Chapter 17: Blood stains

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The last class before winter break was always a mix of anticipation and exhaustion. Hailey, sat next to Blair, both of them eager for the upcoming holiday. The classroom was filled with excitement, but little did they know that this day would take a dark turn.

As Professor Snape droned on about potion ingredients, Blair shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her eyes darted to the window, where snowflakes danced lazily outside. She had always been a bit clumsy, but today seemed worse. When she reached for her cauldron, her hand slipped, and the glass vial shattered. A shard of glass pierced right through her palm, and crimson blood welled up.

Hailey noticed immediately. "Blair, you're bleeding!" she whispered urgently. She grabbed her friend's hand, trying to stem the flow. Blair winced but managed a weak smile.

"It's fine, Hailey. Just a little cut." But the blood kept seeping, staining her robes and the floor. Panic flickered in Blair's eyes.

"Professor!" Hailey called out, waving frantically. Snape glanced over, annoyance etched on his face. But when he saw the blood, his expression changed. He hurried to Blair's side, muttering incantations to heal the wound. Hailey watched, her own hands now smeared with Blair's blood.

"Take her to the hospital wing," Snape ordered, his voice unusually gentle. Hailey nodded, supporting Blair as they stumbled out of the classroom. The corridor blurred as they hurried down the dimly lit halls. Blair's breaths came in shallow gasps, and Hailey's heart raced.

In the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey worked swiftly, her wand weaving intricate patterns. Blair's wound closed, leaving only a faint scar. But Hailey couldn't shake off the blood that clung to her skin. The nurse glanced at her sympathetically.

"Miss Groves, you should wash up," Madam Pomfrey said. "You've done well, but you're covered in blood."

Hailey nodded and stumbled to the bathroom. She turned on the tap, but the water seemed useless against the stubborn stains. Panic clawed at her chest. Hailey has had experience with panic attacks in the past, but this was far worse. She couldn't bear the sight of her blood-soaked hands. Her breaths quickened, as she started getting flashbacks from that night, and darkness closed in.

And then Draco Malfoy walked in.

He had ignored her for weeks, and Hailey was still mad at him. But right now, she couldn't think of anyone else she'd want by her side. Draco's silver eyes widened as he took in the scene—the blood, the panic etched on Hailey's face.

"Hailey, are you okay?" His voice was surprisingly gentle. She didn't answer, just turned away, her back to him. Her trembling hands gripped the sink's edge.

Draco stepped closer, assessing the situation. Blood stained her nails, her sleeves, her shirt. It was everywhere. "It won't come off," Hailey snapped, her voice raw.

He didn't hesitate. Draco took her hands, his touch delicate. With a cloth, he wiped away the blood, each stroke gentle and precise. Hailey watched him, her breath hitching. His fingers moved over hers, erasing the evidence of her panic.

"Look at me," Draco said softly. Hailey met his gaze, her eyes wide. "You're okay now. Breathe."

And for the first time, Hailey believed him. As the blood faded, so did her panic. Draco's presence anchored her. She didn't know what had changed between them, but right now, it didn't matter. He had saved her from drowning in fear.


The dimly lit corridor stretched ahead, its stone walls echoing their footsteps. Hailey's heart raced, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. Draco walked beside her, his presence both comforting and unnerving. She had never expected this—him wiping away her panic.

Draco broke the silence. "So do you usually have panic attacks?" His voice was softer than usual, as if he were treading on fragile ground.

Hailey hesitated, then decided to be honest. "I used to have them a lot as a child. Now, not as much—just occasionally. But when they hit, they're bad."

He nodded, understanding flickering in his silver eyes. "You handled it pretty well back there," Draco said, surprising her.

"No, I didn't," Hailey scoffed. "I was practically drowning in fear."

"At least you didn't pass out or scream," he countered.

"So what now?" Hailey asked, her voice edged with vulnerability. "You're the expert on panic attacks, Malfoy."

He glanced at her, his expression unreadable. "Well, I've had a few myself. I know how it feels to be trapped in darkness."

Hailey blinked. She hadn't expected that admission. "Wow," she said softly. "I didn't know."

"Yeah, well, I don't really publicize it," Draco replied, a hint of sarcasm
in his tone.

But then Hailey laughed, a genuine, unguarded laugh. "You're full of surprises, Malfoy."

He stopped, turning to face her. "Draco," he corrected. "Call me Draco."

And in that moment, something shifted. Hailey turned fully toward him, her eyes locking with his. "Thank you, Draco," she said, her voice raw with emotion. "For being there."

He didn't look away. "You're welcome, Hailey." His breath brushed against her cheek, and she felt the pull, the unspoken connection between them.

Time seemed to pause. Hailey saw Draco's true colors, the vulnerability, the pain, the longing, all reflected in his eyes. She was so close to him that she could feel his heartbeat, sense the turmoil within him.

She couldn't help but stare into those stunning eyes, and he couldn't help but stare into hers. Just two broken teenagers who found each other at the right time.

Draco blinked, stepping back. "Well," he cleared his throat, "I hope you have a good holiday, Hailey."

And then he left, disappearing down the corridor. Hailey stood there, her heart racing, wondering if this fragile bond they'd forged would survive the break.

As she walked back to her dorm, Hailey clung to the memory of his touch, his comforting words. Winter break loomed ahead, but in that moment, she knew that some connections were meant to endure, even in the darkest of times.

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