I never really hated you

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Lydia's POV:

"Have fun! We'll wait back here for you." Kika shouts as i step out of the room, into the hallway

"Yeah we'll see you in a few hours.. or not" Lily say with a smirk

I turn around to reply but they've already closed the door before i even got the chance.

Okay.. i guess i'm doing this then..

One foot after the other... breath after breath, i make my way to Charles' room. The room he asked me to go.

Why you might ask.. I don't know.

I watch the doors i pass.. room A134, A136, A138.. this hallway seems endless as i slowly keep walking.

Lily and Kika made me wear something else, i did not see a problem with wearing my sweatpants and a hoodie, pretty sure it was Lando's hoodie, maybe thats why?

Well that doesn't matter now, because i'm wearing this stupid purple ish dress which is not as comfortable as one might think.

A154.. that's it. Right?

I grab my phone to check if i got the right one, but as i try to find it the door opens.. revealing a pretty disheveled Charles.. who is in fact wearing sweatpants

See! Now i look ridiculous.

I put my phone back in my purse and walk towards him.

"Hey" i say and he simply stares at me before blinking a few times and smiling "hey.. thank you for coming over" he says

I scoff "well it didn't really sound like you were giving me a choice" i say as i walk past him, inviting myself in.

He chuckles as he closes the door "i would never force you to do anything ma chèrie"

"Sure you wouldn't" i reply as i squint my eyes slightly. I walk over to his couch and sit down. "So... why'd you invite me over all this sudden"

"I just really wanted to see you Lydia" he says as i sit down on the other side of the couch

"Oh really? So why have you been ignoring me since Saudi Arabia" i ask a bit irritated

"I haven't been ignoring you"

"Yes you have"

"No I haven't"

"Yes you ha-." "Okay maybe i have. But that was with reason." He states.

"Oh please, do explain Charles" i tell him with a bitter look

"Well.." he starts "for one... i'm not supposed to be hanging out with you, you work with McLaren remember?" He explains

I scoff "okay that hasn't stopped you before, remember?" I say in the same tone he did, as i cross my arms around my chest

"Fair point" he sighs "but that's not the only reason" he says softly

"Oh do continue, please" i tell him, still annoyed

"I really.. really want to hate you" he says

I raise my eyebrows in offence "Well.. good to know" i scoff as i stand up from his couch, making my way to the door

"But I can't, Lia" he says making me stop in my tracks and turn back around.

He stands up from the couch and walks my way. "I mean I did hate you at some point.. and I'm supposed to hate you, but you're making it really damn hard for me to not like you as much as i think i do.." he explains

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