Lucky charm

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It's been a while, i'm sorry... but here it is, enjoy

Lydia's POV:

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask Lando as he stares at a tree. He turns his face towards me and races his shoulders

"I'm trying to find a caterpillar." He tells me and i raise my eyebrows "okay...... why?"

"Well because i'm fucking bored mate" he sighs and i chuckle as a secretly snap a quick picture of him.

Best thing to do when you're bored.... Look for caterpillars

Aaaaaand... posted.

I walk towards Lando and grab his arm "come on, go take pictures with fans" i tell him "but why" he whines

"Lando it's race day.. we're in Miami, who spends their time finding caterpillars in Miami?" "Me.. I want a good luck charm"

I chuckle "they're your good luck charm" i say as i push him towards the screaming fans "see ya" i shout as make my way back to my office.

I walk past Ferrari and my mind suddenly shoots to Charles.. he's seriously just been ignoring me since Saudi Arabia.... Which was almost 2 fucking months ago! I can't believe him

I close the door to my office and not even 2 second later my phone starts ringing.

It's an unknown Caller ID... i furrow my eyebrows and press the green button

"Hello?" I say and i hear nothing but breathing for a few second "hello??" I ask again

"Lydia.." someone whispers from the other side and for some reason i feel my stomach drop.

"Who is this?" I ask as i sit down on the couch.

the trembling voice of a woman responds "it's me baby"


"It's me"


I feel my legs start to tremble and my voice breaks as i speak "momma?"

"Yes.. i'm here" she says with a shaky voice as well. I drop my head into hands and sigh "why are you calling me, mom?"

"I miss my baby girl" she responds and i scoff "no you don't. You kicked me out mom.."

"I was depressed.. you know how much it hurt me when dad died, but I've changed now" she says

"don't you dare bring dad into this, he would have never kicked me out." I say sternly as i try to stop myself from crying

"Lydia... please give me another chance? I want to see you, i want to have a relationship with you.. like a real mother and daughter" she says and i feel a tear slip out of my eye as it rolls down my cheek

"I'll think about it... and then I'll call you" i say

"Thank you, baby" "no, don't call me that" i say sternly "i have to go back to work, bye mom" i say and don't wait for and answer as i hang up the phone.

I bring my knees to my chest as i try to calm my breathing while tears are still rolling down my cheeks.

Why now? After all this time.. why would she suddenly forgive me?

I quickly text Lewis, he's the only one who can calm me down right now.

Not even 2 minutes later he knock at my door "Dia, it's me, can i come in?"

"Yes" I say with a crooked voice

He immediately come in and his face fills with worry a soon as he sees the state i'm in.

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