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How.. how is this book at 4,02K.... That's crazy! Thank you guys

Lydia's POV:

He fucking winked at me. Of course he did.

And then he dares to smirk at me even though he's ignored me all this time.. dick.

"Lydia!! Oh my God, how are you!?" Someone says as i'm quickly engulfed in a hug. I realise it's Kika and squeeze her back

"oh you don't know half of it, but i'm so glad to see you!" I tell her as i let go "how are you and Pierre?" I ask with a smile

A light blush instantly forms on her cheeks as she grins "we're good... really good" she smiles and i happily return her smile.

"Hey would you wanna hang out today? I invited Lily over to my hotel room, but i'm sure she would love it if you were there too" i ask

"Yes! I would love that, Pierre is so busy with training and everything or he hangs out with Charles, i hardly see him.. i could really use some company" she says excitingly

I grab my phone as i smile "i'll text Lily to meet us at the hotel then"


"Okay so wait, he did what" Lily asks as she stuffs her mouth with another donut

"I came home, and all the light were out so i was like, where the hell is Pierre. Then i turned the light on and i saw a trail of rose pedals on the floor leading to the bedroom" Kika starts as me and Lily both give her our full attention

"And then there was Pierre, lying on the fucking bed in his spiderman onesie, holding a plate with heart sliced watermelon and strawberries with chocolate." She says with the biggest smile

"Okay you win in life" i say and she laughs

"It was the cutest thing he's ever done for me" she says as her cheeks tint a light pink

"I wish alex would do something like that, all he wants to do is play games like hide and seek" Lily says with a straight face, but then bursts out in laughter just like me and Kika

"What about you Lyds?" Kika asks and i look her way with an innocent smile "what do you mean?"

"Anyone special going on in your life?" She asks and Lily throws me a knowing smirk

"Nope.. no one" i say and Lily snorts making Kika look at her

"She's lying right?" She asks Lily as if i'm not there "no i'm not"

"*cough* yes *cough* you are *cough cough*" Lily says and i hit her with a pillow

Kika's eyes widen excitingly "spill!" She shouts

"It's nothing" i say trying to sound convincing and lily scoffs

"Yeah it sure looked like nothing when he was shirtless in a plane bathroom with you.. making out." Lily spills

"I really hate you sometimes you know that?" I say "no you luuuv me"

"Plane bathroom?!! What?! With who??" Kika asks as she sits up straight

"Will you promise me you wont tell anyone? Not even Pierre?" I ask

"Pierre doesn't need to know anything, i promise" she says

I scrunch my face as i say "Charles..."


Lily laughs loudly at Kika's reaction as i try calm her down from freaking out

"You and Charles?" She then says with a litlle smirk "i did not see that coming"

"Trust me, me neither and nothings happening right now. He hates me. I hate him. Its a mutual feeling" i say

"Yeah shooore, you keep telling yourself that" Lily says making Kika grin

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently

"Come on Lydia! I notices the glances between you two, and the way he looks at you, not to mention the way you look at him. You're so whipped!" Lily explains as she shoves my shoulder lightly

"No.. because.." i think for a second as i try come up with a reason that says other wise "because if that were true, why would he have been ignoring me ever since that night in my-."

I quickly stop myself from saying to much.. i never told Lily about that night

"What night?!" Kika and Lily shout at the same time with wide eyes

"He uhm.. he kind off came to our hotel room right after the race in Saudi Arabia, when you were with Alex.." i confess slowly

Kika's mouth opens wide and Lily shoots up straight

"You two had sex??!!" She asks in a shouting matter

"No! God no! He just.. kinda.. went down on me..?" I say softly

"You dont say.." Kika smirks and Lily looks at me wide eyed

"In our room!?" Lily asks

"Oh don't pretend like you and Alex didn't have a fun time when i had to spend the night at Lando's because you and your boyfriend took over our bed" i say

And Lily looks down "okay you got me there" she says making Kika laugh loudly

"But like I said.. he's been ignoring me ever since Saudi Arabia. So there's nothing going on... anymore."

*ding ding*

I turn my phone around an my eyes widen within milliseconds. I look at Lily and Kika and they both look at me confused

"What?" Kika asks

I simply turn my phone around and show then the message that just filled my screen

Charles: come over

Lily smirks at me while Kika lets out a small squeel "ignoring you huh?" Lily says

"Well what the hell do i say? He never texts me, let alone ask me to come over" i say confused

Lily thinks for a second but Kika answers before she even gets the change "just ask him why." She says

Me: why?

"No that just going to make him like the chase.. say something li-." Lily start but i had already send it "Yeah i already send it" "oh"

*ding ding*

Charles: just come here, Chèrie

"He says, Just come here Chèrie" i say making Kika smile "thats the cutest nickname"

"Tell him that you wont, only if he tells you why" Lily says and i nod approvingly

Me: no, not if you don't tell me why.

"Sended" i say as we wait for his response

*ding ding*

Charles: now!

"He says ,now, with an explanation mark" i tell them and they both give each other a specific look

"You should go" Lily says and i frown. "What? Why.. we don't know what he wan-." "Yes we do" Lily says interrupting me

"Just go" Kika says hiding a grin

I sigh before I type back my response

Me: omw.


(Didn't proofread)

I actually updated twice within a week.. kinda proud of myself.

Also, I just cut my own hair and it's still wet, so i'm terrified of what it's going to look like when i wake up tomorrow.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, i know i did. Tips and suggestions are still welcome :)

Kisses and hugs,

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