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Lydia POV:

I look out of my window as the plane lands. Mia has been begging me if she could come along... i told her i wouldn't mind, but she would have to pay for everything herself cause I can't afford that. She decided she was okay with that. So here we are.... In an airplane that's landing in Bahrain...

"Attention all passengers this is your pilot speaking, we will be approaching Sakhir air base, please fasten your seatbelts and remain seated." The pilot announced as Mia grabs my hand "i hate airplanes" she says "then why did you come" i laugh "because i love you, weirdo" she laughs

The plane landed and we get out of the plane. "So where are we supposed to go?" Mia asks and i look around "there was supposed to be someone picking us up..." i say.

"Okay well... how about i go take our stuff to our hotel, then you'll go get that job okay??" Mia says "how will you get there?" "Im sure there are taxi's in Bahrain" she says as she stars walking towards our suitcases "love you!! Bye!!" ".. wh- bye?" I say as she's already gone.... Great, now what?....

My phone buzzes and i quickly unlock my phone.

Hello Lydia, our usual taxi driver called in sick this morning, so we had to find a quick replacement. He should be there by now. He'll be waiting for you in a parking lot, 5 minutes away from the airplane for safety reasons.. i'll send you the location. We'll see you soon,Tori


What?... well okay then.. i make my way towards the parking lot as i think to myself....

I never heard anything from Ferarri...

There aren't many cars in the parking lot... but i still don't know what car I'm supposed to be looking for.

That's until I notice a man with a little board that says "Lydia" on it. I smile and walk towards the man. I get closer and start to make out his face a bit more... he looks like he's early to mid twenties.. like me. I can't make out his hair, cause he's wearing a McLaren cap.

He's also wearing a McLaren shirt along with simple denim jeans. I get closer and realise who I've been staring at... no way

They sent Lando Norris to come pick me up

He's smiling as i approach him and i am trying so hard to stay professional... I mean I should've expected seeing him today but for some reason I didn't... and I definitely didn't expect him driving me!!

"I'm really hoping you're the Lydia I'm supposed to pick up cause if your not, I will be slaughtered" he says smiling and I laugh "Tori is giving you a hard time then?" I say and he smiles "so it is you, thank god and yes" he says and then extends his hand "Lando Norris.. nice to meet you" he says. I take his hand and smile "Lydia Adams, pleasure"

He opens the door for me and i get into the car. He then gets into the driver seat and takes off to McLaren... not failing to show off his driving skills a bit.

"So..." he starts "have you ever been in Bahrain before?" "No... have you?" I ask and i immediately regret it when the words leave my mouth

He drives here every year dumbass!

"A few times" he says casually as he looks at me with a smirk... and i feel my stomach twist

You better redeem yourself

"I knew that.. sorry" i laugh "don't stress it" he says "are you nervous?" He asks and i sigh "maybe...." I say softly.

He places his hand on my knee and i have the urge to scream and jump out of the window while passing out... but i control myself. "Don't worry.. from what I can tell, everyone will love you. I mean i know i will" he says and i smile "thank you..." i give him a warm smile and he smiles back.

We sit in a comfortable silence with soft beats playing on background the rest of the drive. I'd catch him humming along at some points and he'd smirk at me every time i looked his way..

I could get used to this... stop it

Lando parks the car and shuts off the engine. "This is it" he says smiling and i smile back. We both get out and he walks me to McLaren.

When we arrive i feel my lungs about to explode.. what if they don't like me? What if i mess up? What if-

"Hey.... You got this" Lando snaps me out of my thoughts as he places both his hands on my shoulders. I take a deep breath and look at him once more. "Okay.....see ya" i say smiling before walking inside.

I got this.


I think that went well.... Right? Tori leads me out of the building with a warm smile "okay so, i'll give you a call and let you know what we've decided. I don't know when that will be but probably somewhere next week, okay??" She asks "yes, thank you"

i smile as i start to walk away but quickly turn around "oh Tori!" I say loudly so she hears me. She turns around and smiles "yeah?" "How ehh... how will i get back to my hotel??" I ask softly "oh Lando should be waiting for you in the parking lot" she smiles "okay thank you!!" I say as i sprint to the parking lot

Why am I running?

I stop running and make my way to Lando's car. When i arrive, he's leaning against his black McLaren as he's on his phone. "Hey you" i say announcing myself and he immediately looks up. "Hey!! How did it go?" "Good I think..... i hope" i say unsure "i bet you did great.. come on" he says as he opens the car door for me

Such a gentleman

He gets in next to me and pauses for a second before turning my way "you up for coffee?" He asks and i smile "sure" I say as i buckle up

Lando's getting our drinks as i'm sending Mia a quick text, letting het know i'm grabbing a coffee. I send her my location and as i'm about to turn my phone off, it rings.

*unknown number
Location: Sakhir, Bahrain


I answer anyways... maybe it's McLaren? That would be early though

"Hello, this is Lydia" i say into the phone "hi Lydia, ..... this is Tom from the media team of Scuderia Ferarri.."!


Chapter 4 ya'll.... Enjoy

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