Chapter 24: Shared passion

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The next morning, Madam Pomfrey stepped out of the hospital wing, her footsteps echoing in the quiet corridor. As she turned the corner, she nearly collided with a girl sitting on the floor. Hailey stirred, rubbing her eyes, her back aching from the uncomfortable night.

"Miss Groves, did you sleep here all night?" Madam Pomfrey's stern voice cut through the haze of Hailey's half-conscious state.

"I guess so," Hailey mumbled, pushing herself up. The hospital wing's cold stone floor had left its mark on her skin.

"Well, dear," Madam Pomfrey said, adjusting her robes, "you must go on your way before you miss your next class."

Hailey's eyes widened. "Can I see him now?" she blurted out, her urgency betraying her attempt at composure.

"Who, Mr. Malfoy?" Madame Pomfrey raised an eyebrow.

Hailey nodded. "Yes."

The matron shook her head. "Not right now. He needs his rest."

"Well then when can I ?" Hailey's voice cracked. She couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer.

Madam Pomfrey studied her, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. "Is he your boyfriend?" she asked, her tone gentle.

Hailey flushed. "Draco? No, God, no. He's... just a friend."

The matron's eyes softened. "Well, I'll tell you what," she said. "I'll send someone to let you know when you can see him. You'll be the first to know."

Relief washed over Hailey. "Thank you so much," she whispered, then dashed down the corridor toward her class. The castle seemed to blur around her as she navigated the twists and turns. Her mind raced...


Hailey sat in her Transfigurations class, her mind drifting far from the lecture. Her hair, a tangled mess, clung to her face, and she wore the same clothes as the day before. The monotony of the classroom blurred into a haze.

Suddenly, a young boy tapped her shoulder, breathless. "You're wanted in the hospital wing," he blurted out.

Hailey shot up from her chair, the legs scraping against the stone floor, drawing the attention of the entire class. Professor McGonagall's stern gaze bore into her. "Miss Groves, where do you think you're going?"

Hailey's heart raced. "Oh, yes, sorry," she stammered. "I've been summoned to the hospital wing. May I please be excused?"

The professor's expression softened slightly. "Very well, go quickly. And try not to disrupt any more chairs on your way out."

Hailey nodded, her mind racing. She hurried out of the classroom, leaving curious eyes behind, and made her way through the castle corridors.

Hailey ran through the castle, her heart pounding. The hospital wing loomed ahead, and when she finally arrived, she stopped abruptly. There he stood—Draco Malfoy—his shirt half-buttoned, hair disheveled. He looked as wild as she felt, but none of it mattered. She'd found him.

Draco noticed her, too. He dropped the bag he was holding, and they both ran toward each other. They collided in the middle of the room, Hailey's arms wrapping tightly around him, as she brought him in to a tight hug. "I thought I lost you," she whispered into Draco's shoulder.

"You almost did," he replied, his voice ragged.

"What?" Hailey pulled back, searching his eyes.

Draco's gaze bore into hers. "Last night, I could've died, if it weren't for Snape. And when I was bleeding out, I realized I wasn't scared of death itself. I was scared of dying without ever kissing you."

And then, without hesitation, he lifted her face, their lips meeting in a desperate, passionate kiss. Hailey's fingers tangled in Draco's hair, pulling him closer. The world faded away, leaving only the taste of him—the warmth, the urgency.

When they finally broke apart, Hailey stared at him, breathless. "What's wrong?" Draco asked, concern etching his features.

She laughed, her cheeks flushed. "Nothing. It's one's ever kissed me like that before."

Draco arched an eyebrow. "Not even Liam?" he teased.

Hailey scoffed. "Never in a million years could he do that." They both laughed, the tension easing.

And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, Hailey pulled Draco back in, sealing their connection with another kiss—a promise of secrets shared, darkness unraveled, and a love that defied everything.

  Authors note: This chapter was 
  very much inspired by the song    
                  war of hearts.

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