Chapter 20: Unexpected encounters

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Hailey stepped through the heavy oak doors of the Slytherin common room, her heart fluttering with anticipation. The familiar scent of old books and polished wood enveloped her, and she realized she had missed this place more than she'd ever admit. The crackling fire in the hearth danced, casting flickering shadows on the stone walls.

As she crossed the room, her footsteps echoing, a voice called out from behind her. "Hailey!" The syllables hung in the air, both unexpected and comforting. She turned, her eyes widening as she saw the person approaching.

Erica, rushed toward her. Without hesitation, she enveloped Hailey in a tight hug. "Merlin's beard, I've missed you!" Erica exclaimed, her laughter echoing off the walls.

Hailey returned the hug, feeling warmth flood her chest. "Erica," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "I missed you too."

Together, they walked toward their shared dorm room, Erica's arm draped casually around Hailey's shoulders. The familiar tapestries depicting serpents and silver-green banners greeted them as they ascended the staircase. Hailey's heart swelled with a sense of belonging.

Inside the room, Grace and Blair, we're already unpacking their trunks, chatting animatedly. Grace, with her wild curls and mischievous grin, looked up first. "Hailey, Erica!" she exclaimed, leaping to her feet. "You're back!"

Blair, smiled warmly. "Welcome home guys," she said, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

Hailey received hugs from both of them, the camaraderie of their shared space wrapping around her like a protective cloak. "It's good to be back," she admitted, sinking onto her bed. "Tell me everything—how were your holidays?"

And so, the four girls settled in, their voices blending into a symphony of laughter. Hailey listened, her heart swelling with gratitude. These were her people, although she did miss Hannah already, these are the ones who understood and shared her love for magic.


After a few days the familiar rhythm of school life resumed. Wake up, attend classes, tackle homework, eat, sleep, repeat. the routine was monotonous, but it kept her grounded. Tonight, however, she found herself unable to focus in the Slytherin common room.

Determined to make progress on her Transfigurations assignment, Hailey descended to the library. The shelves loomed tall, their spines adorned with ancient tomes. She squinted at the titles, rubbing her eyes to stay awake. The library was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of pages.

And then, out of nowhere, a girl popped out from behind a bookshelf, startling Hailey. If she hadn't been alert before, she certainly was now. The girl's eyes sparkled mischievously, and her name—Daisy—came back to Hailey in a rush.

"Hi, Hailey," Daisy greeted. "I haven't seen you in a while."

Hailey blinked. "Me neither," she replied.

Daisy leaned in, her voice conspiratorial. "What are you working on?"

"Transfigurations homework," Hailey replied. "Fascinating stuff, really." Daisy said.

Hailey nodded, her confusion growing. Why was Daisy suddenly so chatty? As Hailey turned to grab another book, Daisy tapped her on the shoulder.

"You look...very tired," Daisy observed.

Hailey stifled a yawn. "Yes, I am."

"Well," Daisy said, her words tumbling out, "would you like me to do your homework for you?"

Hailey's eyebrows shot up. "I'm sorry, what?"

Daisy's eyes widened. "You said you were tired," she explained. "I'm just trying to do you a favor. Let me handle your homework."

Caught off guard, Hailey hesitated. "I mean, sure," she finally said. "Thanks."

Daisy deftly took the books from Hailey's hands. "I'll return them to you tomorrow," she promised, then sprinted off into the labyrinth of shelves.

Hailey watched her go, "Well that was weird." Hailey said a bit too loudly. As she settled back into her seat, another student shot her an annoyed look. Hailey offered an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, forgot," she whispered. "Sorry."

As Hailey stumbled back down to her dorm, the buzz of students returning from Hogsmeade surrounded her. The air was thick with whispers. She pushed open the door to her room, and her roommates converged on her like a flock of curious birds.

"Hailey, did you hear what happened?" Grace's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

Hailey shook her head. "No, what happened?"

Blair leaned in, her voice filled with fervor. "A student got cursed today."

Hailey's confusion deepened. "Who? What are you talking about?"

Erica, observing the situation, stepped forward. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest. "It was Katie Bell," she said, her tone hushed.

Katie Bell—the name echoed in Hailey's mind. She knew Katie, of course, she used to play Quidditch with her. But why would someone curse her?

As Hailey tried to process this unexpected piece of gossip, weariness settled over her. Tonight felt different, more draining than usual. She loved discussing rumors and mysteries, but right now, her eyelids drooped, and her mind begged for rest.

"Thanks for filling me in," Hailey mumbled, her voice heavy with fatigue. She collapsed onto her bed, and before her friends could continue dissecting the incident, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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