Chapter 38: Desperate magic

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Draco's POV:
This summer had been a torment—a relentless ache that gnawed at Draco's soul. He loathed his life, every moment a reminder of her absence. Hailey. Her name echoed in the hollow chambers of his heart.

He'd tried to steal moments for himself, to escape the suffocating manor, but each attempt failed. His parents, the other Death Eaters—they watched him closely, and they were starting to get suspicious of where he was trying to go.

But now it was too late. Hailey was probably giving up hope, her laughter fading like a distant echo. Draco sat on his bed, the room oppressive. He thought of her smile, and of her deep chocolate brown eyes, and the way they turned hazel in sunlight. Her voice, replayed in his mind like a broken record. He longed to hug her, to breathe in her scent.

Half the time, she smelled like coffee—the warmth of mornings spent together. The other half, sweet vanilla—the comfort of shared secrets. She was like autumn sunlight, casting a golden glow on his darkest days. He wished he could turn over and find her there, staring up at him, her presence filling the emptiness.

But waiting was unbearable. Hailey was the reason he clung to this life, the fragile thread that kept him tethered. He had a right to be with her, to see her one more time. But how? Half of the Floo Network was shut down—no Death Eater could travel through its flames. Walking out the front door was futile; his mother intercepted him.

Draco sat up abruptly. He'd been blind, foolish. There was another way—a dangerous one. Apparition. His aunt Bellatrix had taught him during the summer, but he'd only attempted it twice. If he Splinched himself in the process, how would he explain it?

Desperation fueled his resolve. He stood, wand in hand, and in a blink, he Apparated out of Malfoy Manor.


The townhouse stood before Draco, its windows darkened by the late hour. He'd Apparated successfully, the magic humming in his veins.

Now, uncertainty gripped him. What was he doing here? Hailey's face haunted him—the warmth of her smile, the depth of her eyes. He'd crossed worlds for her.

He squared his shoulders, determined to be a proper gentleman. He knock on the door, and it swung open. A middle-aged man in a robe appeared—a Muggle, Draco surmised. Hailey's father, perhaps. His gruff voice cut through the night. "What do you want, boy?"

"Hello, sir," Draco began, masking his disdain. "I would like to speak to Hailey Groves." Respectful, even though this man had treated Hailey terribly. "She's not here," the man replied bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Draco's aggression surfaced. "She's missing," the man clarified. Panic clawed at Draco. Had the Death Eaters discovered their relationship? "How long?" he demanded.

"A few hours," the man said. Relief washed over Draco. Not days—just hours. "Usually, she's at her friend Hannah's house," he added, pointing down the street. "Number 35, to the left."

Draco turned to leave, but before h can, the man pulled him back by his shoulder, "hold up why are you tracking my daughter down?" The man's suspicion grew. "I'm a friend," Draco replied, though he despised this Muggle. "Hailey doesn't have friends." Draco scoffed, Hailey had plenty of wonderful friends at Hogwarts.

"Unless you're from that school Hogwarts," the man sneered. Draco hesitated. "You could say that." Draco said with a smirk. The man's anger flared. "You damn magic folks, I swear if you touch my daughter—"

Draco didn't have time to reason with him. His wand rose, and the man froze. "Obliviate," Draco whispered, erasing their encounter. Memories faded, and the man blinked, disoriented. Draco turned away, heart racing. He had to find Hailey.

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