Chapter 11: the gift

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it's been a few week since the party.
Hailey went to go sit in the common room by the fireplace.

The common room was quiet yet somehow still loud; the hushed whispers of students, the distant echoes of laughter, and the occasional rustle of parchment.

She pulled out her worn note pad, its pages filled with random sketches and thoughts. The quill hovered above the blank page, ready to capture her imagination.

But after a few moments, nothing really came to her. She decided to put her quilt and paper down and just head down to the great hall.

The Great Hall bathed in sunlight, its stained glass windows casting kaleidoscopic patterns on the stone floor. Hailey's footsteps echoed as she entered, her mind still swirling with memories of her birthday. The air smelled of pumpkin pasties and anticipation.

Luna Lovegood sat alone at a corner table, her dreamy eyes fixed on something unseen. Hailey hesitated, then approached. "Mind if I join?" she asked, her voice softer than usual.
Luna looked up, her smile genuine. "Of course, Hailey. Sit."

"How was your birthday?" Luna's question hung in the air, delicate as a spider's silk. "I heard about Liam," she added, her eyes full of empathy.
Hailey sighed. "Everyone seems to know. It was supposed to be a Slytherin affair, but Liam crashed the party."
She traced the rim of her goblet, avoiding Luna's gaze.

"And what did you do?" Luna leaned in, her curiosity genuine.
"We retreated to our dorm," Hailey confessed. "My roommates threw a small after-party. Honestly, I preferred that to the whole Slytherin spectacle. Their intentions were good, though."

Luna's smile widened. "Next year will be better," she assured. "Birthdays have a way of surprising us."

As if on cue, Harry, Hermione, and Ron appeared. Hailey's heart skipped a beat when Harry glanced at her, almost as if he didn't recognize her. "Hi, Groves," he said, his smile awkward.

"Hello, Harry," Hailey replied, her nod stiff. She adjusted her robes, suddenly feeling out of place. "Goodbye, Harry," she mumbled, ready to escape.

"But where are you going?" Luna protested.
Hailey smirked. "I can take a hint. Besides, it seems Harry has something important to discuss with you." She retreated to the Slytherin table, her friends eyeing her curiously.

Yet, even as she settled among her housemates, she felt Draco's gaze. Across the slitherin table, he glared at her with a fury that ignited her skin. Why did he always wear his emotions so openly? She pushed the thought away, focusing on her meal.

The dungeons echoed with the clatter of students' footsteps, and Hailey found herself hurrying to Potions class. Professor Slughorn awaited them, she actually enjoyed potions this year. Compared to the years prior with Snape, his gaze was as sharp as the potions ingredients lining the shelves.

As she stepped out of the Great Hall, Draco Malfoy materialized beside her. His silver-blond hair caught the light.

"Why were you speaking with Potter?" he demanded, his voice a low hiss.
Hailey rolled her eyes. "I wasn't. I said two words to him, and that's it." The tension between them crackled like static, and she wondered why Draco cared about her interactions with Harry.

They entered the dimly lit classroom, and curious glances followed them. Hailey took her seat, and Draco settled into his own. Today's history of magic partner was Daisy william from Gryffindor, a girl with freckles and a perpetual smile.

Daisy chattered about her favorite magical creatures while Hailey half-listened. Her mind kept drifting to Draco.

Mid-class, a folded paper flew on top Hailey's desk. She glanced around, but no one seemed to notice. Unfolding it, she read the elegant script:
"Meet me at the Black Lake tonight at seven. — Draco"

Her heartbeat quickened. What game was he playing?

Hailey turned to him, her expression unreadable. She shot a puzzle look at him, but Draco's smirk widened, and he leaned back, his eyes dancing with challenge. He didn't speak, merely turned away to bury himself in his textbook.


The Black Lake lay still, its inky surface reflecting the moon above. Hailey, wrapped in her Slytherin robes, descended the stone steps leading to the water's edge. The chill of the October night nipped at her skin, but determination fueled her steps. She had to find Draco.

"Draco," she whispered, her voice barely audible against the rustling leaves. "Are you here?"

No response. Only the distant echo of her own words and the eerie sounds emanating from the surrounding woods. Hailey's grip tightened on her wand as she scanned the shadows. Something moved, a flicker of movement among the trees. Her heart raced.

Before she could flee, a collision sent her stumbling backward. A gasp escaped her lips as she collided with someone solid. Panic surged through her until she recognized the familiar platinum-blond hair.

"Damnit, Draco," Hailey scolded, her relief turning into annoyance. "You scared me."

Draco's concern softened his features. "Are you all right?" he asked, still holding onto her.

Their eyes locked, and Hailey's breath hitched. It was like déjà vu, the same intensity she'd felt during that night in the common room.

"I'm fine," she managed to say, clearing her throat. "But what's this?" She gestured to the small purple velvet bag he held.

"It's your birthday present," Draco replied, his expression unreadable. "Open it."

Hailey's fingers trembled as she untied the delicate ribbon. Inside, nestled within folds of velvet, lay a silver necklace—a crescent moon charm dangling from its chain. Its beauty stole her breath away.

"It's... beautiful," Hailey whispered, her eyes wide. She couldn't find the right words.

Draco's gaze never wavered. "I wanted to give you something special," he said. "I saw how fascinated you were with the moon that night on the astronomy tower."

Hailey hesitated, her heart fluttering. "I don't know what to say."

"Here, let me" Draco urged gently. He took the necklace from her trembling hands, his touch sending shivers down her spine. The cold metal met her warm skin, and she felt its weight settle against her collarbone.

"Like the Muggle books," Hailey thought, "but better."

"There," Draco murmured, stepping back. "it's perfect." Draco said, Looking at the necklace.

Hailey turned to face him, the moonlight casting shadows across his features. The necklace glimmered, its crescent moon catching the light. She couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer, and she decided to ask the question she been wanting to ask for a very long time now.

"Draco," she began innocently, "why are you so nice to me?"

He hesitated, his gray eyes searching hers. "Honestly, I don't know," he whispered. "I just am." And in that moment Hailey knew as she stared into his gray eyes, something was different tonight in Draco.

"Would you like me to walk you back to the castle?" Draco offered, breaking the silence between them.

Hailey nodded, her heart racing. "Yeah, that would be nice."

And so, in the quiet of the night, they stepped toward the castle, their footsteps echoing across the water, leaving ripples in their wake.

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