"I owe you"

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I learned a new skill today... i memorised Carlos Sainz's full name while being able to pronounce it and i am prouder than ever😭

Oh and, *contant warning* 😏

Lydia's POV:

"So when did it start again?" Mia asks and i sigh as i grab my bag. "It starts at 4, but be there early so i can you get to sit with me." I tell her for the tenth time. "Text me when you get there, bye" "bye tiger" she says and i turn around as i raise my eyebrows "sorry" she laughs and i make my way outside.

"You ready?" Lando asks? "I should be asking you that question." I reply "i was born ready" he says and i tilt my head "that was corny" he says and we both laugh.

We drive and i drown in my thoughts.. its race day. So much is happening today.. what if our cars fail? What if we end up at the back of the grid.... What if Lando crashes.. stop. He won't.

I feel a hand on my thigh and snap out of my thoughts. "You okay?" I sigh "yeah.. i'm fine" i respond and he nods, but he doesn't take his hand off, instead, he starts to rub small circles with his thumb and i exhale every bit of nerve left in my body.

We arrive at the gate. I take out my pass and walk through, assuming Lando is behind me.. but when it gets quiet, i turn around and see him standing outside the gate with his pockets out of his pants and i face palm.

"You forgot your pass?" "... maybe" he says innocently "okay just jump over." I say and he stares at the gate with his hands in his pockets. "But what if i trip?" "You won't" "but what if i will.. can't race with a broken wrist you know.." he says and i throw my head in my hands again.

"Jesus Christ Lando! Walk around then." "Well.. it's to crowded to walk around.." he says as he points to the photographers who are having a field day with these foto's as they're snapping a picture of him every chance they get..

bet i'm looking charming with my resting bitch face and double chin.... Not.

I walk over to the gate and grab his arm. "Jump... now." I say and he smirks "yes ma'am."

When we finally arrive at McLaren paddock, Tori is waiting for us with a stresses expression and before she can say anything i say "he forgot his paddock pass" and walk past her towards my office.

I open the door and rush towards my desk in a straight line as i dump my bag on the floor. I run my hands through my hair and breath in.. get it together Lydia.

"Hey Dia..." a familiar voice calls out from behind me and i freeze. No... it can't be..

I slowly turn around and a familiar face stares back at me with the biggest smile and open arms. I squeal and run into her arms "Alyssa!!" I hug her tightly and she wraps her arms around me safely. "Surprise" "i missed you so much!"

"When did you-.. how di-.. wha-.. I didn't ev-.." "breathe.." she says and i laugh. "How did you even get here?" I asks and the door of my office opens again "she had some help" Lando says with a smirk. "You didn't forget you pass... did you?" "Nope.. i just lend it out" he says and Alyssa smiles "i would keep him close if i were you." She whispers and i smile.

"Shit! I still need to post something." I say as i reach for the phone in my desk. "Lando! Pose or something.." and he does. I type a quick "race day!!" And throw the phone in my bag. "Okay.. we're good to go for the next hour." I say

"Lets take a walk.. okay?" Alyssa asks "i wish i could.. but Tori sa-." "Tori knows about Alyssa.. i took care of it. As long as you keep the media updated once an hour, the rest of the team will take care of everything else." Lando interrupts me. "Really?" He nods

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