Chapter 13: Halloween

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Authors note: So you know those random Halloween episodes in shows that make no sense with the storyline but there's still funny, well I really want to make a chapter like that and I know it's a bit cheesy but I hope you guys like it!

The great hall buzzed with anticipation as Halloween festivities unfolded. Pumpkins dangled from the ceiling, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Hailey, Grace, Erica, and Blair settled at their usual spot, surrounded by holiday treats and candies. But what caught Hailey's attention was a boy who is staring at her.

The boys eyes lingered on Hailey as she reached for a handful of snacks. "What? A girl can't enjoy some treats?" Hailey retorted, her annoyance evident. He introduced himself, and Hailey's curiosity piqued.

"Are you Hailey Petrova?" the boy asked. "Yes, and you are?" She said, with curiosity. "Theodore Nott, but my friends call me theo." he said with a smirk.

Wait a minute your friends with Draco?" Theo nodded. "Roommates, to be exact." Hailey gave him a nod and was about to leave before he spoke up.

"Have you heard about the legend?"
"Legend?" Hailey frowned, puzzled.
Theo leaned in, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Every few years on Halloween, a ghost materializes in the great hall. And if you dance with it, it grants you one wish."

Hailey scoffed. "Ridiculous. Ghosts and wishes? That's all rubbish."
But then, a few moments later, a spectral figure glided into the hall. Its ethereal form swirled, and Hailey's skepticism wavered. "Go have fun," Theo urged, winking at her.

As Hailey watched others twirl with the ghost, Erica leaned in. "You should do it, Hailey. This might be your only chance. The ghost appears only every few years."

Grace chimed in. "Dancing with a ghost? You've got to be brave."

Hailey hesitated, torn between reason and curiosity. Screw it, she thought. It was Halloween, after all. She rose from the bench and approached the ghost.

"May I have the next dance?" Hailey asked, her voice steady.
The ghost extended its translucent hand. "Yes, indeed, young witch."
They swirled across the floor, the music echoing through the hall. Hailey's heart raced. What did she truly desire? She hadn't expected this moment—her wish within reach.

Finally, the ghost spoke. "So, what is your wish?" Hailey hesitated, her mind a whirlwind. She could wish for anything. But as the music swirled around them, she started to panic.

And in the moment of vulnerability, she blurred out "Love," she had said, her voice barely audible.

"Young love—the kind that danced between heartbeats and lingered in stolen glances." the ghost said with a smirk.

The ghost regarded her with eyes that held centuries of secrets. "You shall have what you desire," it intoned, its ethereal form shifting. And then, as if bored with mortal affairs, it moved on to another unsuspecting soul.

Hailey's heart raced. Had she truly wanted love? or was it merely desperation that had fueled her plea? She felt almost violated, as if her innermost longings had been laid bare before this spectral judge.

But it was all rubbish, wasn't it? Ghosts granting wishes—such fanciful tales belonged to bedtime stories and forgotten myths. 

As the great hall resumed its normal rhythm, Hailey sank back onto the bench. Her friends watched, concern etching their features. Erica leaned in.

"Was it worth it?" Hailey shrugged, her gaze distant. "Who knows? it probably won't even happen."

Grace nudged her playfully. "Well, you've certainly stirred things up. Dancing with a ghost—sounds like a novel waiting to be written."

Blair chimed in. "Maybe the ghost knows something we don't. Maybe it's seen wishes bloom across centuries."

Hailey scoffed. "Or maybe it's just a figment of our collective imagination."


Hailey, Grace  Erica and Blair were walking down the corridors back to their dorm.

Then two people popped up in front of them from around the corner, wearing masks so they were unrecognizable. The two people casted a spell on the girls that bind them with ropes.

"what the hell"  Blair spat out.
"let's us go" Hailey demanded, but the people must have used some spell on them because the next thing she knew it went black.


The dark room enveloped Hailey, its walls pressing in like forgotten memories. Her head throbbed, and the ropes that bound her wrists chafed against her skin. Blair and Erica stirred nearby, but Grace remained unconscious. Panic clawed at Hailey's chest—where were they? What had happened?

"Guys, wake up!" Hailey's voice trembled. But Grace lay still, unresponsive. Fear tightened its grip.

"Grace!" Blair's voice cracked. "Why isn't she waking up?"

"It looks like this is someone's idea for some sick Halloween prank." Hailey said aggravated.

Erica's eyes darted around the room. "This isn't a prank, Hailey. It's gone too far."

Hailey screamed for help, her pleas echoing off the walls. Minutes stretched into eternity, and then the door creaked open. A figure stepped inside, shrouded in shadows. Hailey squinted, her vision blurred.

"Hailey, is that you?" The voice was familiar, soothing.
As the figure drew closer, Hailey's heart stuttered. Draco. Relief washed over her. "Shh, it's just me. You're safe." Draco said as he approached her.

Draco muttered an incantation, and the ropes fell away. "Thank you," Hailey whispered, her gratitude raw.

"What happened?" Draco's concern was genuine.

"Some boys jumped us," Grace's voice trembled. Erica turned around, in shock. "Oh thank God you're awake" Erica cried out.

The door swung open again, revealing the culprits—Crabbe and Goyle, their masks discarded. Draco's fury crackled in the air. "What the hell?"

Crabbe sneered. "Malfoy, what are you doing here?"

Draco's voice was ice. "This isn't a joke. You've crossed a line."

Goyle stammered. "We do this every year, you know that."

"Wait, these are friends of yours." Erica spat out.

Draco's gaze bore into them. "if you so touch these girls again, I will break your hands, got it?" The two boys shook their head shyly, but still, they looked terrified. "And that goes for both of you."

The girls stood in shock, their world upended. Draco's threat hung heavy. Draco motion for the girls to leave. As they stumbled out of the room, Hailey glanced back to Draco, she had never seen him so mad at his friends in her life.

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