPLE DRESS!!'' have you ever been to a billionairs party who invited lots of other billionairs, that you  got invited to by a the billionairs best friend who is also a billionair? No? Well me neither.

This week was great. I learned so many new things and Tori says i'm almost ready. Testing went well this week and the Bahrain GP is next Saturday so it'll be a busy week. It's my day off today and i was going to spend it by doing absolutly nothing.... That was until Lando called me this morning about Carlos' party, which is tonight. I asked him what the party was for amd he said "Carlos doesn't need a reason to throw a party" He was talking to Carlos about me and Carlos proposed the idea of Lando inviting me.... So he did, and i'm freaking out because i've never even been to a party... let alone a billionairs party.

I'm finishing my make up as Mia walks in "stop stressing. And sure, use my dress." "thanks M" i flash her a quick smile before I rush to Mia's suitcase. I take out the purple dress and smile.

"Lando is not going to be able take take his eyes off of you if you ware this dress" Mia says from behind me and I turn around "what do you mean?" i aks furrowing my eyebrows "what? Are you kidding me right now?" she asks and i blink twice as she face palms

"girl.. that man has been driving you to work for the entire week and he's yapping about you to the entire paddock. He invited you to his best friends birthday party!!" She explains "yes.. sooo?"
"SO HE'S WHIPPED!!" she shouts "what!? No he's not!! He's just a friend. A really good friend might i add." I defend and she raises her eyebrows "okay yeah.. shooore." "i'm serious!!!" i shout "we'll see...." She says and walks away.

Tsss, Lando.. whipped about me. Definetly not. Sure.. he's driving me again, but that doesn't mean anything!

I stare at myself in the mirror, proud of how I look.. bang on Lydia. I grab my purse and walk out of my room as i wait for Lando.

My phone pings.
Lando: here :)

I smile and make my way out. "Bye M!!" "Have fun!" She shouts and i walk out but not before hearing her say "but not too much fun.." "SHUT UP!" I scream once more before walking toward the parking lot in front of the hotel, where Lando is waiting for me

"Hey" i say happily as i give him a little hug. He gives me a squeeze and lets go. He clears his throat as he looks me up and down "hey.. you eh.. you look good. I like that colour on you" he says "thanks" i say and the air suddenly turn thick.. not sure why. "Lets go?.. then?" I say softly "right"  he opens the door for me and we drive to the club, where Carlos' party takes place.

When we arrive, it's not like anything i expected. Theres loud music and flashing light.. and i'm pretty sure most of these people are already drunk... and is that Yuki dancing on the table?

"Come on! I'll introduce you to Carlos and the other guys!" Lando shouts over the loud music as he drags me with him. "Carlos!!" He shouts and Carlos turns around "Lando!" They give each other a hug.

"This is Lydia, Lydia this is everyone." Lando says pointing towards Carlos, Daniel, Max, Pierre, George, Lewis, Alex and Oscar somewhere in the corner.

"Hi!" I say and they all give me a wave except for lewis. He smiles brightly at me and gives me a nod. "Good to see you here" Lewis says and i smile. "Hi Oscar!" I walk over him and give him a hug "Hey Lyds" he smiles

I walk back to Carlos "I still don't know what this party is about... but Congratulations anyways" i say and Carlos laughs.. "there doesn't need to be a reason to throw a good party" he says making me laugh as well.

"Wait.. Lydia?" Someone says and i turn around, meeting eyes with Alex. "Oh hey Alex.. hows Lily?" I say smiling "oh my god... so it is you, you were at the movies with us. Lily's seriously always talking about you." Alex says. And i laugh "really? Well if you see her, tell her I said hi" i say and alex suddenly smiles brighter as someone taps my shoulder making me turn around

"hi" Lily says and we both squeal as we jump in each others arm. "Oh my god!!! How are you??" I ask "I'm fantastic!!" She says as she pulls away. "I heard that you're working at McLaren now... so they picked you" she says and I nod "now you don't have to kick their asses" i say and she laughs. "You have too meet the other girls! I've told them all about you." She drags me with her to the table she was sofa at with a few other girls in the corner of the club.

I recognise some of then as we get closer. Kelly, Max's girlfriend and Carmen, George's girlfriend. I also recognise Isa Hernáez, who's Carlos' girlfriend but i'm not actually sure if they're still together.

"Hi, I'm Lydia.." i say smiling "this is who's I've told you about!!" Lily says "oh my god!!! We here so much about you! I'm Francisca, Pierre's girlfriend. call me kika" Francisca says happily as she walks over to me and gives me a hug. We all sit down and start talking about everything thing.. i could get used to this.

I feel a presence behind me as Lando's face suddenly appears over my shoulder with a drink in his hand. "I got you a drink.." he whispers in my ear and i smile as i take it "thank you." I kiss his cheek and he walks back. I smile happily at my friend before i turn back to the girls who are all wide eyes looking at me. "What?" I say "WHAT??" They all mimic and i laugh

"woah wind up and .. freeze!" Lily says "what the hell was that!?" Kelly shouts "what? He brought me a drink" i say "what did he whisper in your ear?" Heidi asks "that he got me a drink.." I laugh "guuurl" Carmen says as they all start to laugh a bit
"so how long has it been going on?" Kelly asks "has what been going on?" I ask "you and Lando?" I widen my eyes "What!? No! Why does everyone think that?" I shake my head "babe, he looks at you as if you're from heaven." Lily says and i laugh "no he does not! He's just a very good friend" i say "i bet" Isa says smirking. they all laugh and i face palm.

"Charles is looking gooooood today" Lily says looking behind me "agreed.. he's the only man Carlos allows me to stare at" Isa says laughing and i turn around meeting eyes with Charles. "Oh he's looking" i hear Lily say and everyone giggles... he stares me down as I quickly turn back around....

This is gonna be a loooooong night.


First chapter with the wags. I wasn't sure if i should add Isa or Rebecca, but I don't really know Rebecca and i think everyone knows Isa better.... So Isa it is.

The next chapter will continue in the same club they're in right now.. so sorry for the cliffhanger.

Love you guys

Xx  Stella

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