Chapter 2: Unspoken Connections

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The Hogwarts Express stood resolute on Platform 9¾, its crimson carriages gleaming under the early morning sun.

Hailey adjusted her robes, the fabric brushing against her knees as she clutched her wand. Beside her, Grace fidgeted with her owl cage, while Blair and Erica chattered excitedly about their upcoming year at Hogwarts.

"Can you believe it?" Blair exclaimed, her eyes wide. " Sixth year already!"
Erica nodded, her charcoal black hair bouncing.

"I hope we get a good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this time."

Hailey smiled, her gaze drifting toward the train. She loved the anticipation—the promise of magic, friendship, and adventure.
But as she stepped onto the platform, her heart skipped a beat.

There, standing by the entrance to the Hogwarts Express, was Draco Malfoy.

He looked different—stiffer, more uncomfortable.
Gone was the arrogant smirk that usually graced his features. Instead, his silver-blond hair fell across his forehead, and his eyes held a guarded intensity.

Hailey wondered what had changed.
Grace nudged her. "Earth to Hailey! Are you okay?" asked Grace.

Haley blinked, tearing her gaze away from Draco. "Yeah, sorry. Just lost in thought."

Grace followed her line of sight. "Oh, Merlin. It's Malfoy."
Blair wrinkled her nose. "Ugh, he's always so insufferable."

But Hailey couldn't shake the curiosity. Why did Draco look so serious? What was he thinking? She remembered their occasional encounters—the snide remarks, the shared glances. Yet, this was different. He seemed vulnerable, almost human...


" Is it just me or does this train get smaller every year?" Asked Grace.
The Hogwarts Express rattled along the tracks, its rhythmic clatter filling the compartment.

Hailey settled into the plush booth, surrounded by her fellow Slytherins. The air hummed with excitement and anticipation.

Outside, the rolling hills of the Scottish countryside blurred past. Grace, Blair, and Erica chattered about their summer, their voices blending into a comforting symphony.

Hailey listened, her gaze drifting toward the window. But then, she felt it—a subtle shift in the atmosphere. She turned her head, and there he was:
Draco Malfoy.

He sat a few booths away, his silver-blond hair catching the sunlight.
His eyes met hers, and for a moment, time hung suspended.

Draco nodded—a small, almost imperceptible gesture. Haley's heart raced. Why acknowledge her now, why all of a sudden was he acting so nice?

Her cheeks flushed, and she tore her gaze away, pretending to be engrossed in her Herbology textbook she had out.

But her mind raced. Draco Malfoy—the name that had both infuriated and intrigued her for years.
He was different today—more serious, less aloof.

"Hailey!" one of her roommates said, snapping her out of her thoughts. "What's gotten into you?"

Hailey blinked, her pulse still echoing Draco's nod. "Nothing much," she replied, her voice too casual. "Just lost in my own world."

Blair raised an eyebrow. "You're blushing. Spill."
Grace leaned closer. "Is it a secret crush? Do tell!"
Erica nudged her. "Come on, tell us."

Haley sighed. "It's not what you think. "Just...Malfoy."

The compartment fell silent. Even the train seemed to hold its breath. Draco was a polarizing figure—a Slytherin prince with a reputation for cruelty.

Yet, Hailey couldn't ignore the curiosity that gnawed at her. What was he thinking? Why had he nodded at her?

"Malfoy? He's vile!" Said Grace dramatically.
"But he's also intriguing," Blair mused. "Maybe he's not all bad."

Erica leaned back, her eyes thoughtful. "People change, you know. Maybe he's different this year."

Hailey glanced back at Draco. He was still there, talking to other fellow members blaze and pansy. The train rocked, and she caught his eye again. This time, he looked away first, as if the unspoken connection had become too heavy.

"What's gone up with you?" her roommate asked, breaking the silence.
Hailey shook her head. "Nothing. Just...curious."

Curious about Draco Malfoy—something was off about him this year; she knew it, the second she laid eyes on him. As the train hurtled toward Hogwarts, Hailey kept taking in his appearance, the  way his shoulders slouched, instead of being held high. His facial expression, turning into sickening looks... but overall he just looked awful uncomfortable. And she couldn't understand why.

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