Chapter 15: Friends

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Hailey's footsteps echoed through the stone corridors as she descended to the Great Hall. The scent of freshly baked bread filled the air, a comforting aroma.

Erica Grace and Blair sat together at the Slytherin table, their heads bent in conversation. Hailey hesitated, her heart pounding. She had been absent for days, lost in her own thoughts, and now faced the daunting task of rejoining her friends.

"Hi, guys," she said, her voice barely audible. "May I sit?"

Blair looked up, her eyes softening. "Of course you can sit with us, Hailey," she replied. "We're best friends, remember? We're here for you, that's all."

Hailey sank onto the bench, relief washing over her. "Thanks," she murmured. "I was scared you were mad at me. I'm sorry for snapping."

Erica reached across the table, squeezing Hailey's hand. "We're not mad," she said. "We're worried. You've been distant lately."

Hailey glanced around the hall, searching for a familiar shock of platinum blonde hair. But Draco was conspicuously absent. How many meals had he missed now? His patterns were all too familiar—shutting people out, disappearing and skipping meals. It wasn't a good sign.

"Maybe he's just busy," Blair suggested, her gaze sympathetic. "You know how intense his family can be."

Hailey nodded, though her worry remained. She had created those patterns once in her life, and she knew their weight. But for now, she chose to ignore them. These were her last few days at Hogwarts before Christmas break, and she wanted to savor every moment. She had to go home soon, back to a reality that felt both comforting and suffocating.

As the Great Hall buzzed with laughter and clinking goblets, Hailey leaned back against the cold stone wall. Shadows danced across the ancient tapestries, and she wondered if Draco was lost in his own darkness.

But for now, she would focus on the warmth of friendship, the taste of buttered toast, and the fleeting magic of these hallowed halls. Christmas awaited, and with it, she was ever so slightly dreading it.


In the cozy dorm room, the anticipation for Slughorn's Christmas party hung thick in the air. Grace, our flustered Slytherin, paced back and forth, her frustration palpable.

"Okay I literally have nothing to wear," she lamented, her voice echoing off the stone walls.

Hailey, rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh my God, stop being such a girl," she teased. "You really have no clothing?"Asked Hailey.

Grace's frustration deepened. "Yes, I mean no—I just don't have anything suitable," she replied, tugging at her hair.

Hailey rose from her bed, crossing the room to stand before Grace. She placed her hands on Grace's shoulders, locking eyes with her. "Grace," she said, her tone half-sarcastic, "you're going to be fine. If you really want, you could borrow one of my dresses. But for Merlin's sake, stop stressing. You're going to get wrinkles."

Grace cracked a smile. "What would I do without you?" she murmured.

Hailey disappeared into the closet, rummaging through hangers and fabrics. She pulled out a white shimmery dress with delicate ruffled sleeves. "Here," she said, holding it up. "It's angelic—just like you."

Grace's frown melted into gratitude. "Oh, stop being such a tease," she mumbled. "I can't wait to wear it tomorrow. It's going to look great on me."

Hailey grinned. "Really, Grace, you're going to look beautiful." She pulled Grace into a hug, their laughter filling the room.

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