Chapter 5: Ravenclaw boys

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Hailey decided to go to Ravenclaw common room to finish her assignment.

with Luna awaited her near the fireplace. Luna's blonde hair cascaded like sunbeams, and her blue eyes, the way she spoke of wrackspurts and nargles as if they were everyday companions. It reminded her of Hannah.

Even though she was a bit odd, Hailey truly enjoyed Luna's company. Sometimes more than her roommates, even Hannah.

"Hey, Luna," Hailey greeted, "hello Hailey, Mind joining me? We've got an assignment to finish."
"Of course, there's a reason why I came to your common room. easier to focus here versus my common room. It's a bit chaotic there at times." Hailey said, With a smile.
"I find Ravenclaw's common room conducive to creativity." Luna replied her voice, gentle and breezy.

As they bent over their textbooks, Hailey noticed a figure lurking in the corner. Liam Heartfound- the witty Ravenclaw boy. Hailey watched him with disbelief.

"We can move if you'd like," Luna suggested, her eyes flickering toward Liam. "Just ignore him." Hailey said.

"Wracksputs, His head is full of them."
Hailey chuckled. "Wracksputs or not, he's insufferable."

"Why did Liam leave?" Luna's question hung in the air, like a forgotten spell. Hailey hesitated, "I really don't know."she admitted her voice barely audible.

her gaze drawn to Liam. His eyes bore into hers—an unyielding scrutiny that sent shivers down her spine. "Merlin, he saw me staring." Panic surged within Hailey. Luna remained calm, her serene expression unwavering. "Just act normal," Luna advised.

But Liam approached, his footsteps deliberate. "Gossiping about me, Groves?" His voice was a blade unsheathed.
Hailey's response was swift—a stern denial. "No."

His smirk was infuriating. "Nice being back. Didn't realize how much I missed the place... even got to missed you a bit." 

Hailey's retort was equally sharp. "Can't say the same for you."
Liam's eyes darkened. "Don't get all bratty now, hey hey"  that used to be Liam's annoying nickname for her, and she hated it when he called her that. even when they were dating.

Hailey stood, her spine straightening. "You have no rights to call me that anymore. Now leave me and Luna alone so I can get back to my homework. Which I know you don't care about considering your grades."

"I just got back that's no way to treat a fellow friend or shall I say- "would you like to join us or not?" Luna cutting in.
"Hell no" Liam scoffed. 
"Figure's" Hailey said under her breath.
"What did you say?" Liam said accusingly.
"Good bye Liam" Luna said a bit too politely.

The boy pushed his messy hazelnut hair off the side of his face, so he can look Hailey up and down one last time-"looking forward to seeing you again Groves."
And with that, the boy disappeared down the hall. 


As the moon cast its silvery glow through the frost-kissed window, Hailey sat on the edge of her narrow bed, her fingers trembling as she unfolded the letter.

The parchment was crisp, the ink stark against the white surface. Her father's handwriting, sharp and unforgiving—seemed to pierce her very soul.
it began, 

"dear Hailey, I expect you home for winter break. No excuses."
                                    -Love Dad

September was too early for winter break talk. The leaves still clung to the trees, reluctant to surrender to the biting cold. But her father's demands knew no season.

Ever since the accident, the one they never spoke of. He had become a different man. Cruelty dripped from his every word, etching scars on Hailey's fragile heart.

He pretended to care, of course. His letters were laced with false concern, as if he longed for her presence. But Hailey knew better.

The moment she stepped into their modest home, he'd assign her chores—endless tasks to keep her busy, to keep her away from him. Conversations would be stilted, strained. His eyes would avoid hers, and the silence would scream louder than any words.

She was an only child, caught in the web of her parents' fractured love. Her mother, the ethereal woman who had been her refuge. The Beautifullest and brightest witch, as Hailey often thought of her. But her mother was gone now, lost to a world beyond magic and Muggles.

Her father, a Muggle, Why had her mother fallen for him? Hailey wondered... Perhaps it was the way he looked at her, as if she held galaxies within her eyes. Or maybe it was the warmth of his touch.

But magic had bound her mother's heart, and magic had taken her away. And now, Hailey sat alone in her dormitory, torn between two worlds.

Her father would never understand the way her mother had whispered spells into her hair, He'd never grasp the ache of longing for a mother who wove enchantments into bedtime stories, who kissed away nightmares with whispered incantations.

To him, magic was a foreign language, a puzzle he couldn't solve, a reminder of what ended his beloved wife.

And so, Hailey folded the letter, tucking it beneath her pillow. Winter break loomed a collision of past and present, of love and resentment.

She would go home, endure the chores, and perhaps steal moments with Hannah.

That was the only good thing about being home she could hang out with Hannah again.
Hannah was her closest escape.

And so is Hogwarts. That's why it's so dear to her. Her father's probably just scared of what will happen to her at Hogwarts, What happened to her mother, What will happen to her if she's out of touch from him, he wants to be in full control and that made her furious.

And with everything else that happened today she needed a distraction. further than just being at Hogwarts itself.

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