Chapter 33: Different plans

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That night, Hailey found herself in her cozy dorm room, surrounded by her roommates. They were all getting ready for bed, the room bathed in the soft glow of lamplight. Grace, always observant, was the first to notice Hailey's unusual mood.

"Well, someone seems to be in a good mood," Grace remarked, her eyes narrowing playfully.

Hailey, brushing her hair, glanced over. "Is that so?" she replied, feigning nonchalance.

Blair, ever enthusiastic, piped in. "Yes, very much so!"

Grace leaned in, curiosity piqued. "Tell us, what's caused you to be in such a good mood?"

Erica, grinning from across the room where she sat on her bed with a book, couldn't resist teasing. "Was it Draco?" she asked, her eyes dancing.

Hailey blushed, caught off guard. "Maybe," she admitted, her heart fluttering at the mere mention of his name.

Blair, sensing the excitement, couldn't contain herself. "Oh, it was!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing.

As Hailey settled into bed, she turned off the lamp on her bedside table. The room fell into a hushed quiet, and she could hear Grace and Blair whispering about something. But Hailey decided not to eavesdrop; her mind was elsewhere.

Closing her eyes, she replayed the day—the way Draco had spun her around, the warmth of his kiss, and the unfamiliar yet exhilarating feeling that had blossomed between them. And then she thought about what he'd said—that he'd always had an eye on her throughout the years. The spark between them had kindled this year, but all this time, she hadn't realized he was always into her. He just never said anything.

The realization made Hailey's stomach flutter, but in a good way. She didn't know what had gotten into Draco today; she'd never seen that side of him. But she was loving it... a lot.


The next morning, Hailey sat in the Great Hall, surrounded by the familiar buzz of students enjoying their meals.

As she buttered her toast, she noticed Blaise Zabini running down the hall toward her. His usually composed demeanor was replaced by urgency. Hailey's roommates watched with curiosity as Blaise leaned in, whispering something into Hailey's ear.

Her expression shifted from surprise to concern, and then to something darker—a mix of fear and determination. Hailey stood up abruptly, pushing her plate away. "I'm sorry, guys," she said, her voice tight. "I have to go."

Erica's brow furrowed. "Is everything okay?"

Hailey hesitated, glancing at the entrance. "Yeah," she replied, her eyes flickering toward Draco's usual spot. "I'll catch you guys later."

Grace nodded. "Go, Hailey."

Her roommates watched, As Hailey hurried out of the Great Hall, Blaise fell into step beside her.

Grace leaned toward Blair. "What just happened?"

Blair shook her head. "I have no idea."

Grace's gaze followed Hailey's retreating figure. "Do you think it's something about Draco?"

Erica sighed. "Yeah, probably. It always is, isn't it?"

Hailey followed Blaise urgently, her heart pounding. "What happened?" she asked, her voice tight with worry.

"Just follow me," Blaise replied, leading her through the dimly lit corridors. Panic gnawed at Hailey—something was terribly wrong.

"No, stop, Blaise," Hailey insisted, grabbing his arm. "Really, tell me what this is all about."

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