Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Authors note: this chapter is a bit long, but I hope you guys like it ;)

Hailey stumbled down the dimly lit corridor, her mumbling echoing off the walls. Firewhisky had a way of turning even the most composed Slytherin into a giggling mess.

She clung to the wall for support, her vision blurred, and her steps unsteady.

Grace, had tried to dissuade her. "Hailey," Grace's voice had been tinged with concern, "Are you sure you'll be all right on your own? It's late, and you're practically swaying."

Hailey had waved her off, her words slurred. "I'm fine, Grace. Just need some fresh air. Malfoy's not the only one who can play the hero." She'd winked, her bravado fueled by the alcohol, she consumed.

And so, Hailey had stumbled out of the common room, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. Draco Malfoy had saved her from her ex, his silver eyes flashing with unexpected kindness. She'd never expected him to care, especially not about some 'random girl'.

But now, as she leaned against the cold stone wall, Draco appeared like a specter. His pale hair glinted under the moonlight, and his expression was a mix of annoyance and something else something she couldn't quite decipher.

"Lost your way, Groves?" His voice was low, almost conspiratorial.

She giggled, swaying toward him. "Draco Malfoy, my knight in shining armor. And I must be the damsel in distress!"

He blushed, just a hint of pink dusting his cheeks, but didn't show it."Don't let it get to your head. I'm just making sure you don't end up sleeping in the Great Hall."

"Ah, the infamous Great Hall accommodations," she teased. "But really, Malfoy, why bother? You don't actually care about me, do you?"

His eyes flickered with sarcasm, and for a moment, she saw something vulnerable. "oh my god do you?" Hailey giggled even louder. "I'm just helping you back to your dorm. That's all."

They stood there, awkward and silent, the tension palpable. Hailey swayed again, and Draco caught her arm. "You're impossible," he muttered, but his grip was gentle.

Together, they stumbled down the corridor. Hailey's laughter echoed, and Draco's annoyance melted into something else. She leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body. "I'd probably be sleeping in the Great Hall if you weren't helping me..."she confessed, as they finally walked inside the common room.

Draco's patience waned. "Do you think you'll be fine here?" he asked, his voice gruff. "Yeah," she slurred. He turned to leave, but she grabbed his wrist. He spun around, his eyes searching hers. Her fingers brushing his.

"But Draco, really, why did you help me tonight?"

Millimeters apart, she could see the specks of blue in his irises. This was the first time she'd touched his bare skin; It was softer than she imagined. His wrist had slipped from her grasp, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever. The warmth of his touch lingered, a phantom sensation against her skin.

"Don't expect me to be rescuing you every time," he snapped. His stormy eyes had held a mixture of frustration and concern. And then he'd stormed out, leaving her stranded in the silence.

The common room lay deserted, its emerald-and-silver banners hanging still. Hailey's heart raced as Draco's words echoed in her mind.

Hailey swayed, her drunken haze amplifying the emptiness around her. She was alone, truly alone—no one is there. They were all the party, or just ready already in bed.

The room spun, and she clung to the edge of a plush armchair. How much Firewhisky had she consumed? It was supposed to be a night of revelry, not this disorienting descent into darkness.

Her fingers trembled, and panic clawed at her chest. This wasn't mere drunkenness; something was wrong. She tried to call for help, but her voice emerged as a feeble whisper.

Blackness enveloped her. The world blurred, and she fell to the floor.


The next morning, Hailey awoke in her bed, her head throbbing with pain, The room spun - "You scared us!" Grace's worried face hovered over her.

"What happened?" Erica and Blair asked in sync.
Hailey blinked, disoriented. "I... I don't remember."

Erica chimed in. "We found you passed out on the common room floor when we got back from the party. I think you bumped your head, when you fell." Hailey's fingers grazed the bandage covering the sore spot. "Stupid! Don't touch it." Grace scolded. Erica put a hand on Grace's shoulder, and gave her a too harsh kinda look. "Sorry Hailey." Grace whispered.

"Can you believe it? You somehow made it back to the dorm though" Erica exclaim. Hailey's heart raced as memories flooded Her brain of  what really happened last night.

"Something was off about last night... " Hailey said, thinking back to last night. "Well obviously! you got really drunk." Erica exclaimed. "But that's the thing, I didn't drink enough fire whiskey to get drunk..."

Her friends exchanged glances. "Are you sure?" Blair asked. Hailey hesitated. "Did you guys see the purple glittery drinks? I think it was spiked with some weird potion. I guess I just had a bad reaction to it"

Erica shook her head. "Are you sure, I mean, the only one to have the nerve to spike drinks with potions is like I don't know...Liam." Erica said dramatically. But then she stopped when she seen Hailey and Grace exchanging worried glances.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?" Erica asked, raising an eyebrow. She glanced at Blair, "Don't look at me. I'm as confused as you are." She said, holding her hands up defensively.

Hailey cleared her throat, "Liam is back in school..." she said, not making eye contact with any of them.
"You're lying!" said Erica, confused as why that boy would be back.

"You were there Grace tell her" Hailey exclaimed. "Guys she not lying... unfortunately. And he was hovering around Hailey, like a total weirdo." Said Grace. 

"Well I guess we can take you to the hospital wing to be tested. just to make sure. But I had the same drinks as you did and nothing happened." Erica said.

"Well maybe the reason why Liam was 'hovering' over Hailey so much, is because he was trying to slip her some rubbish potion... love one perhaps." Blair said, trying to reason.

"Well in that case, I'm gonna bring Hailey to the hospital wing, because we have absolutely no idea what crap potion Hailey might still have in her system." Erica said, already gathering her stuff to walk out the door.

Grace helped Hailey climb out of bed. Considering she was still a bit hazy. And then they left the dorm.


The hospital wing's sterile scent clung to Hailey as Madam Pomfrey declared her fit. "You're fine, darling. Back to class with you." Hailey nodded, her head still throbbing.

Erica accompanied her out into the sunlit corridor. "Weird," Hailey mumbled. "I guess I did just drink too much last night." Erica rolled her eyes. "Stop overthinking it. You'll be fine."

"What class do you have now?" Erica asked.
"Potions," Hailey replied. "You?"
"Herbology," Erica said, her expression a slight frown.

"I can't believe you don't like it. It's one of my favorite subjects." Hailey said, trying to cheer her up.
"You're not serious" Erica said giving Hailey a dirty look.

Hailey grinned. "Okay, maybe not one of my favorites, but you know what I mean." She winked at her friend, and together, they stepped into the bustling Hogwarts corridors.

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