Chapter 3: Midnight talks

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The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as Hailey, Erica, Blair, and Grace settled into their places.

The long wooden tables groaned under the weight of delicious dishes—roast chicken, buttered potatoes, and treacle tart.

Haley's stomach rumbled; she'd been hungry ever since they stepped onto the Hogwarts Express.

"Finally, the feast!" Blair exclaimed, piling mashed peas onto her plate. "I've missed this."

Erica nodded, her fork poised mid-air. "Nothing like Hogwarts food."
Grace grinned, her cheeks flushed. "And the pumpkin pasties! I could eat a dozen."

Haley listened, her eyes scanning the enchanted ceiling. Stars twinkled above, and she wondered what adventures awaited her this year.

Last year had been...complicated. Events she'd rather forget. But now, surrounded by friends, she felt a sense of belonging.

As the feast wound down, the girls excused themselves and made their way to the Slytherin common room.

The emerald-and-silver decor welcomed them—the plush sofas, the intricately carved fireplace, and the view of the Black Lake through the arched windows.

"There's nothing like home," Hailey murmured, sinking into a velvet armchair.

Blair stretched out on the rug. "Agreed. And this year will be different. I can feel it."

Erica perched on the windowsill. "Hopefully not as boring as last year."
Grace raised an eyebrow. "Boring? Last year was full of events..." Grace hesitated, and looked at Hailey, "that should not be spoken of again."

The girls giggled, their laughter echoing off the stone walls. But Hailey remained quiet.

Draco's nod on the train haunted her. What did it mean? Why had he acknowledged her? She'd never been this intrigued by anyone—especially not Malfoy.

"I think I'm just gonna stay here and clear my head," Hailey said suddenly. "
Her roommates exchanged glances.

"you don't wanna come up with us and unpack?" Blair asked.

"I'm okay thanks, I think I'm just gonna stay here for a little while, It's calming," Hailey explained. "And I need to think."

"Okay," Grace said. "well we're gonna head up to our room. See you in a bit." Said Grace.
"Deliver bread," Erica added, winking.


The Slytherin common room lay bathed in shadows, its emerald-and-silver decor softened by the flickering fire. Hailey's footsteps muffled by the plush carpet.

The room was empty—a rare oasis of solitude. She loved it this way—the quietude, the stillness that enveloped her like a protective cloak.
The couch beckoned, its velvet cushions inviting.

Hailey sank into its warmth, her enchanted pen in hand. The nib glowed faintly, eager to translate her thoughts onto parchment.

The fireplace crackled, casting dancing shadows on the stone walls. The quietude settled around her—the kind that existed only in the depths of night, when the world slept and time seemed to pause.

With her long, curly brunette hair falling over her pale skin glycerin in the moonlight, Hailey leaned back.

The moonlight filtered through the arched windows, painting the room in silver hues.

She loved this time—the unpaused world, the moon reflecting off of the black lake beyond the glass. It was as if the castle held its breath, waiting for her next move.

The black lake—not usually everyone's first choice, but in Hailey's eyes it was the most beautiful place on Hogwarts grounds. And it called to her.

Hailey dipped her pen into the inkwell and began to sketch. The water rippled, mirroring the moon above. the merfolk gliding through the depths.

Each stroke carried a piece of her curiosity, her longing. Her deep, Amber, colored,
eyes focused on the parchment.

Then her mind started to wander into dangerous places, Hailey's mind swirled with thoughts as she sat by the common room window, her enchanted pen forgotten on the table.

Draco Malfoy—the name that had once been synonymous with arrogance and disdain now occupied a different space in her consciousness.

She remembered their first year at Hogwarts the snide remarks of being a mudblood, and the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Back then, Draco was a mere boy, all sharp edges and silver-blond hair. But now? Now he was something else entirely.

His transformation hadn't escaped her notice. Hailey's eyes traced the contours of memory the way he'd grown taller, broader.

His jawline was chiseled, no longer softened by youth. His hair, once unruly, now fell in neat waves, framing his face like a dark halo.

And those clothes—oh, those impeccably tailored, jet-black garments. Gone were the oversized robes of their early years.

Draco had embraced a sleek elegance—a style of privilege and power.
He moved differently too graceful, deliberate. No longer the boy who stumbled over his own pride.

Haley's heart fluttered, and she scolded herself. Why did she notice these things? Why did she care? Yet, she couldn't help but wonder...but then disaster struck.

Her inkwell tipped, spilling its inky contents onto her robes. Black splotches bloomed across the fabric, and Haley cursed softly.

"Focus," she scolded herself, wiping her hands on a napkin. "What is wrong with me?"

Draco Malfoy was a distraction a foolish one. She needed to navigate the complexities of Hogwarts, and leave thoughts of him behind.

But as she dabbed at the ink stains, she knew it wouldn't be that easy. Draco lingered a shadow in her mind, a question without an answer. And so, with determination, Hailey vowed to focus on her studies, her friendships, and just getting through another year at Hogwarts.
Hailey sat hunched over her notepad, the enchanted quill in her hand dripping ink onto her robes still. The black lake she was sketching seemed to come alive under her touch, its ripples echoing her own nervousness.

As she hummed a soft tune, Hailey tried to regain her focus. Singing had always helped her calm her racing thoughts.

But tonight, the silence was shattered by an unexpected intrusion. The door swung open, and a tall figure stormed in, casting a shadow across the room.

"Who the hell is making all this noise?" The voice was sharp, annoyed. Hailey's heart skipped a beat. She knew that voice instantly.

it was Malfoy.

She turned slowly, her eyes meeting his icy gaze. "Oh Merlin, no," he muttered, clearly irritated.

Hailey frowned, her ink-stained fingers trembling. "What are you doing up at this ungodly hour?"
She glanced at the clock on the wall it was almost 1 in the morning .

"How did midnight slip by so fast?" Hailey blurted out, panic rising. Draco raised an eyebrow, a sly grin tugging at his lips. "Whoa, calm down ther Groves" he said.

Hailey's cheeks flushed. She was a mess. pajamas, disheveled hair, and ink-spattered clothes. Draco's scrutinizing gaze made her feel even more self-conscious.

"Just working on my drawing." She said with embarrassment. Draco leaned against the doorway, still studying her. "What's with all the black spots on your clothing?" he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Hailey's embarrassment deepened. "It's just ink," she stammered. "From my quill."

"Right," Draco drawled. Hailey got up from the couch, and started frantically gathering her things. "Well, good talk, really." Draco said, his eyes still on her. Hailey's heart raced as she brushed past him, rushing up the stairs.

She could almost hear his sarcastic voice trailing after her: "Good night to you, too." And so, in the quiet of her dormitory, Hailey buried her face in her pillow, as forced herself to try to get some sleep.

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